global variation

Chapter 120 The Secret Passage

Chapter 120 The Secret Passage
"Okay!" Mo Ge said, "Then you report to Chief Zhang Chu, and I will go in."

"No!" I immediately objected, "Either you report the letter and I go in, or we go in together!"


"I have nothing to delay for you," I said, and I stepped into the crack.

"You're going to disobey the order again!" Mo Ge snapped.

I ignored her.

I don't know what strengthened my belief that I must catch up, as if there was something special behind this crack that was attracting me.

At that time, I didn't have a weapon on me at all, and I didn't know what was behind the crack, let alone how dangerous it would be ahead.

I leaned against the wall and walked forward step by step. The lighting device in my hand could not reach the end. Mo Ge followed, not far from me. Behind the crack, it seemed that there was indeed a passage paved by man, but inside the passage It is very crude, as if it has been completed and started to be used before it is ready.

Walking forward about ten meters in that passage, suddenly, there was a fork in the road ahead, and Mo Ge and I looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Didn't you say that the back leads to the power generation area?"

"I guess so."

"But now, it seems that this place is clearly a man-made secret passage, which..."

"I heard that there are indeed several secret passages in the mountain, which are used for the escape of those senior officials and generals." Mo Ge said, "There was a time when the government had a senior official of the Military Commission who came to rebel against a certain organization. The base negotiated with our people to assist in the defense. As a result, some fanatic believers of the church suddenly launched an attack, and the chaos of the war became apparent. The official rushed into the secret defense area of ​​the base in a panic, and was shot randomly by the automatically activated defense system. Death. Since that incident, the base has begun to develop defense devices that can automatically verify genes. At the same time, there are rumors that each base has begun to set up secret passages for senior officials to escape..."

Mo Ge was talking in a low voice while going forward with me to test.

"These passages are only known to the supreme commander in the theater and some secret service personnel, not even the base commander," Mo Ge said.

"So it is."

"This..." Mo Ge suddenly paused, I think she must have said too much for herself, "This is just a rumor, don't think too much about it."

I nodded.

However, one thing is certain is that Mo Ge at this time is as puzzled as I am, and also does not understand what this passage is for.We searched for a while, but found that there was already a landslide dead end ahead.So we turned back and walked back.At this time, we were like being in an ancient tomb. We were no longer soldiers of some resistance organization, but two local masters who robbed graves.

"There are no metal walls around here..." After walking for a while, I found a long ramp in front of me, which was obviously a temporary hole in the mountain.

"There is no metal wall, so you should be more careful." Mo Ge said, "This is likely to be suspicious. The wall may have embedded a genetic identification system, or even a defense device. If you are not careful, you may... …hehe……"

She sneered.

But I have already taken a few steps forward, not as cautious as she is at all.

At this time, I was in a hurry, I just wanted to find that damn infected person just now.

"Oops, there's no signal from the communication device here," Mo Ge said.

I ignored her. I never thought of contacting Zhang Chu. I even suspected that Zhang Chu designed this channel.

Of course, this groundless suspicion is entirely due to prejudice and has no reason.

After walking a few steps, I found that the passage began to narrow slowly, and the reason for the narrowing was not that the passage was designed to be narrower, but that there was a lot of accumulated soil on both sides of the passage, as if from The soil walls on both sides are peeled off.

"Why do you pile up so much soil here?" I wondered.

Mo Ge didn't answer, and continued to move forward. After walking a few steps, she raised her foot and stepped on the mound, then suddenly lowered her body, and found some metal fragments from inside.

I stared at those metal fragments and asked, "These things..."

Mo Ge pondered for a moment, and said: "These mounds of earth were not thought to be piled up, but were shaken down. The wall was originally equipped with defensive devices, but some people discovered this, so they destroyed them all. Lost."


"Well, the soil should have been shaken off the wall when it was destroyed... It seems that the defensive devices on this road have been cleaned up very clean." Mo Ge said, and he had already pulled out a pistol, loaded it, and hung up the light. device, held in the hand.

"Are you armed?" She glanced at me.


"You are really not afraid of death." She said coldly, "Soldiers don't carry guns, because they think they don't die fast enough?"

"Just lend me a dagger," I said.

Mo Ge hesitantly took out a dagger, handed it to me, and said, "Can you use this?"

"It's enough to have enough arm strength. There shouldn't be winged people in this kind of tunnel, right?" I smiled.

"It's hard to say." She responded coldly.

We pick up the pace and move on, and I can almost see what I'm going to see next.I didn't go far, and sure enough, I saw some stumps, and some corpses with only skeletons and broken flesh.

"It's really fun for these guys to eat meat." I don't know when, I even dared to say a few words at a critical moment, and when faced with these mutilated corpses and horrific skeletons, I also became Very calm.

Mo Ge didn't answer, holding the gun, leaning against the wall, and walked forward step by step.

It was getting darker and darker ahead, and after a while, there was another fork in the road.

"Which way shall we go this time?" I glanced at Mo Ge.

Mo Ge still ignored me, maybe she really thinks I talk too much.

She chose a path of her own, and walked forward quickly, and I quickly followed, keeping the dagger in the belt around my waist.

We walked for a while, and I actually heard a strange sound.

"what sound?"

"Can't hear clearly," Mo Ge was obviously a little confused, "like the sound of water."

"Sound of waves?" I couldn't help but frowned, "Why is there a sound of waves?" How can I say that I have also stayed in this coastal Z city for so many years, so I am very familiar with the sound of waves.

"Go forward." Mo Ge said.

I nodded.

What I didn't expect was that if we continued to go forward, what we saw was actually a year of deep blue night sky.

We actually walked out of the resistance organization.

I was so startled that I was about to cry out. Mo Ge was at the entrance of the cave, hesitating for a while, and then slowly climbed up and stood on the ground.

I found that we are on the hillside of the offshore island, which is covered by vegetation, but a few steps forward is a flat open space, where we can clearly see the beach, the starry sky, the buildings opposite, and the road The offshore bridge lying quietly between the waves under the night sky.

The salty and cold sea breeze blew across the sky. At this time, I realized that the outside is not so cold anymore. Winter seems to be gradually passing, and spring has returned to this land again.

It's a pity that we "ants" hiding in the base don't know the cold and heat at all.

"Here, how can there be a road leading to the outside here..."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong. This is probably the passage for high-ranking officials to escape." Mo Ge said, walking forward, towards the open space.

I also followed.

Looking out from a distance, I saw many soldiers patrolling and guarding the beach on the offshore island.

"Hey..." Breathing the air outside, I suddenly felt a long-lost pleasure. I glanced at Mo Ge and said, "Hey, Commander, is this a serious violation of the rules today? You escaped from the base with a recruit." .”

"I'm spying on you." Mo Ge said coldly, "As a soldier, it's best not to be too naughty."

"But what should we do now, the infected person is likely already..."

"He can't escape from the offshore island." Mo Ge said, "A single infected person can't defeat Zhang Chu's personal guard."

"It's the ones on the beach..."

"You ask too many questions." Mo Ge said, "Go, go back."

"Go back now?" I really wanted to stay outside for a while.

"Go back!" she ordered.

I had no choice but to nod my head, but the moment I turned around, there were several screams from the hillside.

(End of this chapter)

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