global variation

Chapter 106 Execution

Chapter 106 Execution
"Bloody sputtering! Framed!" Wei Guodong shouted loudly, "It must be these people, right? These people must have framed me in order to shirk responsibility!"

"Oh? These people?" Zhang Chu sneered and said, "Are these people prophets? Did they know in advance that you would punish them for failing to defend? Well, if they know that this will happen, then, just explain, So many people have predicted in advance that they will be attacked by infected people, but as the supreme commander, why didn't you judge this?"

"I...I..." Wei Guodong is not Zhang Chu's opponent after all.

"They predicted that this time it might be a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, so they advised you to be careful, but you were headstrong and tried your best to attack, and finally led to this big mistake." Zhang Chu said coldly.

Wei Guodong stopped talking.

Zhang Chu also said: "Also, general commanders, if they find that the church's troops are approaching the urban area of ​​Zhanhai, the first thing to do is to contact the Zhanhai theater resistance organization or government armed forces to stop them, and you play by ear. "

"It's at least five hours away from downtown Zhanhai." Zhang Chu's tone became more severe, "You chase from here, far less effective than the resistance organization in the Zhanhai theater. But as far as I know, you What they did was to send encrypted emails to the headquarters of the Zhanhai resistance organization and the armed forces of the coalition government, telling them to stand still, and I want to know why.”

"That...that's because I want them to preserve their strength and prevent..." Wei Guodong said tremblingly.

He who was arrogant and domineering just now has no arrogance at this time, and he is obviously at a disadvantage.

Zhang Chu sneered again and said: "It's really interesting. Now the main exhibition area of ​​Guangdong Province is City Z. The rebel organization and the government armed forces have reached a consensus. Except for the fortress of life, all armed forces must give priority to supporting the battle in City Z. You, but in Do you think I should trust you when you say such nonsense that you want Zhanhai Theater to preserve its power at this time?"


"I think there is probably only one real reason, that is, you are so overjoyed, and you want to make contributions through this blockade, but unfortunately, you are afraid that others will compete with you, so you came up with the idea of ​​transferring me back to the Fortress of Life, so that Zhan It's a bad idea for the resistance organizations and government forces in the Haicheng District to stand still!"

Zhang Chu approached Wei Guodong step by step, and said, "do you still have the face to say that you want to punish these soldiers who risked their lives to protect the base?"

"I..." Wei Guodong gritted his teeth.

"Do you have the face to question me here?" Zhang Chu was aggressive.

I couldn't help but start applauding him.

"I...what do you want!" Wei Guodong suddenly pushed his hands, and Zhang Chu was pushed back a few steps by him. Wei Guodong, who jumped over the wall in a hurry, finally showed his most rascal nature, pointed at Zhang Chu, and yelled Roaring: "Yes, I just want to make meritorious deeds, what's the matter?! What do you want!"

"Since you admit it, you will be punished." Zhang Chu said calmly.

"Punishment? Shut up, come on, shut up! I didn't inject any bullshit concentrate, shut it up if you want!" Wei Guodong said through gritted teeth.

"Confinement? That's running away from battle," Zhang Chu said. "It caused huge losses to the base, and countless soldiers died tragically. I don't think confinement is enough."

"Then what are you going to do!" Wei Guodong was still yelling.

Zhang Chu took a few steps back and kept a certain distance from Wei Guodong.

I held my breath, and I was waiting for Zhang Chu to order. To be honest, until this moment, I was still a little afraid that Zhang Chu would be punished lightly because of the identity of the other party.

If Wei Guodong is not driven out of the base, I think the same thing will probably happen again.

With his back to Wei Guodong, Zhang Chu walked further and further away, as if he was thinking about something.

Perhaps, he is also very embarrassed?
His embarrassment made Wei Guodong unscrupulous again, opened his arms, and yelled: "How about it, tell me what you want, say it! Okay, can I be wrong, I will plead guilty at the Fortress of Life tomorrow, the big deal Rest for a few days, the frontline battle, I will trouble you in the future..."



Everyone was stunned at this moment.

At the moment when Wei Guodong was still clamoring for pride, Zhang Chu suddenly turned around. No one knew when he took out his gun or pulled the trigger.All I saw was a gushing of blood gushing out of Wei Guodong's head, and he fell backwards, slamming hard against the podium, with a muffled sound, his limp body rolled over and fell on the ground. Below the "stage", there was only blood splattered, and a blood band that was neither long nor short.

Sitting sideways, I could see all this so clearly that I was about to cry out.

There was deathly silence, and it was not until more than ten seconds later that the guys on the stage who were holding guns who were about to execute Mo Ge and the others realized that they were aiming at Zhang Chu at the same time.

"Who dares to move?" Zhang Chu said coldly.

At the same time, Tu Shu also brought several soldiers of the resistance organization forward from the sideways. I saw Ah Meng and Zhu Ming among the group of people. It seems that as long as those seven or eight soldiers do anything unfavorable to Zhang Chu, they will immediately explode.

"You What are you going to do? Are you going to mutiny?" Unexpectedly, among the seven or eight soldiers, Wei Guodong's loyalists were still there. At this time, he yelled at Zhang Chu.

Zhang Chu said unhurriedly: "I didn't want to kill him at first, but... I think I can't be sorry for the dead comrades in arms. There are hundreds of people dead here, so I will kill one of them, and use his life to offset this Hundreds of wronged souls, do you think he was wronged?"

"You Zhang Chuyou..." The man raised his hand and said, "Who gave you the right..."

"The law of the resistance organization, give me the right." Zhang Chu remained calm, "The law of the resistance organization stipulates that the commander of the theater can restrain and punish the commanders of any sub-base in the theater. If they make major mistakes, they can be dealt with according to the law. So For a long time, I have been putting up with Wei Guodong, but he is getting more and more aggressive, more and more outrageous, if it is an ordinary soldier, or even an ordinary officer, he has already been dealt with by the military law, and I did not kill him until today, he is already dead It's not wrong."


The man wanted to say something, but Zhang Chu didn't give him any chance. He took a step forward and came to the podium. Facing all the people in the audience, I looked around again in a daze. I found that most of the People didn't seem to be overwhelmed, and many people even showed expressions of extreme horror. I think that group of people should be Wei Guodong's cronies.

Zhang Chu didn't care about our expressions at all, and ordered: "Now, I will take over all the offshore bases, and I and the outpost base team will arrange all the affairs. Next, I will rearrange the defense of the major bases in Z City Structure, everyone, must remember every sentence I say next, and if any problems arise in the future, all punishment will be in accordance with the law of the resistance organization, understand?"

"Yes!" Everyone straightened their backs as if waking up from a dream.

I glanced at Lin Wan beside me, she didn't look at me at this time, her expression seemed to have a different kind of complexity, I don't know what she was thinking.

Zhang Chu continued: "All the survivors of this battle are all staying at the offshore base. No one is allowed to leave the base for half a step without permission, otherwise they will be treated as deserters. During the reconstruction of the base defense system, cancel all The advanced genetic code account, everyone, can only freely enter and exit the room where they are resting, and all public places except restaurants, entertainment facilities, and training grounds are entered by manual verification."

His tone was extremely stern, and he said: "I can tell you that among you people, one, or two, or a few people are now traitors, and it is these traitors who introduced the infected into the weakly defended underground power generation facilities. , It was also them who killed our friends, comrades-in-arms, brothers and sisters! From today on, I not only ask you to strengthen your defenses, but also to supervise each other, do you hear me!"


Everyone answered loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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