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Chapter 121 The Abyss-Like Cave

Chapter 121 The Abyss-Like Cave
In astonishment, several black shadows flew down from the hillside at the same time. Mo Ge pulled me behind him with one step, and shot two "bang bang", directly knocking down the two leading black shadows to the ground.

However, I felt a gust of wind coming from behind me, and I hurriedly turned around. Sure enough, an infected person came up to me and stretched out his hand to grab my neck.

I stood too close to Mo Ge, if I dodged, I was afraid that something would happen to Mo Ge, so I simply grabbed the guy's arm, grasped the wrist with my left hand, drew the knife with my right hand, and slashed at his hand with force, the cut was very precise , was cutting into the infected person's wrist, the infected person trembled, and I pulled back.

The infected person was injured by me, and his movements were obviously slower. I rushed up, grabbed the bloody head, slammed it into the tree, and fell to the ground with my backhand, kneeling on him. Between the neck, cut it down again with a dagger.

I don't know how much force I exerted. After a while, I actually cut off that guy's head.

I stood up, held up the human head, and said to Mo Ge who was standing by, " it brain damage?"

"You used a cut off his head?!" Mo Ge's eyes widened.

"what happened?"

"It's okay, go back quickly!" She turned around and sneaked back into the secret passage without answering my question.

I frowned, threw that head aside, turned over and followed.

The passage is still dark, and I'm covered in blood.

We quickly returned the same way, and Mo Ge tried to call the headquarters again, but there was still no signal in the cave.

After a while, we returned to the location of the last fork before leaving the base.

Mo Ge suddenly stopped and said, "If we go to the other side, what do you think will happen?"

"what do you mean?"

"The bones that fell on the ground should not have been left just now. They have obviously been dead for more than a day." Mo Ge said, "Moreover, it is impossible for an infected person to eat a whole person in just a few minutes. into a skeleton."

"You mean, this time, there is likely to be their old lair?"

"I mean, this incident may be related to the disappearance of veterans under the power generation area." Mo Ge said, "I said at the beginning that this may lead to the power generation area. If the infection If the perpetrators were originally hidden under the power generation area, and they have the ability to dig and explore, they are likely to bypass the power generation area and make an entrance and exit that just connects to the secret escape route."

"If this is the case, then the base has already been breached." I said.

"No way." Mo Ge said, "The base is now on a first-level alert for the infected. Every inch of the wall has a genetic identification system. They should not be able to easily rush into the base. However, living in the mountain, It is possible."

"Then we might as well... go in!"

"Are you really not afraid of death?" Mo Ge looked at me.

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged.

This is not trying to be brave, I am really becoming more and more indifferent, I have experienced life and death, and gradually become numb, that's all.

Mo Ge shook his head, and said, "After a little experience, you think you are open and frank, don't you?"

"I'm just numb," I said.

"Childish." Mo Ge said coldly, "You are not numb, but arrogant."

Being called childish by someone younger than me, I really don't know how to refute it.But in the end, she chose to sneak into another fork in the road, and I followed closely.

This branch road is obviously much straighter, as if the guy who drilled the hole didn't think too much about it at all, he just wanted to open up that passage. There were bursts of rumbling sounds, and the faint sound of electric current, buzzing, and I even felt that the ground under my feet was not solid, but was constantly vibrating with the sound of the machine.

"It seems that my guess is right. This passage is near the power generation area, and it is definitely not designed by people from the rebel organization." Mo Ge said, "No member of the rebel organization will set the escape passage at the most dangerous power generation area. Next to the area, it’s still so close.” She reached out and touched the wall, and said, “Other people are digging holes in our house, but we don’t know it at all, Wei Guodong is really good at it.” After speaking, continue to move forward.

After walking a few steps, we found that this road actually came to an end.

At the end, it wasn't because there was a dead end ahead, but because a big hole like an abyss suddenly appeared ahead.

"These guys..." Mo Ge gritted his teeth, "It seems that we must contact the base first, and the current situation..."

I couldn't help but sweep the light from the lighting device towards the entrance of the cave, but Mo Ge stretched out his hand to stop him: "Don't be impulsive... Be careful to scare the snake away."

I sighed.

Mo Ge said: "Although the signal here is weak, we should be able to contact the headquarters. Let's step back and don't get too close to the entrance of the cave."

I didn’t say anything, but I was uneasy. I didn’t know if Zhang Chu would interrogate me because of this matter.

At this point, I almost forgot why I chased in. I obviously chased two researchers down to the second floor, and then, when a researcher was killed, I chased to this huge crack. from China.

Where did the murderous infected person go, is it at the bottom of this huge cave?
Also, where is Lin Wan, where are the laboratories of those two researchers, and what secrets are there in this base that I don't know?

All mysteries remained unsolved, and now new ones have been created.

I was arranged by Mo Ge to squat at the entrance of the cave to guard, while she was trying to contact the headquarters.

After a while, she gave me a slight nod.

"What now?" I asked.

She sighed and said, "Wait, there is no other way."

For the next few minutes, I have been guarding the hole with Mo Ge, neither of us said a word, Mo Ge's gun has never left the hole like a trap in the abyss, and I have been holding the dagger , not daring to relax in the slightest.

I didn't expect that it wasn't Zhang Chu who came, but Tu Shu. When she appeared in the passage, she looked me and Mo Ge coldly, and said, "You guys are cheating here and accidentally found the entrance of the cave. Is it?"

"You should keep your mouth clean." Mo Ge straightened his body and said sharply.

Tu Shu shrugged her shoulders, came to the entrance of the cave with a half-smile, looked down, and murmured, "Could this be the main entrance?"

"The main entrance?" I couldn't help but mutter.

"Didn't I tell you? There is a situation under the power generation area." Tu Shu squatted at the entrance of the cave, frowned, looked at me again, and said, "Why, who did you fight with just now?"

I answered truthfully: "I met a few infected people in the passage."

"An infected person really came in? Was the researcher outside also killed by an infected person?"

"I just chased that guy in." I replied.

"Hehe, it's interesting, it seems that your mission action is going to be advanced." Tu Shu said.

"Advance?" Before I could speak, Mo Ge on the side spoke first, "Do you mean that the special operations team should sneak into the ground ahead of time before all the special training missions have been completed?"

"According to the current situation, maybe it is." Tu Shu nodded.

"No, as the supreme commander of the base, I absolutely do not agree to do this." Mo Ge said sharply.

"Don't speak so loudly, are you afraid that the guys below won't hear you?" Tu Shu said half-sarcastically, "It's not Chief Zhang Chu who makes the final decision on this kind of thing. It's meaningless for us to argue here."

After finishing speaking, Tu Shu waved her hand, and immediately several base soldiers stepped forward.

"You guard here. Before the defense is completed, no one is allowed to act rashly, not to go down, and not to retreat without an order." Tu Shu ordered.

"Yes." Those people nodded.

"Let's go." After the arrangement was completed, Tu Shu turned to look at me and said, "If you are not injured and still have strength, let's discuss with Commander Zhang Chu what to do next."

(End of this chapter)

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