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Chapter 122 Death Vault

Chapter 122 Death Vault
I always feel that Tu Shu is demonstrating against Mo Ge with every gesture.

Now the power of the base is completely in a state of checks and balances, and the center of this checks and balances is Tu Shu.

Tu Shu is fully responsible for the training of recruits and also serves as the inspector. Although she has no command power, she can be dispatched directly by Zhang Chu to carry out various special tasks. The power may override Mo Ge and Shao Guangyi at any time.

Even if Zhang Chu left the offshore base and Mo Ge became the supreme commander here, I don’t think Mo Ge and Shao Guangyi would dare to touch her casually, because she holds the supervisory power in her hand and also serves as “Zhang Chu’s most trusted person.” "Such a role.

This kind of check and balance will inevitably make Tu Shu and Mo Ge fight more fiercely.

I don’t know if this kind of struggle is what Zhang Chu wants to see.

Before I even had time to wash my hands, they dragged me to see the current theater commander, Chief Zhang Chu.

When I appeared in front of Zhang Chu covered in blood, Zhang Chu just glanced at me coldly, as if confirming that I was not injured, then he turned his gaze to Mo Ge and asked, "Why did you appear in the hospital at three o'clock in the middle of the night?" that place."

Mo Ge replied: "Routine inspection."

"You inspect it yourself?"

"Yes, Shao Guangyi and I take turns to patrol and supervise the defense of the base." Mo Ge replied.

"Don't do this in the future, and send your men down." Zhang Chu said.


He stared at me coldly again: "What about you?"

The tone at this time is completely different from the day when he talked to me.

He might have been playing the emotional card that day, but today he showed no emotion, with a stern face, a blunt and dry tone, and a hint of anger.

"I can't sleep, let's go downstairs."

"As a soldier, is it appropriate to walk around the base at night?" Zhang Chu asked.

"Probably, it's not appropriate..." I stammered.

Tu Shu on the side burst out laughing, which made me very embarrassed.

Zhang Chu ignored her and continued to ask me: “What did you see?”

"I saw the researcher killed by the infected person, and I chased the infected person into the room, and after that, I saw the crack in the wall." I answered truthfully.

"You followed him when you saw him?" Zhang Chu stared at Mo Ge again.


Zhang Chu pondered for a moment, and said: "Don't pursue these violations of yours first, tell me what you have discovered and what you think." After he could not change back to the metal desk, he sat on the desk where he could see the sky and the coast Under the big window, it seemed that the entire dark blue night sky and the stars in the sky became his background for a moment.He crossed his fingers between his faces, and scanned us with a pair of sharp eyes, as if he didn't mean to force us to agree, but he had already formed a forceful posture.

"Behind the crack is a passage that can lead out of the base." Mo Ge said.

"Is it?"

"Yes, I guess... it should be an escape route."

Zhang Chu didn’t speak.

Mo Ge said: "There are several side roads inside, and there are destroyed defense systems, as well as human corpses. The passage leading to the downward hole is wide and straight, just adjacent to the power generation area. I think it should be It was not done by people in the rebel organization, it is impossible for us to open a passage in a dangerous place like the power generation area."


"It should be the infected, or the masterpiece of the church." Mo Ge said, "They have long wanted to infiltrate the base, but Wei Guodong has never noticed."

Zhang Chu never gave much response, which obviously made several people present feel uneasy. The less he said, the harder it was for us to guess what he was thinking.

Mo Ge paused several times, maybe waiting for Zhang Chu to ask questions, maybe waiting for Zhang Chu to give a little response, but Zhang Chu just stared at us all the time, without saying a word, so Mo Ge had to keep talking: "I guess, the infected person In advance, I wanted to use that passage to infiltrate into the base. The room where the crack was located was empty before, and the personnel defense was relatively weak, but the infected later found that it was unrealistic, because although the second floor is full of entertainment facilities, the auditorium It is close to the training ground on the first floor, so there are many genetic testing systems and automatic defense devices, and it is actually difficult to break through. Therefore, they had to give up and chose another plan, which is to directly enter the base from the weak point of the power generation area Among them, it is very likely that the traitor who instigated this base attack has also fled to that cave."

Zhang Chu nodded, then turned to Tu Shu, and asked, “Tu Shu, what do you say?”

Tu Shu said: "I think what Mo Ge said is not right."

"Well, what's your opinion?" Zhang Chu asked.

"She overlooked one point, that is, before the war, the people of the church had already invaded the entire computer defense system of the base. The intelligent defense system had actually been captured at that time and was in the hands of the enemy."

She paused and said, "In that case, why didn't the enemy just disable the intelligent defense system on the entire second floor, and then let the infected enter the base through the passage? That's also feasible."

"It's impossible for them to completely disarm the intelligent defense system on the second floor," Mo Ge retorted. "Even after the battle begins, the only place where it will be disarmed is near the power generation area. It will not be until they destroy the main power units." It has really disarmed most of the defenses of the base, but even so, the genetic recognition device between the corridors and the charged particle cannon underground can still be used.”

"That doesn't mean that the passage was prepared in advance. It also doesn't mean that the traitor has escaped into the cave." Tu Shu said lightly, "Your thinking is really too naive."

She looked at Zhang Chu and said: "I think it doesn't matter when that passage appeared. There is no need to investigate this point. What we should do now is to sneak directly from that hole and completely eliminate the remnants of the underground. , that’s the top priority.”

"No! I think it's necessary to continue investigating that secret passage. There are other forks in the passage." Mo Ge objected.

"Don't you already have an idea about the function of the channel?" Zhang Chu said.

"What I'm talking about is just one of the guesses." Mo Ge said, "And, if my guess is correct, then the passage has probably penetrated into the mountain, and it's definitely not just such a short section, so... I think It is necessary to continue the investigation.”

"No matter how infiltrated, our primary problem is below the power generation area." Tu Shu said, "What we want to investigate is what is under our feet, not too much entanglement in the area parallel to us. "

"Hehe..." Zhang Chu suddenly sneered.

I was taken aback, his sudden sneer made me a little uneasy.

"Since you don't believe each other." Zhang Chu said, "It's very simple, Tu Shu. From tomorrow onwards, you will be responsible for analyzing the function of the channel, and lead people to search for every fork in the channel. You, personally verify Mo Ge's True or false."

"Yes." Tu Shu nodded.

"Mo Ge," Zhang Chu's eyes fell on Mo Ge and me, and said, "You are in charge of leading the special operations team into the underground cave under the cover of other defense personnel."

"I can take people there." Mo Ge said, "but the special training mission of the special operations team has not been completed, and they are not suitable for combat."

"Haven't they already fought?" Zhang Chu said coldly.

"But... this time..."

"The enemy won't wait for you to get ready before attacking." Zhang Chu said in a deep voice, "This is an order."


"You can choose one or several helpers, but the team you bring down cannot exceed ten people." Zhang Chu added.


I suddenly felt that I was sentenced to death again.

Zhang Chu didn't ask me a word from the beginning to the end. After giving the order, he asked us to leave immediately and go back to rest and prepare.

I don't know why such a big matter was decided so quickly this time, as if it was delayed for a few minutes, and many side issues would appear.On the way back, I became more and more confused and couldn't see through all this.

I always feel like something is being covered up.

I just walked in front of the metal door of the residence when suddenly, the communication device in my hand gave a long beep.


I turn on the communicator.

Lin Wan? !
"Don't go underground, don't!"

(End of this chapter)

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