Chapter 109
Zhang Chu pondered for a moment and said, "Do you have any investigation results on this matter?"

"Yes." Mo Ge said quickly, "And as long as I give me about a week, I should be able to completely ban them from using ether."

“Then I will leave this matter to you,” Zhang Chu said.

Mo Ge nodded.

At this time, Zhang Chu's eyes turned to me, and I was very nervous, and even more nervous at this time, but I knew that no matter how nervous I was, I must not show it, otherwise there might be big problems.

I tried my best to raise my head and looked at Zhang Chu in front of me calmly.

There wasn't much expression on his sharp-edged face, but that kind of posture without anger and power had an invisible sense of oppression.

Zhang Chu opened his mouth and said bluntly: "I came to you, and I actually hope to find out one thing."

I nodded.

"I want to know what kind of condition your body is now." Zhang Chu said, "The medical staff were very surprised by your rapid recovery, and asked your several nursing doctors, but they couldn't get any information. A very positive answer, so I hope you can tell the truth now, how does your body feel."

"I don't know..." I shook my head. In fact, at this time, I was a little relieved. Since the other party's main question was not about Lin Wan's mutiny, I didn't have to worry too much, so I said truthfully, "Now Lin Wan and the others are also very confused, even I don't know what's going on."

"I have read the data, and your synchronization rate is the lowest among all the recruits." Zhang Chu said, "Although the function of the concentrated liquid in your body includes accelerating healing, it does not include the function of self-repair."

He paused, then said: "Yesterday, the medical soldier told me that most of your leg nerves have been blown off, and your bones have also been damaged. Logically speaking, no one can survive, but today, you Still being able to stand in front of me and still being able to move your legs is amazing."

"I'm also surprised." I said, "What you said just now, Lin Wan also mentioned it to me."

"Well..." Zhang Chu continued, "Do you know what your body means to the resistance organization?"

"My body? Meaning?"

"We not only need your strong fighting power and tenacious willpower." Zhang Chu said, "We also need data."


"Yes, Lin Wan has the highest priority to observe and analyze the research data on your body. This is the right granted to her by the base. However, with Lin Wan's personality, it is absolutely impossible to combine her own research data with unfinished research. Share the project with other researchers." Zhang Chu said, "Lin Wan now regards you as her best test product, so she will not allow any other researchers to approach you, even if it is to treat your illness, she will guard you beside."

" that so..." I still held my head up, but my heart became more and more uncomfortable.

Zhang Chu continued: "but you have to understand that each of us is a member of the resistance organization. Although your power belongs to you, it is not your private property. Do you understand what I mean? "

"The officer means that he wants me to persuade Lin Wan to share the observation data of my body to promote the base's research on the concentrate." I replied.

"Yes." Zhang Chu nodded in satisfaction, "The base attaches great importance to researchers, so there are no binding and punitive laws for researchers like soldiers, and I don't want any more conflicts in the base, so I hope you can Convince Lin Wan, after all, you are familiar with each other."

"No..." I smiled wryly, "Actually, you should be familiar with her. Just a month ago, I didn't even know she was a researcher."

"But now she is only willing to approach you. In her eyes, it is absolutely safe to approach you." Zhang Chu said.


"This is an order, not a discussion." Zhang Chu said in a stern tone.

"I...understood." I nodded, yes, as a soldier, my first job is to execute orders, not to mention that there seems to be nothing wrong with this order, but when I knew that I was just a test product, I have a special sense of loss in my heart.

"En." Zhang Chu nodded.

After a while, he spoke again and said, "Go back, Chu Tingsheng. If your legs recover quickly enough, I hope you can participate in training within three days."

"I think I should be able to." I nodded.

"Your training instructor is Tu Shu. The training time is from [-] am to [-] pm every day, and there is only one hour for you to eat in the middle," Zhang Chu said. "Lin Wan and the others will be fully responsible for your meals and life. That is to say, From the moment you start training, except for the statutory holidays of the base, you no longer eat, train and teach with other soldiers."

"I seldom...with them." I smiled lightly.

"But as the captain, I hope you can communicate more with your team members." Zhang Chu said again.

I was not afraid of communicating with others, but the various realities I encountered in the resistance organization really made me more autistic. At this time, I could only nod slightly, but in fact I did not have the slightest confidence.

The metal door behind us opened slowly, Mo Ge and I walked out of the office side by side, Zhang Chuyi didn't say anything more.

Walking in the corridor on the top floor, I accidentally looked at Mo Ge, but she didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. I wanted to ask a question, but I didn't know how to say it.

I went all the way down to the dormitory area on the third floor, and I finally couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "Mo Ge, I, I want to ask you, why did you help..."

"This is my own choice." Mo Ge turned to look at me and said, "But, isn't this what you want?"

I don't know how to answer.

After such a long time, I finally returned to my room, and the long-lost sense of familiarity finally surrounded my body again.

I don’t know when it started, I have already regarded this place as a safe haven, and it’s no wonder that those recruits choose to hide in the room. In fact, the room is not safe, not even as safe as the corridor. At least there is a defense system in the corridor. There is nothing, there is only a kind of comfort in the soul.

I stayed in the room for about half an hour before the door opened slowly.

I didn't think it was strange when Lin Wan walked in, and she was the only one who broke into my room without saying a word.

Thinking of what Zhang Chu said to me just now, I couldn’t help but sigh slightly in my heart, but I didn’t express it.

"What did Zhang Chu say to you?" Lin Wan looked at me and asked directly.

"Nothing?" I smiled.

Lin Wan lowered her eyes slightly, seemed to think for a moment, then frowned and said, "He said something about me, right?"

I didn't answer.

Lin Wan said, "Does he want the test and research data of your body?"

I still didn't speak, but I really don't know how she guessed it.

"A lot of medical soldiers have come to ask Li Jin and Zhu Qing." Lin Wan said, "It's just that none of us gave them a definite answer. I think he should ask you to persuade me."

"Okay..." I held back for a long time, but then I choked out two irrelevant words.

Lin Wan frowned and said, "I won't give him the data, I don't want to get involved in their struggle."

"What struggle?!" I froze for a moment.

Lin Wan said, "Can't you see?"

I blinked and said, "What?"

Lin Wan shook her head and said, "Don't you see Zhang Chu's intention in doing all this?"

"What are you talking about?" I stood up and asked, "Isn't it resource sharing?"

"Naive." Lin Wan said, "Zhang Chu's purpose is not in the data, but in his control over the lifeline of the base and the research materials. The most important thing in the rebel organization is not military arms, not resource supplies, but technology. do you know?"

"He... he was the commander of the war zone here, and he has the lifeblood of the base, isn't he?"

"Hehe... Do you think he killed Wei Guodong on impulse, in a moment of anger, or to show his majesty?" Lin Wan sneered and said, "Who is Wei Guodong? He is the nephew of Deputy Commander Wei of the Fortress of Life."

(End of this chapter)

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