global variation

Chapter 124 Pangolin

Chapter 124 Pangolin

"There is something inside the wall." Zheng Long backed away, and I quickly pulled out my pistol and pointed it at the wall.

Zheng Long kicked up and kicked on the earthen wall, and quickly retracted his feet after kicking, as if he was afraid that the things inside would suddenly counterattack.

Under the dim brilliance, the fine dust of doubt peeled off little by little and fell slowly.

The earthen wall remained motionless, and there seemed to be no abnormalities in the wall.

I raised my gun and waited for a long time before the wall. Seeing that the earthen wall was still stable and there was no change on the wall, I became more puzzled and looked at Zheng Long.

Before I could ask, Zheng Long raised his hand, and I saw that there was clearly a small hole in his palm, and a stream of blood slowly flowed down from the small hole.

"There's definitely something in this wall," he added.

I frowned for a moment, pulled out the dagger, and slashed into the wall with my backhand, dust and gravel were scattered everywhere.

Immediately afterwards, I pulled the knife horizontally, and the broken soil on the wall began to peel off in large pieces. However, not only did I not see any enemies, I didn't even find any broken metal pieces such as defensive devices.

"It doesn't seem to be..." I was about to close the knife and prepare to move on, but at this moment, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

I suddenly felt that the soil where I stabbed the knife seemed a little too soft, so I pushed the dagger a little harder, turned my wrist and swiped, only to hear a "poof", and the earth wall in front of me collapsed. The next big block revealed a long, slender passage running parallel to the path we were walking on, and just big enough to accommodate the next person.

"This...someone was hiding in the wall just now." Zheng Long said vigilantly.

"It seems to be careful..."

My voice was still there, and there was a rustling sound from far to near, as if someone was clawing and climbing a dirt wall. At the same time, I saw a wisp of dust falling down from in front of me.

I hold my breath.

Zheng Long obviously felt that something was wrong and stared at me.

I stretched out a finger, did not speak, but pointed upwards quietly, indicating that the enemy is probably above us.

He nodded, and when the rustling sound stopped not far from us, he began to back away slowly, with extreme caution.He seemed to have calculated the distance correctly, and stopped below the position where the sound stopped just now.

He gestured to me and counted on his hand.




Immediately afterwards, Zheng Long raised his gun to the top of his head and pulled the trigger continuously with lightning speed. After several shots, dust flew from the top of his head, thick liquid splashed down, and strange screams filled the entire passage. Inside, I saw a strange movement, starting from above where Zheng Long was standing, and attacking towards the top of my head. I roughly calculated the distance, raised my gun, pointed it not far above me obliquely, and fired two shots forward.

The guy moving above our heads was extremely fast, but I was lucky, he passed over my head, and the moment he continued to move forward, my two shots happened to hit that guy, and another stream of dirty blood fell like a ribbon , but changed color on the ground.

That guy still doesn't seem to be dead, and the dust above our heads is still flying.

I strode forward, chased that guy and fired several times, finally, I only heard a "pop" crack, the dust was filled, and in the midair, a black shadow rushed down, landed on me and just in time to catch up. In front of Zheng Long.

The guy looked up and stared at us.

I am a little stunned.

It really is a "new breed". I have never seen an infected person like this.The white light swept over his body, and on the battered body that had already been beaten by us, I saw pieces of intertwined and staggered scales, gray-brown scales, like geckos or lizards in the grass , that guy has no hair, and looks like an evolution of the infected person wrapped in skin.The scales on his body were very sharp, and when he stood for a moment, his palms and fingers were spread out, and the nails on those fingers seemed to be very vicious sharp weapons.

It's just that at this time, his body has already been blasted into several big holes by us, and under the white ribs, I seem to be able to see the "colorful" internal organs.

Like the other infected, even so, he still stood.Although the movement is slow, it still moves forward towards us.

Without even thinking about it, I raised the gun again and pointed it at his head.

With a bang, the scales on that guy's head scattered in all directions, and the blood splattered, but I still couldn't see his irrelevance. If the infected person wrapped tightly in his skin was surrounded by a layer of bulletproof vest In terms of the whole body, then this guy is wearing an airtight armor.

Under this shot, the infected person was not dead, but his movements were already extremely slow, and he couldn't stop making low growls.

I was standing right in front of Zheng Long, the road was narrow, and it was inconvenient for him to attack, so I pulled out my dagger, stepped forward quickly, and raised my hand to stab the hole in the infected person's head, the infected person actually reached out Grabbing my wrist, I thought he had completely lost his fighting power, but I didn't expect him to be able to move so flexibly. I didn't have time to withdraw my hand, and my arm was scratched by the guy's scales. The scales were extremely sharp. With just a light stroke, I A very deep gash had already been drawn on the arm.

I quickly retreated, that guy was not to be outdone, his rotten face, together with the black hole and abyss-like wound, rushed towards me.

I couldn't raise the gun.

I just feel that the black hole is getting bigger and bigger, and that rotten face full of scales and no facial features is getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing that guy was about to throw me down.

Perhaps this sudden danger inspired my potential, I raised the gun as fast as possible, and the muzzle pierced straight into the hole in the middle of the scales, and then I pulled it without hesitation. trigger.


There was a bang, and I stepped back quickly, covering my face with my arms to prevent my face from being scratched by the shattered scales.

The scales flew towards me like raindrops, and there was a burst of knife rain in front of me.

When everything calmed down again, I only felt a tingling pain in my arm. When I looked carefully through the lighting device, I found that my forearm was densely scratched with a dozen bloodstains.

"Damn... I hope this guy's scales are not poisonous." I couldn't help wiping the blood from the wound and said.

"I was stabbed by him, it seems nothing happened." Zheng Long said.

I was a little relieved, nodded, and gestured to Zheng Long to follow me and move on.

After encountering such an infected person like a pangolin, we moved more cautiously and moved a lot slower.

However, after that, those infected people didn't seem to dare to act recklessly, and nothing unusual happened around us.

Just when I thought the danger was over for a while, another open space suddenly appeared in front of us, and I couldn't help but walk forward quickly, followed closely by Zheng Long.The moment I came to the open space, I was stunned.

This open space, to be exact, should be a slaughterhouse, the ground is full of corpses, the air is stale and the smell is unbearable.

These corpses have obviously been dead here for more than a day, and some of them have started to turn green and swell due to the moisture in the ground, their eyeballs are bulging, and rotten water is flowing. All of them were extremely tragic, either their stomachs were ripped open, or their throats were cut open.

I couldn't help covering my mouth and nose, Zheng Long gritted his teeth and asked, "This...these people are..."

"Judging from the clothes, they are our comrades-in-arms." I said, "Commander Zhang Chu has sent several teams down here before, and it seems that they have also found this place... If so..."

I have a bad feeling that these soldiers died and rotted here at the same time, which means that this ghost place has a special "magic power".

I didn't find the corpses of infected people in this open space, but I found a few broken scales next to several corpses.

I felt more and more that something was wrong, turned to look at Zheng Long, and said, "Be careful, prepare to fight!"

Zheng Long seemed to have seen what I meant, gripping the pistol tightly, and slowly approaching my back.

The moment the two of us pushed our backs to cover each other, suddenly, on the ground less than half a meter in front of me, a hand was stretched out with a "sudden" sound.

After the ghost hand got out of the ground like a cocoon, it grabbed me in my direction.

(End of this chapter)

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