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Chapter 118 Missing

Chapter 118 Missing
I don't know if the medicine that Lin Wan injected into my body had a certain energy-consuming effect, or if I was really exhausted during that time and was too tired.After lying on the bed for a while, I fell into a deep sleep.

But when I woke up, I found that there were already many people around me.

what happened?

I opened my eyes in a daze.

Doesn't Lin Wan hate being disturbed when she is doing things?How could there be so many strange faces suddenly?
Who are these people?

I sat up slowly, and at the table not far from me, two men in white coats immediately turned around and came to the bed.

"Are you awake? How do you feel now?" one of them asked.

"Where is I...Where is Lin Wan?" My brain is still in chaos.

"Lin Wan fainted at work and is currently undergoing treatment. Now we will take over here to ensure your safety." The person who spoke just now continued.

"What?! Fainted?"

"Well, that's true."

"So where is she now?" I asked, "I'm going to see her."

"I'm sorry." The man said, "Lin Wan's current physical condition is very unstable. In order to ensure her safety, we cannot let her see anyone."

"What?" I became more and more nervous. I had already stood up from the bed and was about to speak. Suddenly, I realized that most of the people standing around here were Zhang Chu's people. If they didn't let me see Lin Wan, I can't see it at all.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sit back on the bed again.

"Don't worry, we will guarantee her safety." The man said again, "Don't get excited, take a good rest, if there is any special change in your body, remember to tell us as soon as possible, now we are fully responsible for your..."

"Okay..." I interrupted them, "Can I go back to my room now? I'm not used to being in the laboratory."

"I'm sorry, you still need further examination for the time being. We can't let you go back without confirming that your physical condition has fully recovered." The man said.

"You..." I gritted my teeth and tried my best to suppress the anger in my heart.

I was supposed to have a good rest today, but everything was ruined, quite completely.

On this day, I was like a prisoner, locked in a small living room, and constantly injected with various medicines. Although those medicines can indeed relieve the pain of my body for a period of time, they are not enough Let me rest assured, because I don't know how many side effects the medicine in the hands of these researchers has. What makes me even more puzzled is how they rushed to the scene and took Lin Wan away at the first time. The door of the room is closed, and there are only Lin Wan and I in the lounge. If Lin Wan really fainted on the spot, how did these people find Lin Wan? Is it just a coincidence?
I noticed the time on the wall. I only slept for about an hour. When I fell asleep in a daze, although Lin Wan's complexion was not good, she probably hadn't fainted yet.

Countless doubts condensed in my heart.

However, I couldn't get out at all, so I could only wait silently, unable to do anything.

This tormenting house arrest lasted until the afternoon of the next day. The originally scheduled training was not carried out, so I was sent back to my residence directly.

Although I was free, I still couldn't contact Lin Wan. Lin Wan's communication device seemed to have been turned off. Moreover, I searched all the places I could find and asked all the people I could ask, but I still couldn't find her. to any leads.

In the end, in desperation, I tried to contact Mo Ge, hoping that Mo Ge could help me contact Zhang Chu, and ventured to ask about Lin Wan's whereabouts.But Mo Ge's response to me at that time was: This matter is a bit complicated, you'd better wait patiently, too impulsive will not do you any good.

In the room, I was fidgeting all the time, not knowing what to do.

That night, I couldn't help myself, and went from the room to the corridor.

Although during the maintenance and reconstruction period, in order to save the resources of the base, only half of the lighting facilities are turned on at night, but the position where I stand can still be regarded as brightly lit.

This half of the corridor was brightly lit, in stark contrast to the darkness on the other side.

On the other side, there are almost no people living there, and most of them were damaged in the battle. Therefore, at night, even the lighting facilities are unwilling to pay attention to them. In the darkness, the dark sky of winter night is dotted with a few tiny cold stars.

The contrast between light and darkness, at this moment, made the already quiet and cold base even more desolate.

I'm in a bad mood, not only because of Lin Wan, but also because of myself living in the cracks of this base. My current status can be described as embarrassing, neither human nor ghost.It is said that I am a soldier, but my greater role seems to be that I am a guinea pig in an experiment, that I am an experimental product, but I have to go to war, to conquer, to kill.It's ridiculous—in fact, I should probably be a combat machine in an experiment, subject to the baptism of battle at any time, manual maintenance and fiddling with research, and of course, I may also experience the embarrassment of replacement at any time.

I stood on the side of the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked down. Suddenly, I found a person standing alone in the middle of the training ground downstairs.

It's so late, there are still people below?

I vaguely saw that it seemed to be a girl.

who is it?Could it be Lin Wan? !
Without even thinking about it, I quickly turned back and entered the nearest elevator, and went straight down to the lower training ground.

The training ground is also like gossip, one side is bright and the other side is dark, the girl is standing on the bright side, holding a pistol in Zhengping, one shot after another, tirelessly touching the target not far away, the target From time to time, shooting scores are reported, which is extraordinarily loud in this cold night.

Unfortunately, that person is not Lin Wan.

I am slightly disappointed.

However, looking from the side, I found that An was also someone I knew, Zhu Qing.

I haven't seen Zhu Qing and Li Jin for a long time. I thought about asking them about Lin Wan's whereabouts, but I still couldn't get in touch.At this time, she suddenly appeared here, so I naturally couldn't miss this opportunity, I had to try my luck and see if I could find any clues.I hurried forward.

Zhu Qing focused on shooting, she didn't seem to see me at all, until I called her behind her, she suddenly turned her face, obviously startled, put away the pistol quickly, and said: "Chu Tingsheng... you, Why are you here? Are you still awake so late?"

"Didn't you sleep too?" I said with a smile, "You're still doing shooting practice here so late."


"what happened to you?"

"I...I'm fine." Zhu Qing turned her face to the target and said, "You're not in good health, you'd better go to bed early."

"How do you know I'm not well?" I asked.

"Of course I know. Although those people have stopped us from getting close to you, I used to be your personal nurse at any rate."

"Don't let you get close to me? Where's Lin Wan? Where's Li Jin? How come I never knew about these things?" I asked in a daze.

Zhu Qing raised her gun and fired several more times, saying, "Li Jin and I were transferred to work in the underground power generation area, responsible for maintenance and defense system operations. This kind of work is dark and will last at least ten days and a half months... Lin Teacher Wan, I have never seen her since she fainted that day."

"You also know about her fainting?" I asked eagerly.

"I... only found out later." From the side, I noticed that Zhu Qing was smiling wryly, and said, "I don't understand anything, I can't do anything well, and I can't even hold a gun steadily." She continued to shoot, while He said, "Who would care about me? Even the official transfer of Li Jin and me to work underground was notified shortly, saying it was a wartime arrangement and special needs."

"how so……"

"I don't know..." She lowered her hands, turned to look at me, and said, "Chu Tingsheng, you've been looking for Teacher Lin Wan, right?"

"Yes." I answered truthfully.

"You like Teacher Lin Wan, right?" Zhu Qing asked bluntly again.

"I... yes." I nodded.

"Chu Tingsheng, if you really like Teacher Lin Wan, after you find her, take her out of here quickly." Zhu Qing said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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