global variation

Chapter 110 Is this the truth? !

Chapter 110 Is this the truth? !

"So what? Didn't we already know this?" I said
"Then let me ask you." Lin Wan said, "Have you thought about why Wei Guodong died and no one came to trouble him?"

"Me? I haven't thought about such a thing." I shook my head.

"Actually, what he said in the auditorium is not important, Wei Guodong must die that day." Lin Wan said, "Wei Guodong is a complete mediocrity, I seem to have told you that he was originally transferred to Z city so that he would have nothing to do Yes. At that time, the commander of the war zone here was a peacemaker named Xu Kaiyuan, and now he is working in the Fortress of Life, doing internal affairs."

"What? Internal affairs?" I widened my eyes. "A person who works in internal affairs came here to be the commander of the theater?"

"Yes, you have also heard about Zhang Chu's battle of the sixth sentry tower before. Zhang Chu is an extremely iron-blooded officer. It is precisely because of this that Zhang Chu was parachuted to this place as soon as the infection broke out here."

"Then..." I felt that I had no choice but to listen quietly.

"Zhang Chu has worked in the resistance organization for many years. Do you really think that he acts impulsively and recklessly like you recruits?" Lin Wan continued, "I can tell you that the so-called joint letter in Zhang Chu's hand is It is likely that it does not exist at all, it is a forgery, you know?"


"Because I didn't even know there was a joint letter." Lin Wan said, "I was the first to discover the matter of the rotten-faced black blood leech, and I only have a copy of the information here. No one else knows about it. You should remember that before I told you, I had already instigated a mutiny, how could Mo Ge and Shao Guangyi know about the rotten-faced black blood leeches before me?"

I was so hot-blooded that I was literally completely confused in the auditorium.

At this time, I felt a chill down my back.

"That Zhang Chu, why did he know..."

"This is exactly what I'm afraid of!" Lin Wan said, "If I'm not mistaken, the purpose of Zhang Chu's forged so-called joint letter was not to kill Wei Guodong, but to frighten me. After mastering my research, there must be spies placed by the Fortress of Life around us, do you understand what I mean?!"

"What is that Zhang Chu for?"

"He just used Wei Guodong to play a play." Lin Wan said, "How old is Wei Guodong? 24? For any decision, most of the things he does are cursing, beating and executing innocent people, but no one dares to touch him. Zhang Chu has long wanted to kill this guy, but he just couldn’t find a suitable reason. "

"Zhang Chu said that he was transferred back to the Fortress of Life to report on his work, and there was no way to get in touch with Wei Guodong. He told him not to stop the enemy. In fact, it is far-fetched here, don't you think?!" Lin Wan said, "If I didn't guess If it is wrong, it is true that Wei Guodong wants to stop the enemy, because he wants to make meritorious deeds, but it is false that everyone has no chance to stop him! There must be someone who wants to stop him, even Mo Ge and Shao Guangyi, who are always cautious , very likely tried to stop Wei Guodong, tried to contact Zhang Chu, but Zhang Chu deliberately remained indifferent, deliberately pretended to be caught in Wei Guodong's trap, and returned to the life fortress to report on his work. Deliberately appeared to rescue us at the most critical time. Deliberately acted out Show us the drama that looks like blood but actually contains conspiracy!"

"how is this possible?!"

"If you still don't believe me, I can tell you!" Lin Wan said, "Wei Guodong once stationed in a city outside the offshore base for a day on his way back."

"Stationed for a day?"

"Yes, don't you think it's strange? Even Zhang Chu himself said that it only takes five or six hours to go to and from Zhanhai city. Even if the sniper battle has been fought for a long time, he can return that night. Soldiers are precious and fast. I believe they will soon They have already received the news that the base has been attacked, how could they not come back until the next afternoon? Even if Wei Guodong is afraid of death, will he not know the crime of the base falling?" Lin Wan said.

I didn't find any of these doubts: "Then why did they stay in the city for a day?"

Lin Wan said: "I don't know, but I guess they are avoiding Zhang Chu's army!"


"That's right," Lin Wan said, "At that time, the whole base was in chaos, and the corpses of humans and infected people almost covered the entire offshore base and nearby islands. You can think about it, if Zhang Chu pointed out his guns at this time, he would directly shoot them all. What will happen if the massacre is outside the base!"

" one will find out at all, right?" I replied.

"Yes!" Lin Wan said, "At that time, all the people in the offshore base were trapped in the base, and no one could get out. We couldn't see the situation outside, and Zhang Chu's people controlled the entire island. As soon as Wei Guodong landed on the island, they could attack with all their strength and let them die together with the infected. Hehe, think again, if Zhang Chu really only brought so many soldiers, how could he be killed in such a short time? Eliminated all the infected? Is it just relying on our charged particle cannon?! Naive!"


"It's not that there are smart people around Wei Guodong. Someone must have discovered this. So I suggest that Wei Guodong avoid it temporarily." Lin Wan said, "Wei Guodong was stationed in the city for a day and postponed landing on the island. At that time, the battlefield had almost been cleared. There is no reason to shoot and attack his own people. After Wei Guodong came back, he was naturally outraged, but there was no direct evidence to prove that Zhang Chu had done those things, so of course he could only lose his temper indiscriminately. There is no reason to kill Zhang Chu’s cronies. It’s just that he doesn’t know that Zhang Chu has already made preparations to kill him.”

Lin Wan paused for a while, and said: "Wei Guodong must be very angry after returning to the base, because his cronies were either imprisoned by Zhang Chu to punish the recruits, or died in battle, and when he went to Zhanhai city, Tired of running, long-distance raids, and the army was exhausted, it was not as powerful as Zhang Chu's garrison, so he had to come up with this bad idea of ​​holding a meeting in the auditorium."

" that so?" I felt more and more darkness in front of me.

"Hehe..." Lin Wan shook her head and said, "It's a pity that what Zhang Chu wants to see is Wei Guodong's impatient confrontation with himself. All the crimes against him, as well as all the things he did wrong before, have been sorted into encrypted data and sent to the headquarters of Life Fortress, and the reason why Zhang Chu wants to force him in front of us is to make this mediocre man mess up and shoot suddenly To kill him is to deter and show grace."

"Young people are passionate, and they are the easiest to be incited." Lin Wan added, "You are in the auditorium, do you feel happy, do you think Wei Guodong died well, do you think Zhang Chu shot him Have integrity and fight beautifully?"

I admit, I did think so at the time.

I also finally understood why Lin Wan kept looking complicated in the auditorium and lowered her head slightly.

"But what you don't know is that after Zhang Chu took advantage of this opportunity to defeat Wei Guodong, he will then take full control of the management affairs of the entire Z city, and it is very likely that he will be further promoted because of his military exploits, and the control of the Zhongshan area will also be lost. Get it." Lin Wan sneered, "What he lacks most now is technology! Once I share the technology with his researchers, do you know what the consequences will be?"


"Then, I will immediately be classified as a member of the 'Zhang Chu faction' and make many enemies in the resistance organization!" Lin Wan said, "The reason why my father Lin Baihe was executed so quickly at the beginning, do you think it is true? Is it only because of the research error of the rotten-faced black blood leech? Hehe, it was because of the wrong team!"

I feel myself shaking.

I don't know whether I should trust Lin Wan, after all, all of this is her own opinion.

However, I feel that everything I face seems too scary.

If we say that the war against the infected is like a mountain in front of us.

Then, the hearts of the people in this rebellious organization are a bottomless pit, an abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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