Chapter 126 The Way Back

I was dumbfounded.

I am all too familiar with that sharp sword.

This thing, is it? !

I instinctively began to have a special sense of fear, and I kept backing away. While backing up, I was at a loss to grasp the dagger hidden in my leg.

I finally clenched the dagger tightly, and in the darkness, a horrifying silhouette appeared.

On the side, Zheng Long was still fighting with the pangolin man, and he didn't seem to have made any progress. Moreover, the guy I knocked down just now stood up again at this moment. With great effect, his body was still flexible, and he rushed towards Zheng Long with a stride.

I wanted to help Zheng Long, but I couldn't get away at all. In the darkness opposite me, the sharp sword had been stabbing me from directly in front of me.

That guy's movement speed is still not too fast, but the attack speed, due to the explosive power of the muscles, is too terrifying. After I dodged several times, I already feel exhausted, especially the wound on my body, which seems to be being pulled over and over again Shatter.

I knew that going on like this would be absolutely useless to me, so I had no choice but to follow his attack and try to lean back as much as possible to reach for the thrown pistol.

At this moment, Zheng Long suddenly shouted at me: "Chu Tingsheng, go on!"

I couldn't help turning my face to one side, only to see a white light flying down towards me in mid-air.

I hastily reached out to catch it.

It was a pistol, Zheng Long's weapon.

I quickly raised my gun and fired. After two shots, the guy approaching in front of me finally slowed down.

The light of the lighting device hit him, and I finally saw the guy's appearance clearly.


But it wasn't the swordsman from before. This guy was already covered in gray and black, like a mummy. Only the arm bone of his right arm, although it was also extremely dark, still looked so sharp.

How is it possible, how is it possible that the swordsman is still alive——

I remembered that day when we ran out of the underground laboratory, I looked back and saw the scorched face for a moment.

Yes, that's it, but what kind of energy is it that can make a skeleton stand up and continue fighting?Hasn't the nervous system of his body been completely broken?Logically speaking, the brain tissue should have been... Thinking about it, the opponent has charged again, the movement is still slow, but the attack speed is still amazing. I used the wall to dodge while shooting. Over there, Zheng Long did not have a pistol. , has been clearly at a disadvantage, although I caught a glimpse of him waving his hand to eliminate one "pangolin man", but the other one is still entangled with him, and he is covered in blood, there is no way to use that python-like hand to wrap around the other party again.

I can't just watch Zheng Long die like this!
So, I fired a shot at the swordsman who was almost a mummified skeleton, then turned the gun, pointed it in Zheng Long's direction, and fired another shot at the pangolin man.Originally, I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the swordsman being repulsed by me to deal with the pangolin man—at least wound him and help Zheng Long—but I completely miscalculated. Although I hit the pangolin man with this shot, the His head was smashed in front of Zheng Long. However, the shot I fired before did not cause too much damage to the swordsman, and my moment of distraction gave the swordsman an opportunity to take advantage of it. A sword stabbed me from directly in front of me, and my whole body instinctively retreated to the side, but the sword still penetrated into my right shoulder.


Between the shoulder blade and the arm, something seems to be embedded in an instant, and that thing is forcefully pushing away my connected joints, and at the same time, it is about to cut off the meridians. The pain can be imagined-you know, the swordsman has since Since the last time he reappeared in front of me, his sword bone is already full of jagged teeth.

I bared my teeth and stretched out my hand to grab his shriveled left hand, trying to kick his body.

I was like kicking a stake.

However, what I didn't expect was that after these few kicks, the opponent actually started to retreat. The bone sword stabbed on my shoulder violently twitched. With a splash of warm blood, the swordsman actually fought with me. I opened the distance of about half a meter.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I exchanged the cash from my right hand for my uninjured left hand and raised my gun to shoot.

The swordsman retreated farther and farther away, and I moved the muzzle of the gun down, aimed at the swordsman's waist and abdomen, and pulled the trigger again.

The shot really worked, the swordsman squatted down, and I hurriedly shouted to Zheng Long: "Zheng Long! Let's go!"

Zheng Long was not dragging his feet, and immediately followed my footsteps. I picked up the pistol that fell on the ground and threw it to Zheng Long. Then we drilled into the long and dark passage again. Unexpectedly, we didn't go far. There was another fork in the road ahead of us.

"What to do..." Zheng Long looked at me.

"Left..." I faintly felt a gust of wind coming in from the left.

"Hmm..." This time, Zheng Long was one step faster than me, and rushed to the fork on the left. Just as I was about to follow, suddenly, my feet trembled, and I almost couldn't stand still. On the ground, a " The pangolin man rushed up at a very fast speed, I quickly retreated, and at this time Zheng Long had already rushed into the passage, and the pangolin man just put me and him in the middle.

"Damn it! The ghost is still there!" I raised my gun and shot, and hit the guy's head with one shot. Because the two sides were too close, I was so dazzled and tinnitused by this shot that I had to back away a few step.

The head of the "pangolin man" kept bleeding, but he still didn't fall to the ground.What's more terrible is that another enemy suddenly jumped down from above. The moment he fell, the broken soil and stones from the upper part of the passage fell together, and the passage on the left would be completely blocked.

Seeing that there was a way to escape, Zheng Long went in, but I was blocked out!

"Fuck!" I couldn't help yelling.

How can I be so unlucky, why is it always me who is unlucky!
Only the person involved will know what kind of feeling it is to hope to be smothered in front of me. I started to shoot crazily, and I didn't know how many shots I fired. In short, when the dust settled, I The entire body of the two enemies in front of me was blown to pieces, and I was also scratched by scales on my legs and abdomen.

The wound on my shoulder has not healed, and more new wounds are crawling all over my body. I know that if I continue to stay, there is only a dead end.

Even if there is no escape route on the right side, I can only give it a try. Maybe, if I sneak into the lair of those infected people, I still have a chance to earn a few lives back.

I couldn't help touching the grenade embedded in the inner pocket of my clothes, and I was ready to die.

Since I was alone and had no one to assist me, I turned up the lights as much as possible.

I explored the passage on the right step by step.

This passage is wider than the left one, but it is longer, and it is not a straight passage. It is curved and deep, and it looks more mysterious. The more I go in, the more uncertain I feel.

Moreover, at this time, I couldn't lift my right hand anymore, so I could only hold the gun in my left hand, and at the same time, I was ready to draw a dagger for hand-to-hand combat at any time.

I patted my battle suit and inspected it for a while. There are still two magazines left in it. Although it is a special pistol, plus the unfinished ones, there are only more than 30 bullets. If a large group of infected people come up together , in this narrow passage, there is absolutely no way I can resist it.

step by step.

Suddenly, I felt that there was a way back.

I have a good sense of direction. Even in this underground, I can roughly judge the direction I am walking. I found that the winding road seems to be going back and extending to the ground.

How is this going?

Could it be that this bend can lead back to the base?
If this is the case, then the real purpose of the infected is to station troops here and attack a weak link of the base again!
So where is the weak link?

Power generation area, or...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help speeding up my pace. After a while, I actually heard a human voice, and the voice seemed to be coming from the next door. I couldn't help but took out the dagger, and gently scraped off a piece of dirt on the wall——suddenly, A metal plate emerged from the back of the dirt.

That's right!
This passage definitely extends back to the interior of the base!
(End of this chapter)

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