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Chapter 112 New Beauty Special Trainer

Chapter 112 New Beauty Special Trainer
Lin Wan suddenly made such an ambiguous move towards me again, I shrank instinctively and said, "Actually, I still don't quite understand..."

"It's okay, you'll understand slowly." Lin Wan said, "I hope I'm still alive when you mature."

"What?" I froze for a moment.

"It's nothing." Lin Wan left my shoulder and said, "By the way, let me tell you some good news."

"Huh? You said."

"Your synchronization rate has risen to 2.1%. Now, you are no longer the soldier with the lowest synchronization rate among the recruits." Lin Wan said.

"Is it... I have risen, but I haven't done any training, is it purely because of the medicine?" I asked Lin Wan.

Lin Wan stood up, with a slightly serious expression, and said, "Actually, I don't know the reason very well. Your body is simply a mystery to us researchers."

"So? In fact, for you, I'm just a test product?" I suddenly remembered what Zhang Chu said to me in the office on the roof just now, and I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Experimental product? Do you think the researchers will like your experimental product?" Lin Wan pouted.

"Ah?" I heard this sentence clearly, and I couldn't help but feel a stir in my heart, "What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, it was just a hallucination." Lin Wan drank the water in the cup suddenly, and threw the quilt into the trash can beside her.

"You... hey... don't you feel hot like this?"

"Ah? It's not hot, it's cold, it's icy cold." Lin Wan had a weird expression, as if she was pretending to be calm.

While speaking, she had already walked out and said, "If you have anything to do, you'd better find me as soon as possible. You must believe that no matter what I do to you in this place, it is for your sake, even if you It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, I’m the only one who will never harm you, you know?”

In fact, I want to ask why I believe in you so much, but I really can't ask.

After Lin Wan left, I leaned on the bed, the more I thought about it, the heavier my heart became. To be honest, I have never thought about it so complicatedly, but it seems that at this point, I have no choice .

In order to relieve the depression and depression in my chest, I chose to participate in training a day later.

My leg recovered rapidly, and the stitches were removed within two days after the hand speed game, only a scar still entangled on the calf, which seemed to warn me and show something.

Zhang Chu ordered me to participate in the training alone, and my instructor was the female officer Tu Shu who seemed to have a little friction with Mo Ge. According to Lin Wan's analysis, this person should be an official of Zhang Chu's faction, so by analogy, she It should not only be my instructor, it may also play a monitoring role for me.

However, I didn't think about it again. I couldn't think through those things, couldn't understand them, and I didn't bother to think about them.

If it's too late, just be a little looser and ignore it.

According to the arrangement, I saw her in the indoor arena on the slanted side of the training hall on the first floor. At that time, she was wearing a black vest, with long hair standing upright, and was fiddling with a sniper rifle.Such a capable dress made me feel that she was heroic, but soon my eyes were attracted to her chest. This woman's figure is too hot, and the short black vest seems to be unable to cover her chest at all. The two mountain peaks in front and the lower edge of the vest reveal a flat and firm abdomen and navel. I don't know if it's because the vest is really too small, or it's just this style.

Her abdomen is also very toned, with slender lines unique to women.

Although the lower body was wearing the kind of loose trousers that soldiers used to wear, it could still be seen that the legs were slender.

In short, her figure is hot and sexy, but also very well-proportioned.

If you don't compare her face, she is even worse than both Lin Wan and Mo Ge in figure - after all, although Lin Wan is also curvy, she is a little thinner, while Mo Ge is somewhat similar to her, with well-developed breasts But it's definitely not that... vibrant...

As for the face, I'm not very good at commenting. In fact, when I saw her for the first time, the first thing I thought of was Lin Wan's "best friend" Zhang Jiating who died under Mo Ge's gun.

Because Tu Shu, like Zhang Jiating, has an indescribable coquettish attitude, even when she is cold, a look in her eyes shows that kind of coquettishness.

At this time, I finally had the opportunity to look at this woman up close, and I realized that her allure came from her eyes.

I noticed that the corners of her eyes were slightly raised, but that slight amount added a bit of movement to her stern face, and even those eyes felt like a smile that wasn't a smile.However, her eyes are very rich, and when they move around, they already show a bit of temptation.

I think, maybe this kind of temptation, even she herself may not be aware of it.

But as a man, I'm still sensitive to this kind of thing.

Even though she is already standing in front of her and she has become my instructor, I can't help but compare her with Lin Wan and Mo Ge.In contrast, on Lin Wan's face, the facial features are extremely correct, as if divided by the golden ratio. Although it is delicate, it is also a little more serious, which directly causes her to say those ambiguous words and ambiguous actions to me , I am still a little scared.

As for Mo Ge, her demeanor is slightly similar to Tu Shu's, but her eyes are big, and the depths are clear, not that kind of foxy, nor Tu Shu's slightly mature, but a little bit of simplicity.However, now I probably know that this innocence may be false...

I fell into some sad thoughts, but this sudden affectation was interrupted by a wave of the hand.

I felt a hand dangling in front of me.

I woke up like a dream, raised my head, only to see that Tu Shu had come close to me, shaking me with her palm, looking at me with interest, and said, "What are you thinking? What are you thinking, little handsome guy."

At that time, she lowered her body and opened the neckline of her vest without knowing it. The career line deeper than her eyes stood out in front of me.

"Look at it if you want to. Pretend what you want." Tu Shu straightened up and said with a smile.

I didn't expect this girl to be more straightforward than Lin Wan, so I was speechless for a moment.

Tu Shu still smiled and said: "Since I joined the resistance organization, oh, no, since I started to develop, there have been countless men staring at me. At first I felt embarrassed, but later, I dealt with it calmly." It’s human nature, just watch it if you want.”

"Uh... sir..."

"Don't make it so official, my sister doesn't like it, come on, ask my sister to listen." Tu Shu said.


I am an only child, and I have never called anyone elder sister in my life.

"Call, why don't you want to call me auntie?"

"Uh... Sister... Sister..." I held back for a long time, and managed to hold back these two words.

"Well, very obedient." She actually stretched out her hand and patted my cheek, then suddenly stepped back a few steps, and suddenly turned around and swept towards my head with a kick.I was stunned at the time, and it was too late to dodge.But in the next second, her slender leg landed firmly next to my temple.She stood still, still smiling, and said, "If I were your opponent, your enemy, you would already be dead."


"The training ground is like a battlefield, no matter what I tell you, no matter what I do to you, you must always remember that anyone around you may become an opponent, a killer, or a bullet to kill you in the next second! "Her tone suddenly became severe.

"I remember."

"I hope you really remember." She retracted her legs slowly, but before she retracted her legs completely, she hit me with a backhand uppercut. Punch on my arm—it hurts, I really didn't expect a woman like her to be so strong.

"This time is good." She retracted her fist, took two steps back, and said, "It's a pity that you are resisting instead of dodging. If you react quickly enough, you should dodge instead of blocking! If the opponent has a weapon in his hand What? What do you do? Infected people can be used as weapons all over their bodies, if the one who attacked you just now was a swordsman, your arm has already been cut off."

"The swordsman's movement speed is very low, it's impossible to be like you..." I instinctively wanted to refute.

"Pedantic." Before I finished speaking, Tu Shu's backing body suddenly jumped forward like a praying mantis, and at the same time she sternly scolded me, she punched me straight again.

I hurriedly leaned back to avoid it, and when I was not paying attention, I almost fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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