global variation

Chapter 107 Special Operations Group 1 Team Leader

Chapter 107

My heart trembled.

Although I don't know how Zhang Chu judged that the traitor was still among our group of people, but I know very well that he must have a bottom line in his heart, otherwise he would never use this method to knock the mountain.

I turned my head to look at Lin Wan, but Lin Wan happened to be looking at me too.

When their eyes collided, Lin Wan couldn't help but frowned and said, "Guess who it is."

"I don't know." I spread my hands and said, "It's impossible for me to know. I haven't recognized all the people here."

"Actually," Lin Wan whispered, "he could be everyone here."

"What do you mean?"

"If the enemy has really mastered the control of the rotten face black blood leech, then it can use it to record the genetic information of anyone's face, and it works without anyone noticing it. We don't even know it at all. He has already been parasitized by him." Lin Wan said, "Then, they can take advantage of this and immediately change their appearance. Therefore, whether it is a dead person or a non-dead person, it may be a fake. Not only It's you and me, including Zhang Chu on the stage..."

My heart became more and more nervous, but I still pretended to be joking and said, "Then, are you fake?"

"Me?" Lin Wan suddenly smiled and said, "If I'm not wrong, this traitor should be a man... Do you want to see if I'm a man?"

"I...I don't want to..." I was taken aback. I didn't expect Lin Wan to show such an ambiguous attitude to me again, so I hurriedly moved back a little, changed the subject, and said, "Why do you Do you know he must be a man?"

"The rotten-faced black blood leech only changes the appearance, it cannot change the overall genes, nor can it change the physical characteristics." Lin Wan said, "Zhang Chu has obviously discovered this. The reason why the guy was able to hide in the base before was not It was discovered that, in fact, it was not only because of his ability to disguise himself, but more importantly, he had invaded the defense system of the base through a virus, making his own genetic code information independent, becoming a set of effective genetic accounts, and it is likely to be Premium account."

"No wonder Zhang Chu wants to cancel all the high-level accounts."

"Yes, the next thing he has to do is to check the account. It seems that Li Jin is busy." Lin Wan smiled lightly.

"So... the person we saw before seems to have always been dressed as a man." I analyzed, "Whether it is outside the door of the dormitory where I live or on the computer screen in the central fort, it is all men. ..."

"Yes, he has no way to change his physical characteristics, it is impossible to dress up as a woman, and there is no need for such trouble." Lin Wan said, "So, I should doubt whether you are real."

"Me? Of course I'm real."

"Hmph, of course I know," Lin Wan said, "I know every part of your body well."

"You..." I didn't know what to say for a while, I just felt that my face was a little hot.

At this time, Zhang Chu on the stage broke the embarrassment between me and Lin Wan when he spoke: "From today onwards, all positions will be redistributed, and everyone will work in their positions. unauthorized conduct."

He cleared his throat and began to reassign positions: "Mo Ge, the supreme commander of the offshore base; Shao Guangyi, the combat commander of the garrison area of ​​the offshore base; Tu Shu, the deputy commander of the garrison area of ​​the offshore base, and is also in charge of all soldiers. Training, security monitoring, and supervision of all commanders and soldiers on the base..."

Next, he said a few names that I was not familiar with, and then began to reassign the team members.

It wasn't until he started assigning the group that I didn't know how many people we had died this time.

The original team of recruits was at least 14 people, and the team of veterans was 30 people, but now the team of veterans has been reduced to about ten people. Listening to Zhang Chu's words, those names can be counted as survivors. The name made me feel sore in my heart.Is this the so-called war?When will such a war end, and how many times will such a large-scale death incident happen before we can be considered victorious?I don't know, and I can't see clearly the extremely confused road ahead.

"Next, assign the recruit team." Zhang Chu said again, "In this battle, the recruits ran away extremely seriously. I don't want to see it again. If this happens again, then the military law is ruthless!"

No one dared to speak, and the auditorium was eerily silent.

"The first team, that is, the special operations team—" Zhang Chu paused, and said, "You are running out of numbers. I would rather believe that what is left of you are elites, not luck!"

"Members of the special warfare team, Chu Tingsheng, Yitian, Huang Qian, Zheng Long, Lin Qian, Li Wentian, He Fan, and Chu Tingsheng are the captains." Zhang Chu's tone was very calm, but these words were heard in my ears, But it became a clap of thunder, not just me, I noticed that countless eyes were looking at me from all directions, making me extremely uncomfortable.When I entered the resistance organization as a "recruit injected with the strongest concentrate", perhaps many people already had some opinions on me. At this time, I was pushed to the forefront.

However, Zhang Chu’s decision cannot be refuted by anyone. Every sentence he said is not a discussion or inquiry, but an order, and everyone just needs to execute it.

I stood upright, tried to keep calm, and sat in the position without squinting.

Zhang Chu calmly continued to allocate the personnel lists of the second and third teams.

The total number of recruits is less than 100, maybe even less than 80, and many of them have already been locked up, such as Zhang Ziyang.

After I calmed down a bit, I began to think about our team members. If I heard correctly, besides the few people I knew, there were three people whom I had never gotten along with, Lin Qian, Li Wentian, and He Fan.This is that person, I don’t know whether it’s a man or a woman, even if I met him, I haven’t spoken to him, and with the addition of Huang Qian, who was born with a prejudice against me, my heart started beating non-stop, I don’t know How to control this seemingly small team with many problems.

After the recruits were grouped, Zhang Chu began to assign researcher tasks and work locations.

He seemed to have noticed every detail, every single person.

"Zhang Chu read everyone's name like this, it seems that he is not just to assign tasks." On the side, Lin Wan said in a low voice, "He wants us to remember everyone's names."

"what do you mean?"

"Remember everyone's name and unite the whole team." Lin Wan said, "Another reason is that he may be telling us that each of these names may be the code name of a traitor."

I shivered all over, and couldn't help pursing my lips.

"Forget it, I won't analyze it." Lin Wan laughed and said, "It's useless to say anything now, let's see Zhang Chu's methods."

I bowed my head slightly.

Afterwards, Zhang Chu arranged a new research site for Lin Wan and the others, but Lin Wan just smiled lightly, with a trace of bitterness in that laughter and a little mocking, "Everything was destroyed, the remaining , It’s nothing more than a few computers, some data from the Fortress of Life, those things... It seems that the most important information now is hidden in my mind.”

I looked at Lin Wan.

Lin Wan turned her face away, as if she didn't want me to see her expression, and said, "That's fine, at least this way...they won't want to kill me, at least this way, I can still use my part-time job..."

I wanted to say something like "Don't say that", but I suddenly realized that what she said seems to be right, which is indeed the truth.

Looking back at the stage again, Wei Guodong's body has been carried away, and Zhang Chu seems to have announced that we will leave the auditorium.The expressions and movements of the people around have relaxed. It happened so suddenly just now, and Zhang Chu seems to have too strong aura. Everyone has a serious face and dare not have any other expressions and movements.

And just when I was about to relax and leave, Zhang Chu, who was still standing on the stage, suddenly raised his voice and said, "Mo Ge, Chu Tingsheng, you two, report to the command office of the base on the top floor in half an hour. be late."

(End of this chapter)

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