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Chapter 111 The Laws of Survival in Resistance Organizations

Chapter 111 The Laws of Survival in Resistance Organizations
"All of this...Actually, it's just speculation..." I have been making excuses for a long time, but I don't know what I'm making excuses for, and who I'm making excuses for. It seems that I just don't believe it, that the world is already so dark.

"Since I was sensible, I have been in and out of resistance organizations, and Mo Ge is the same. Shao Guangyi and those veterans have been here for several years." Lin Wan said, "Compared to you, we know Zhang Chu better, and we understand this resistance better. organize."

"Then..." I clenched my fists, "According to what you mean, Zhang Chu actually knows a lot of things, but...he just doesn't say anything, he's just testing us."

"He knows far more than you think." Lin Wan said.

"Then Mo Ge... isn't it very dangerous." I frowned and said.

"Mo Ge? Is it dangerous?" Lin Wan was a little puzzled.

I frowned, gritted my teeth, and said, "she lied in front of Zhang Chu, put all the responsibility for the mutiny on the recruits, and said that we saved her."

Lin Wan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned around and started pacing in the room.

I became more and more uneasy, and said: "Since Zhang Chu knows everything, but today he is so calm...... Is this the meaning of settling accounts after autumn?"

Lin Wan, who was pacing, pondered for a moment after hearing my words, and then smiled slightly, and then the smile turned into a faint chuckle. I really don't understand what is worthy of her laughing like this.

"What's wrong, what are you laughing at?" I asked suspiciously.

Lin Wan said: "I laugh this game is getting more and more interesting."

"What the hell is... what does it mean?"

"As I said just now, Mo Ge grew up in a rebellion organization. It is impossible for her to be so sensitive to the philosophy of life of the rebellion organization." Lin Wan said, "Don't worry, Mo Ge will be fine."

"Why? Because Mo Ge belongs to Zhang Chu?" I asked.

Lin Wan shook her head and said, "Wrong, precisely because Mo Ge's current state is the same as mine. He is neutral and does not ally with anyone."

"What? I clearly think that she is closer to Zhang Chu." I said.

"That's because Zhang Chu has been wooing her." Lin Wan said, "And what you see is only one side. Zhang Chu is not the only one who woos Mo Ge. Have you ever thought about why Wei Guodong took the highest command when he left?" Hand it over to Mo Ge, instead of someone you can trust? You know, Mo Ge is an opponent of this blocking operation."

"I thought... it was to pass the responsibility to Mo Ge when something happened."

"Impossible. If the base is destroyed, Wei Guodong will not be able to escape. Whether he blames Mo Ge or not, the difference in the result is not big." Lin Wan said, "Even if he succeeded in killing Mo Ge and the others this time. In the end, he still has to go back to the headquarters to plead guilty and be punished. Maybe even he himself has thought of this, but he naively thought that as long as he went back and received a criticism, he could pat his ass and leave, and come back to continue to be his base commander , but did not expect that Zhang Chu would shoot and kill him on the spot. "


"It's because he's also wooing Mo Ge." Lin Wan replied, "This blocking battle is nothing more than two outcomes, one is victory, and then he can give Mo Ge a reward for his meritorious service in defending the base, and then report it to the Fortress of Life In this way, Mo Ge is naturally beholden to him, and has no choice but to move closer to his team. Either he fails, and the base is attacked by surprise. At that time, he can stand up righteously and make a gesture of helping Mo Ge block the sword, In this way, Mo Ge must also be grateful to him. Although I don't like Mo Ge, I know that she is a person who repays her kindness. If these two situations really happen, Mo Ge must be in a dilemma. What Zhang Chu has done all these years Efforts are in vain."


"But later, his plan was completely destroyed by Zhang Chu's sudden appearance." Lin Wan said, "When Wei Guodong returned to the base, he found that the situation was not good. Not only his own people were cut off by Zhang Chu Moreover, the person who rescued Mo Ge became Zhang Chu, and at that time Mo Ge happened to be under the treatment and care of the medical soldiers brought by Zhang Chu... In addition, the war at the base was actually fought by all parties The game——Zhang Chu, Wei Guodong, recruits, us, the infected and the church, etc., so the situation is very complicated, and Mo Ge happened to lose the command medal at this time, all of which made Wei Guodong suspicious. Probably his brain also He could only think of this level, so he had a great sense of crisis, and felt that Mo Ge had been won over by Zhang Chu, so his first reaction was to quickly get rid of Mo Ge."

I am speechless.

Lin Wan smiled again and said: "Mo Ge is also a smart person, she is not like me, she will tell you everything, even if she has full trust in you, she will keep a lot of things in her heart, because she knows what to say is right She is beneficial, what is harmful."

"what do you mean……"

"The reason why Mo Ge spoke nonsense with her eyes open and tried to protect me in front of Zhang Chu does not mean that her words are inherent." Lin Wan said, "I guess, she is actually revealing a message to Zhang Chu, that is—— I, Mo Ge, still choose to be neutral, I will not stand on anyone's side, nor will I harm anyone for the benefit of one side."

"If that's the case..." I was still uneasy, "Then Zhang Chu felt that he couldn't win her over, so wouldn't he attack her..."

"No." Lin Wan replied with certainty, "Zhang Chu has just gained a foothold in the offshore base, and what he needs most is people's hearts. Don't you think that in the scene in the auditorium, everything seems simple and rude when you think about it? Why? It is because the simplest and most brutal victory is the most provocative. Zhang Chu knows very well that no matter how inscrutable he pretends, those veterans who have been in the resistance organization for many years and have their own philosophy of survival can see it. As for the new recruits? There is only the simplest, most brutal, and easiest way to guide their thoughts. Pretending to be deep will make these new recruits difficult to understand. Therefore, he performed a magnificent performance in the auditorium. Sheng, went up to Wei Guodong and gave him a slight push when he was already in a mess, in fact, this is the essence of this matter."

Lin Wan paused, and then said: "Now Zhang Chu sits in the base and rearranges the manpower. At this time, what he needs most is stability and control, so he is using various methods to test the faction that everyone supports, or Which faction is more inclined to. Mo Ge is, so am I, and even Shao Guangyi and the others will be similarly tempted soon. If I guess correctly..."

"You..." Lin Wan stared at me and said, "You are also one of his targets, because you and I are the lifeblood of the highest technology in the base today."

"Back to the question just now - he will not harm Mo Ge." Lin Wan said, "What he did was just a test."

I nodded.

Thinking of Mo Ge and Zhang Chu saying something to each other in the office, it always seems that there is something in the words, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. At this moment, I finally understand what makes me feel uncomfortable.

It turned out that it was not a simple conversation, but a psychological contest between the two.

It’s right to think about it. If Zhang Chu wasn’t probing, then he would directly force Mo Ge to hand over the evidence of Lin Wan’s instigation of mutiny, and then imprison Lin Wan, and slowly torture the research data on my body. Why bother? After asking Mo Ge about the mutiny, you want me to persuade Lin Wan instead?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help but say: "If it's true as you said, then...I...he should be testing me too? He asked me to persuade you, just to test my inclination?"

"That's right." Lin Wan poured a glass of water, sat down beside me, and said, "If you try to persuade me wholeheartedly, even if you fail, he will know that you are inclined to his side. "

"So I'll make enemies?"

"No." Lin Wan took a sip of water and said, "If you lean towards him instead of looking after him, it will only increase his opponent's sense of crisis and want to win you over. However, if you completely rely on him On the other side, the situation is different.”

Lin Wan smiled again, and suddenly hooked one hand around my neck, put it on my other shoulder, and said, "So, let's be careful in doing things in the future, don't go too far in everything, and go too far."

(End of this chapter)

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