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Chapter 108 Lies

Chapter 108 Lies
Zhang Chu suddenly asked me to go to his office, which made me very uneasy, and I still went with Mo Ge, I don’t know if he wants to settle accounts with us.

Lin Wan originally wanted to accompany me, but after much deliberation, she still felt that it was not appropriate, so she gave up.

I limped up on the newly repaired elevator alone. When I reached the top floor, Mo Ge got off the elevator in the other direction and walked towards me, maintaining her usual expression, seeming a bit unapproachable.

I waited in place for a while, but she ignored me and passed me by directly. I was stunned for a moment, and she walked forward a few steps before turning around and saying, "What are you waiting for? The time is almost up. "

I quickly followed up and said, "I just don't understand what Zhang Chu told us to do in the past."

"I'll understand when I go." Mo Ge was very calm.

I frowned and sighed.

In the office, Zhang Chu was drinking tea alone by the window. I didn’t expect there to be windows in the high-rise office. There was a lookout outside the window. I don’t know if the lookout that Lin Wan said could be climbed down. in this way.

Everything outside the observation deck is very open, and I can even clearly see the other side of the offshore bridge, the deserted coastal embankment, the coastal road, and the high-rise buildings in the city.

We stood in front of the desk for a long time before Zhang Chu turned around and looked at us with complicated expressions. After pondering for a while, he said, "Do you want to go back to the other side?"

I was taken aback suddenly.

I didn't expect him to ask such a question in the first place.

Seeing that we didn't answer, he added another sentence: "I mean, I didn't go back to fight, but I asked you, do you want to go back to the other side, to go back to your own home?"

Yes, of course I do.

I have been at the base of the resistance organization for so long, and no one has ever asked me if I want to go home, and I have never asked when I can go home, because I know that this kind of thing will never get an answer.What I didn't expect was that the person who asked me this sentence for the first time was actually Zhang Chu, the unkind Zhang Chu.

"I want to..." I bowed my head slightly and said.

I caught a glimpse of Zhang Chu smiling slightly.

I turned my head to look at Mo Ge again, but Mo Ge shook his head lightly and said, "Mr. Zhang Chu, you know, I don't have a home."

Zhang Chu still smiled, sighed, and said, "Don't you want to go back to college? Your hands should not be used for shooting and fighting, should they? You should have become a pianist and toured the world."

"I don't have that ability." I saw the corners of Mo Ge's mouth slightly hooked, and said, "Piano and painting are just hobbies. I thank the resistance organization for allowing me to experience a year of college life. During those days, it was very Happy, but..." She paused and said, "I know what my mission is. From the moment I was adopted by the resistance organization, some things were doomed, and I was unwilling to change, I didn't want to change."

Zhang Chu sighed suddenly. I seldom see Zhang Chu sigh, and I seldom see him with a helpless expression on his face.

"Do you know how many people died in this disaster in city Z?" Zhang Chu asked.

We didn't answer.

Zhang Chu said slowly: "Twenty-six thousand four hundred and seventy-four people, this is the official data, that is, the data given by the government."

I know what so-called government data means, but I'm afraid to ask more.

"The total population of City Z is only about 100 million." Zhang Chu said, "The number of deaths is still rising."

"Aren't the officials planning to send out large-scale troops, or use mechanized troops?" Mo Ge asked.

"Because of the emergence of the mutant winged man, the officials are even more convinced that the fully informatized mechanical army is of little significance to the infected. Moreover, the official army is no longer able to resist the mutant Ebola virus, and their research materials and technology cannot keep up. The speed of the Ebola variant.” Zhang Chu smiled and said, “For various purposes, the top leaders of the rebel organization refused to hand over the most critical technology to the government army. In short, everyone is suspicious of each other, and the final result is , we can only cooperate on the surface, but in reality, we cannot really work together on key levels."

"So, can we still only focus on hand-to-hand combat? Use human flesh to pile up this battle, use exchange for the so-called peace," Mo Ge said with a bit of grief and anger, "Enough people have died already."

Zhang Chu said: "Now the real population in the world is nearly [-] billion. In the eyes of the official, whether it is the government or the rebel organization, all of our lives are worthless."

I have an indescribable feeling in my heart. I don’t know what Zhang Chu’s intention is for saying these words to us. I just feel panicked in my heart, but at the same time, I’m a little surprised that Zhang Chu said such words in front of me without any shyness. .

Zhang Chu was silent for a while, and then said: "Don't talk about these things." He took a sip of tea, suddenly opened the drawer on the side of the desk, and suddenly took out something, and put it on the table: "I said so much just now, all It’s my true feelings, so next, I want to listen to your innermost thoughts, the truth.”

As soon as that thing was put out, my heart suddenly tightened, and I couldn't help but secretly glanced at Mo Ge, who looked even more dignified and said nothing.

What was placed on the table was the so-called "Wartime Commander's Medal of Honor", which was the ring that Lin Wan took off from Mo Singer.

"This medal was given to you by Wei Guodong, right?" Zhang Chu asked.

"Yes." Mo Ge nodded.

"We found this medal from the body of a recruit when we were inspecting the body. It has been verified that the recruit was named Sun Tianhao. He was cut in two by the infected when he tried to escape from the charge. Duan, bleeding to death."

My heart trembled slightly.

I thought of Sun Tianhao's appearance that day before his death. I don't know if this is a kind of mockery from the heavens. After all, he did not escape, and no one escaped from the charge.

"What I want to know is why the medal you lost appeared on an ordinary recruit." Zhang Chu said, "I trust you, so I just want to hear the truth about this matter, and I won't treat you impose any punishment."

I feel more and more uneasy. It seems that Zhang Chu should already know something. I believe that with his character, he will never target indiscriminately.

Lin Wan is about to suffer.

I don't know why, although Lin Wan is unpredictable and seems to have hurt me many times, I still have some concern for her.

Fear that something will happen to her.

At this time, Mo Ge had already spoken: "That's because I... didn't estimate the danger enough, so they launched a mutiny."

"I know a little bit about the mutiny of the recruits." Zhang Chu said, "Is this Sun Tianhao planning this matter? Or someone else..."

"Who planned it, I dare not talk nonsense." Mo Ge said, "But the direct executor is indeed... indeed this Sun Tianhao."

I froze for a moment, but quickly regained my composure.

I realized that Mo Ge was protecting Lin Wan, although I didn't know why.

"Let's be specific."

Mo Ge was silent for a while, and said: "At that time, Wei Guodong decided to leave early, and I panicked for a while, eager to complete the defense as soon as possible. As you know, Mr. Zhang Chu, Wei Guodong took away a lot of people and weapons. For us For those who already know that the enemy will launch a sneak attack, the psychological pressure is particularly great, I didn't notice that the recruits were brewing a mutiny. At that time, I was stabbed by several recruits and lost blood, and I was also poisoned by the recruits' ether Equipped with low-efficiency anesthetics, lost the ability to resist."

Mo Ge paused, and then said: "For this matter, Chu Tingsheng...and Lin Wan were also there. They tried to snatch the ring back, but they failed because there were five or six people on the other side, but in the end, they saved me. , and also enabled me to return to the battlefield later.”

"It's no wonder Lin Wan's fingerprints were checked on the ring." Zhang Chu smiled and said, "Whether it's the truth or a lie, at least there is nothing wrong with what you say for the time being, and I can believe you."

Zhang Chu’s words are disturbing.

Mo Ge just nodded and didn't rashly clarify anything.

"However, you said that the recruits have ether in their hands. This is very noteworthy. I remember... the military regulations have strictly prohibited the use of ether to resist the pain of rejection. Is this method still popular among recruits? ?”

"I don't think it's popular, but someone must have learned this trick from a veteran, and then sneaked a bottle or two through a researcher. It's not impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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