global variation

Chapter 116 Lin Wan!Lin Wan!

Chapter 116 Lin Wan!Lin Wan!

In fact, with the "vaccination" given to me by Lin Wan before, no matter how safe and beautiful Zhang Chu's people say, and how many heavy defense systems protect our lives, I don't really believe that this is an accident without How much risk factor action.

In fact, this is definitely another death row.

Isn't the so-called special operations team just for these desperate actions?

I didn't speak, waiting for Tu Shu to continue.

Tu Shu said again: "However, before the official order is issued, you still have to continue to participate in training. Today you barely passed the fight. Let you rest for a day. Start tomorrow and practice shooting."

I curled my lips, it seems that there is no more information...

I couldn't help being slightly disappointed.

However, it should be around [-]:[-] in the morning at this time, and it would be good to have a day's rest. I have to recuperate my body after being stung by "bullet ants".

Thinking of this, I suddenly wanted to go and see Lin Wan. For such a long time, I had never seen her once, and I had no idea what she was doing.

I even started to worry about her a little bit again.

Lin Wan's laboratory has moved to a new location, and there are no longer so many layers of encryption facilities. It seems that the information of all researchers has been entered, which means that any researcher can enter the laboratory. It is impossible for Lin Wan to do some special research that she wants to do in it. All she can do is to rely on her own memory. , enter the data, and repeatedly verify the data, so as to make up for the loss of the underground laboratory being bombed.

I came to the entrance of the laboratory. The laboratory door is just a poor metal door with translucent glass on it. Although I have never entered it, I know that the inside must be much smaller than the underground laboratory. A lot of shabby.

I put my hand on the authenticator and tap the option for the doorbell.

A not-so-loud bell rang at the door,
No one answered the door.

Isn't Lin Wan in the lab?
I lingered at the door for a while, and touched the doorbell option again, but still no one answered the door.

I was about to leave, when suddenly, a voice sounded from behind me: "Chu Tingsheng——"

I turned around and saw Zhu Qing's fair face with a little childishness.

"Don't you need to train?"

"I don't need to train today, come and have a look." I said.

"Are you here to see Teacher Lin Wan?" Zhu Qing smiled and said, "Let me verify it for you. Teacher Lin Wan may be too busy to hear the bell."

I nodded gratefully.

After Zhu Qing helped me verify my gene account, she said, "You go in first, Li Jin and I are still busy with the task given by Zhang Chu...Maybe we are going to the power generation area."

I know that they must be busy exploring underground.

This should be another tough fight.

Without thinking too much, I couldn't enter the laboratory, and the metal door behind me slowly closed.There was silence in the laboratory without a single sound. I couldn't help but feel a little bleak as I walked forward slowly. The crude equipment and the messy experimental supplies around me made me feel even more lonely.Lin Wanben was most concerned about whether these things were in order, but now, everything seemed so helpless.

Walking into the small and pitiful "hall" of the laboratory, I only saw a few computers connected in parallel, and in front of the metal table among those computers, Lin Wan was lying at her desk, motionless.

I was a little nervous, and walked forward slowly, only to find that Lin Wan had already fallen asleep.

At this moment, her face is becoming more and more haggard, and it seems that she can be said to be a little old.I don't want to use this kind of words to describe my former "goddess", but it is true. For a moment, I don't think she is even a girl in her early twenties. I think she is older than me, at least, psychological age Much bigger.Her face was pale, with dark circles under her eyes, and her hair was a little messy, delicate and irrelevant, and the haggardness covered up the color that should have been.She slept deeply and quietly, and I knew she must be too tired.

She was the only one in the laboratory, and she was continuously inputting data here day and night. Suddenly, I couldn't understand this woman even more. What was she doing for?They obviously wanted to escape, they hated those people who resisted the organization so much, and they clearly saw those conspiracies and tricks very thoroughly, but why did they risk their lives to study for the resistance organization day and night.

Is this the belief in science?

I looked around, and there was a small cubicle not far away. I thought it should be the rest room, the simplest rest room. I walked over and took a look, and there was really only a metal bed and simple bedding in the rest room.

I looked at Lin Wan, thought about it, and carefully picked her up.

She was indeed very thin, holding her in her hand, she felt light and light, as if she didn't have much weight.

I quietly carried her into the room and put her on the bed. A moment after I put her down, she suddenly coughed a few times, which shocked me.

And she, at this moment, has woken up in a daze. She seemed to be holding back her exhaustion, opened her eyes, and said, "You... Chu Tingsheng, you... You're here. It's late? Is it night?"

"No, it's only past eight o'clock in the morning..." I said quickly, "Sorry, I saw you fell asleep there, and I thought you might be tired if you slept like that, so..."

She slowly sat up and said, "It's okay..." She propped her forehead with one hand, obviously having some headaches, but she said, "I'm fine, it's only eight o'clock, don't need to go to training?"

"No training today." I said, "I just want to come and see you..."

"I don't have anything to look at." Lin Wan said, "Your training intensity is already overloaded. It's best to go back and rest. I don't care... Cough cough..." She started coughing loudly not long after she sat up When I got up, I clearly saw a stream of blood dripping from the corner of Lin Wan's mouth.

"You..." I said eagerly, "You should pay attention, right? You've been coughing up blood, why are you trying to be brave?"

"It's not because of you." Lin Wan looked up at me, took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said, "If you ran away with me, I wouldn't be in such pain."

"Can't those research matters be temporarily handed over to others?!" I asked.

"Do they understand half of me?" Lin Wan asked back.

I was speechless.

Lin Wan sighed, stood up, and slowly came to the side to pour water for herself, but before the water was filled, she suddenly squatted down, the paper cup fell to the ground, and the scalding boiling water splashed everywhere.I was so frightened that I quickly stepped forward to support Lin Wan, and regardless of the pain in my body and the boiling water still dripping from the electric tea stove, I quickly helped her back to the bed, "What's wrong with you?! What's the matter?" What's wrong?"

"Maybe too tired, a little dizzy, nothing."

"Are you all right?" I questioned, "Why can't I always persuade you?"

"Can I persuade you?" Lin Wan looked up at me, "I advised you to go with me and let the people here die by themselves. Did you do it?"


"Since no one can persuade anyone, let's stop doing useless work to each other, okay?" Lin Wan's expression was very complicated.


"This is fate." Lin Wan let out a long breath and said, "This is fate, what can we change?"

I gritted my teeth, looked back at the paper cup that was lying on the ground, and quickly went to pour another glass of water for Lin Wan. She took the glass of water without thanking her, took a sip, and said, "You The temperature of the poured water is just right, every time I pour it, I feel too hot, I can't drink it in one gulp, I can only take my time, hey..."


"I really hope that every time I want to drink warm water, you will do it for me..." The corner of Lin Wan's mouth suddenly hooked.

"I... I can do it..."

"Forget it. I don't even know what I'm talking about." Lin Wan stroked her head and said, "It hurts...the doctor saves people, but who will save the doctor?"

"You... I'll call for you..."

"No," Lin Wan took my hand, lay down slowly, and said, "I'll just lie down for a while, don't call those people, there's nothing good, I... just lie down for a while."

I stood beside the bed silently, feeling as if my heart was being stabbed by thousands of needles.

(End of this chapter)

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