global variation

Chapter 117 Pain Test

Chapter 117 Pain Test
Lin Wan lay down, but not long after, she sat up slowly, supported the edge of the metal bed with one hand, looked at me from the side, and said, "You don't look very well."

I was stunned and said, "'s okay..."

"Your movements are a little stiff, don't think I can't see it, is it rejection?" she asked.

"No..." I had no choice but to answer truthfully, "It was a fighting test. I was hit in both hands by a team member who injected the bullet ant concentrate."

"Bullet ants? Is it Lin Qian?" Lin Wan said bluntly.

"Yes..." I nodded.

"Lin Qian's abilities are mainly aimed at humans, not infected people." Lin Wan still supported her forehead and said, "It seems that this is part of Zhang Chu's plan."

"This is again..."

"Pain test." Lin Wan said, "The concentrate is related to the Ebola virus, and whether the infected person has pain-sensing nerves, whether the pain sensation is weakened, or the pain sensation is completely eliminated, has always been extremely controversial in the research of the resistance organization. I Think, now Zhang Chu is starting to organize his own strength to master the most cutting-edge research technology and first-hand information. Naturally, you are his best test product. "

"Learn about Ebola through me?"

"No, he is a combatant, so what he wants to understand is not the virus itself, but the infected person." Lin Wan said, "He wants to create a weapon that can kill the infected person more effectively in one blow."

"So what Tu Shu is doing now is mostly experimenting on me?"

"It can be said that." Lin Wan replied, "The concentrated liquid in your body contains several times more Ebola mutant virus than other concentrated liquids, so you are the best test subject."

"At the end of the day, I'm just..." I didn't continue, because at this moment, Lin Wan started to cough loudly again, and blood flowed out through the gap between her fingers.

"You..." I hugged her shoulders, sat on the edge of the bed, and said, "Can't you take a good rest? You have to..."

"Stop talking... Pour me a glass of water..."

She took out a handkerchief to cover her mouth and nose. I had no choice but to pour water for her again.

After a long time, she slowly regained her composure. She breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "But...but that's fine. Although they use you as an experiment, they dare not neglect your body."

"Because I still have use value?"

"It's a good thing to be useful." Lin Wan stood up slowly and said, "How do you feel now?"

"It's not so painful anymore, but the arm is still a little numb."

"Numb?" Lin Wan frowned suddenly, looked me up and down, and said suddenly, "Come with me." After speaking, she walked quickly out of the lounge.I followed helplessly.A few minutes later, Lin Wan came to an electron microscope next to several parallel computers and said, "I need a drop of your blood now, give me a hand..."

I didn't know what to do, and stretched out my hand.

She immediately drew some blood from me, smeared it on a microscope slide, put it under the microscope, and then turned back to start operating the computer.

Under Lin Wan's skilled operation, the computer quickly displayed groups of data and some graphics that I couldn't understand. After that, she came to another computer.At this time, Lin Wan was like a perpetual motion machine, and she didn't feel tired at all. After about a few minutes, Lin Wan turned around, looked at me, and said, "According to the general situation, after a bullet ant bites a person, the The pain will last for 24 hours without any abatement, but judging from your current condition, it doesn't seem to be the case."

"Indeed..." I nodded, "It's just a little numb."

"That's right." Lin Wan said, "It's similar to the results of my previous research. The Ebola variant virus does not completely eliminate the effect of human pain perception, it just releases a special anesthetic similar to anesthetics during the pain generation process. Substances, local anesthesia on your body, the more Ebola virus in the body, the more unstable, or the more intense the pain, the greater the release of this anesthetic substance. Just now I just had a flash of inspiration, and it really is in your The narcotic substance was traced and detected in the blood."

" what?"

"So," Lin Wan said, "at least there are a few things that can be resolved now. The first is why the infected people seem to have no pain, but they still temporarily stop or slow down when they are attacked by bullets or explosions... ..." She was silent for a moment, and said, "Do you still remember the swordsman? At that time, I told you that the weak point of the swordsman was near the spine. That was just a perceptual understanding. But now, we may have the conditions to explain this matter rationally I think that the tissue structure that mainly secretes anesthetic substances in the swordsman's body is likely to be near the lower back, or it may be adsorbed on the spine. It's a pity that the body of the swordsman has been left in the underground research room, otherwise, maybe I can have it. further understanding."

"What about the second?"

"Second, it is a point of view that the rebel organizations and the researchers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences do not agree with. I think it should be further confirmed." Lin Wan said.

"What opinion."

"It is the Ebola virus that has intelligence." Lin Wan said, "This concept is a bit advanced, and it is even suspected of being anti-human by many scientists. My father and Professor Xie Chun have published articles to discuss this point of view, but , they only had theories until their death, without any direct evidence, so this view has been criticized."


"Yes, they think that the Ebola virus variant is not like other microorganisms, in order to adapt to the passive changes in the living environment. It is an active renewal of itself." Lin Wan said, "In other words, they think that the Ebola virus knows how to survive. Develop your own strength, strengthen your ability to survive, and have the same thinking ability as most animals on the earth, and even humans. For example, this thing in front of us. How the Ebola virus reads the pain information of humans is based on What judges this information is the concept of 'pain', and how to release the paralyzing substance when the host is in 'pain', all of this, I think if I just use instinct to explain it, I'm afraid it won't stand up..."

"Wait!" Having said this, Lin Wan's expression suddenly changed.

Even I was taken aback.

"What happened?"

Lin Wan didn't answer, but turned around and went back to the computer to start operating. While she was operating, she couldn't stop panting. I don't know if it meant she was tired or nervous.

I didn't dare to ask any more questions, and kept standing behind her, waiting.

As time passed by, I became more and more anxious.

At this time, Lin Wan suddenly turned her face, with a nervous expression on her face, and said, "I want to have another comprehensive physical examination on you."


"Yes, it's now." She stood up and looked around, and said, "There are no professional instruments here... we can only make do with it." After she finished speaking, she motioned to me to go into the rest room.

I tremblingly followed Lin Wan's instructions.

Entering the room, lying down on the metal bed, Lin Wan prepared for a while, a very small needle was stuck into my arm, a bit like giving me a needle, but while injecting some special liquid, Lin Wan But I connected the special instrument on the other side to a computer in parallel, and the computer was placed on a metal table less than half a meter away from me. Lin Wan stood beside the computer, her expression still tense, her face still haggard.

"What happened to me?" I asked Lin Wan.

"I'm not sure yet." Lin Wan folded her hands on her chest and said, "Don't worry, the medicine I'm injecting you now won't cause any harm to the human body, and even has blood vessels to absorb waste in the blood vessels. I'm just doing a A simple in vivo tracking job."

"I don't know what it means."

"Then you can sleep for a while." Lin Wan said, "You have been physically exhausted during this period, and you need to take a good rest."


"Don't worry, I'm here." Lin Wan said with a smile.

I let out a long breath and slowly closed my eyes.

Although I am still worried, I have to completely trust Lin Wan. Now, my life seems to be in her hands again.

Lin Wan, it's really a demonic obstacle that I can't escape in my life.

(End of this chapter)

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