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Chapter 119 The Midnight Murder

Chapter 119 The Midnight Murder
"What did you say?"

"I can't do anything well. In this base, only Teacher Lin Wan is willing to help me and let me follow her. Forgive my incompetence..." Zhu Qing said, "From the moment I joined the resistance organization, I have been with her She has been studying the Ebola variant virus for four full years, and she has never looked down on me, never thought I was stupid, and never given up on me."

"But after four years of getting along, I also know that she has been very depressed and uncomfortable these years, and she is always jealous and may be in danger at any time." Zhu Qing said, "I know she wants to leave here, but, she Going out alone, with no one to protect her, how can she survive in this city full of infected people?"

"You... want me to run away with her."

"Maybe I said too much." Zhu Qing smiled, "I just think that those of us trapped in the base will all become victims one day."

"How could you suddenly have this idea..."

", it's fine."

She kept shaking her head, and then continued to raise the gun and shoot without saying anything more.

I originally wanted to inquire about Lin Wan's news, but judging from the current situation, it seemed impossible, so I had no choice but to turn around and walk back.

There is a different kind of depression in the elevator. In this closed iron box, the air I breathe seems to have become turbid.

In desperation, I had no choice but to return to the room. However, as soon as the elevator reached the third floor, I suddenly felt dizzy. layer button.

I was puzzled for a while.

Those two people obviously knew me, but they didn't speak to me. They kept their heads down, and each of them held a document in their hands, which looked like printed research materials.

I took a step back and deliberately stood behind them, trying to read the words on the document.

I don't know if this is a premonition or something else, I always feel that the information is probably related to the things I care about.However, their two documents were sandwiched between the two of them. They seemed to hide the text in a particularly tacit understanding, leaving me with only a series of data and graphics.The biggest headache for me is these data, and I probably won't be able to understand these data in my life.

Soon, the elevator reached the sixth floor. In order not to be suspected, I had to step away. After leaving the elevator, I took a few steps outside, but I still couldn't suppress my inner curiosity and decided to follow up to see what happened.It’s so late, they must be looking for Zhang Chu when they go to the top floor, so what will happen?Do they have any new research results?Is this result related to Lin Wan?

I turned around and came to the elevator at the other end, and quickly pressed the up button. The elevator went down from the top floor, and I stepped into the "iron box" again. A few minutes later, I also came to the corridor on the top floor. Far away, I Seeing the backs of the two researchers, I was still a step late, but within a few minutes, they had already retreated from the command envoy, and they no longer had the printed document in their hands.

I tried my best to hide myself in the darkness, and followed the wall slowly.

I dare not follow the commander's door to a straight line. Zhang Chu has the ability of eagle eyes. Maybe he can easily see the situation outside.

Finally, I followed those two people to the vicinity of the elevator. Due to the effect of the concentrated liquid, although my eyes may not have the terrible ability of eagle eyes, they are at least much better than ordinary people. I hid in the dark, Still able to monitor the situation near the elevator, I stared at the constantly changing floor number next to the elevator. After a while, I found that the number of floors stopped at 2.

The two researchers went down to the second floor.

But I remember that all the research rooms were opened on the west side of the training ground on the first floor, but they stayed on the second floor. There must be something wrong here. I carefully moved back to the elevator that I went upstairs just now. Here, I decided to go down to the second floor to see what happened.

I am not very familiar with the second floor. It seems that there are several entertainment venues, and the auditorium is also on this location.

Now the auditorium is blood-stained, and at night, it is quiet in the dark, and it looks a little mysterious.

I don't know why, but I always feel that the location on the second floor is particularly dark, and it is even more difficult to distinguish the way forward than other floors. When I walk, I just feel that the walls in all directions seem to press down on me fiercely. The standing position is getting smaller and smaller.Under the control of this illusion, I suppressed the tension and depression in my heart and quietly patrolled the dark place.

If these people did establish a so-called secret research institute on the second floor, then it would definitely not be in a place where the light shines, or even in a dilapidated ruin. The entry and exit of personnel can also be announced through dialogue for the reconstruction and maintenance of base facilities.

I touched the wall with one hand, and slowly moved forward. The walls in this place have become mottled, and it is very uncomfortable to touch. I really didn't expect that the metal wall would become like this one day.

Moreover, the walls here have small and large holes at intervals, all of which were left during the battle, and there are even bloodstains on them that cannot be erased.

Walking in such a place, I feel as if I am back inside the central fortress again.

Just when I was about to reach the edge of darkness and was about to give up and continue searching, suddenly, I heard a hiss behind me.


The voice was all too familiar.

I turned around hastily.

Could it be that there are still infected people in the base who have not been eliminated?

"Ah!" Then, there was a heart-piercing scream. In the darkness, I saw a figure being violently thrown out of a room not far away, and the door that was smashed came out with him. The figure slammed into the floor-to-ceiling glass with a "bang", and at the same time, a seemingly heavy square metal object flew out at the same time. Before the figure landed, the square metal object had already slapped hard on the ground. On the face of the figure, I saw a thick liquid splashing in the darkness. Needless to say, the man must have had his brain burst.

I didn't even think about it, I rushed over. At this moment, suddenly, a figure rushed out from the smashed door at an extremely fast speed. I stretched out my hand to block it, but he staggered.

Unprepared, I also fell aside, feeling sticky under my hands.

The figure rushed to the side of the corridor, and then slammed into another closed door. I quickly stood up and quickly chased to that door.

The doors here are all metal.

Besides the infected, who else has such a powerful force that can directly knock open the metal door.

Moreover, this kind of infected person is definitely not ordinary, and its strength is even several times stronger than that of ordinary infected people.

The room was extremely dark, and the door had been smashed and twisted.

I turned on the lighting device I carried with me, and the light swept into the room. Only then did I realize that there was a crack that was two people wide on the wall of the room. I was stunned for a while.

Behind the crack, there seems to be a passage. The passage is pitch black, and I can't see my fingers. Even if I have a very penetrating lighting device in my hand, the light entering the crack seems to be swallowed by a black hole. .

I was brave enough to sneak into the crack.

"Chu Tingsheng!" Suddenly, a low voice came from behind me.

I was startled and turned around quickly.

Wherever the light reaches, what I see is Mo Ge.

"What are you doing here!" Mo Ge asked sharply.

"Something went wrong," I said.

"I know something is wrong, why are you here." She still walked forward calmly, "What are you doing before this ruin?"

"The murderer probably got into this crack." I said eagerly.

"What?" Mo Ge looked serious. In the darkness, I vaguely saw her glance towards the crack, "The back here should be able to lead to the power generation area. There are many people working in the power generation area now... no." She Said to me, "This matter must be reported to Chief Zhang Chu."

"It's too late! He's been in for a while, the speed of the infected is so fast, if we don't catch up quickly, I'm afraid!" I said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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