global variation

Chapter 125 Python

Chapter 125 Python
I hurriedly shot at the palm with a low gun, but the palm moved so fast that it reached the bottom of my feet in a short while.I hurriedly lifted my foot to the side, and the palm grabbed Zheng Long violently.

I didn't have time to push Zheng Long away, but his evasion was quick, he staggered, and within a moment of evasion, he also fell to the ground next to him.

Then, there was only a sound of "嗤", and the dust on the ground flew up like a jet. At the same time, a figure rushed up from the cracked ground.

Another guy who looks like a pangolin.

The jumping ability of these guys seems to be quite amazing. I didn't dare to shoot at all when they flew up, for fear of accidentally injuring Zheng Long.

The "pangolin man" turned over in the air, straightened his body, and rushed towards me. He was covered in armor, and being scratched was no small matter. I didn't dare to confront him head-on, so I quickly dodged again to avoid it.

The moment that guy fell down, streaks of dust were immediately drawn on the wall.

It's too fierce!
I sigh in my heart.

But no matter how tyrannical the enemy is, we can only save ourselves at this time. Zhang Chu’s plan is to let us contact for help whenever we have a situation, but now our communication device has no way to send a message to the ground.

The pangolin man let out a shriek, then suddenly shook his body, and rushed towards him from another direction. Their figure was very strange, they had both hands and legs like humans, and they could move upright, but when they attacked, they seemed to be carrying The habit of four-legged reptiles makes them more difficult to deal with than ordinary infected people. When I was at a loss what to do, Zheng Long next to me suddenly rushed up and stood in front of me, aiming at the "pangolin man". gun.

With one shot, the pangolin man was blown back again and again.

But Zheng Long didn't stop moving, he strode up, stretched out his hand, and then turned his backhand, strangling the pangolin man's neck tightly with his arms.


The pangolin man was covered in "knives", and Zheng Long's suicide attack was bound to be injured, but the moment I shouted "be careful", it was too late, Zheng Long and the pangolin man's body were almost tightly attached, and the pangolin man Raising his hand, he was about to stab his sharp claws into Zheng Long's body.Unexpectedly, at this moment, Zheng Long yelled loudly, his arms seemed to exert great strength, and with a "crack", the pangolin man's head was completely clamped off, and a stream of blood sprayed straight into the air.

Randomly, Zheng Long kicked the pangolin man's remnant body out neatly.

Zheng Long's head fell to the ground, and half of his body was already covered in blood, but he didn't care about the scars on his body, and fired two shots at the head with "bang bang", blowing the hard scaled head to pieces.

I let out a long sigh of relief.

It turns out that this is the power of the so-called "python constrictor concentrate". No wonder I feel that the muscles in his hand are different from ordinary people.

Zheng Long shook his arms and said, "Let's go."

I was a little worried, so I said, "Don't need to take a break? Do you need some blood coagulant to stop the bleeding?"

"No need." He shook his head, "Don't we have so much time, Captain."

I gritted my teeth and had no choice but to step over the rotting corpses on the ground and move on.

There is no fork in the road ahead, and this open space seems to be just a "buffer belt". Probably the veterans who came down a few days ago were ambushed here, and they were wounded by the infected, so they stayed there. Many corpses.

When we came here, the enemies here had almost been wiped out, so the situation was much better than before.

Zheng Long and I stepped into the narrow passage again, and the passage after that was darker, deeper, and narrower. I became more and more worried. This kind of passage is only the size of a person, and the wall is almost firmly stuck to it. With our bodies, it is difficult for us to turn around, let alone counterattack and shoot. If the infected people inside the wall suddenly stab their sharp arms or claws out of the wall, our bodies will be easily pierced.

"This place is not good for us!" Thinking of this, I said to Zheng Long, "speed up."


The two of us wanted to pass through this passage quickly. However, the truth of "blessings never come singly" was confirmed at this moment. We only walked forward for less than 50 meters, and our bodies were even caught in the "wall gap". ", the terrible "rustling sound" came from all directions again, this time, it was not just an infected person, it seemed that there was a small group of infected people hidden inside the wall.

I gritted my teeth and said, "Hurry up, they're coming!"

Zheng Long didn't answer, but I knew he might be more nervous than me.

The two of us tried our best to sprint forward, but at this moment, with a "poof", an infected arm thrust out of the wall in front of me—fortunately I was a step late, otherwise the arm Already stroking my soft, sticky insides at the moment.I gritted my teeth, drew out the dagger, and slashed down fiercely.

The dagger is not used to cut people, and its sharpness is not enough to cut off human hands. However, I cut off the infected person's arm at the wrist. The broken arm immediately retracted into the wall.At this time, even I feel weird, is this the power of the concentrate?Has it finally worked in my body after so long?

However, now is not the time to think about these things, I continue to move forward quickly.

After a few sprints, another arm stretched out from the wall. I bared my teeth and swung the knife. Although I didn't cut off his wrist with one blow, it slowed down the slashing movement of the waving arm a lot. .

At this time, Zheng Long behind me suddenly stretched out his hand, and regardless of the pain in his palm, he grabbed the scaly arm and twisted his backhand.

His special arm is as flexible as a snake's body. Although it is restricted by the arm bone, it can still make many movements that ordinary people cannot do. This twist actually strangled the infected person's arm. .

The arm in front of us drooped immediately, and Zheng Long and I quickly walked around that arm and continued forward.

In this narrow passage, the arms of those infected are like a bunch of predetermined organs, constantly stabbing out of the wall, or blocking us, or crossing between us, or sweeping up from behind us .The two of us hid left and right, and finally rushed out of the narrow passage, but the dust was flying above, and the gravel was flying everywhere. Before we stood still, two shadows rushed down.

Zheng Long was behind me, a black shadow was falling in front of him, and I sprinted too fast, the black shadow above my head threw me straight to the ground.

Another pangolin man!

Before and after this, we met at least a dozen pangolins.

Are these guys the last trump card of the infected in the offshore base?There is so much hoarding in the ground.

The pangolin man's hands tightly strangled my arm, and the stinging pain immediately spread from the place he was grasping.

My pistol and lighting device fell to the side. I couldn't see if my arm was bleeding profusely, and I couldn't see if there were pangolin men around me.

I only know that the face of the guy in front of me, the guy who pinned me down, has been getting closer, his face is covered with scales, as long as he hits my neck at this moment, I will be cut immediately throat and die.

I gritted my teeth, exerted force with both feet, and kicked towards the guy's chest with all my strength. The scales can resist the impact, but they may not be able to resist the force being pushed out.

With this kick, the opponent's body was obviously out of balance. Enduring the pain in my arms, I exerted force upwards, grabbed the guy's shoulders, and threw him to the top of my head.

This fall finally made him leave the top of my body. However, my palms, shoulders, arms and legs were all scratched and stabbed. Fortunately, these guys do not have toxins in their bodies, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The moment the guy fell, I quickly rolled over to pick up the pistol and lighting device on the side. Who knows, just as my hand was about to touch the pistol, a thin, long and hard thing like a sharp sword suddenly Stabbing over from the darkness, I hastily retracted my hands to dodge.

And the moment I withdrew my hand, the sharp sword had already picked up my pistol and threw it further back.

(End of this chapter)

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