Chapter 127
This is a major discovery.

I want to hurry up and go out to contact the defenders of the base and ask them to step up their guard.

But just as I was walking around a corner, suddenly, a hand stretched out from the side and grabbed my throat. Just as I was about to call for help, the other hand covered my mouth again. nose.

My whole body was pulled into darkness again.

Unprepared, I was hijacked and dragged by that guy for seven or eight meters, and fell into a situation where I couldn't see my fingers.

This is when I heard a girl's voice next to my ear: "Didn't I tell you not to come in?! Why are you still here!"

"Lin Wan?!"

As soon as she let go, I almost screamed with excitement.

"Hush!" She put her hand between my lips and said, "This place is very close to them, don't make any noise."

"they are……"

"Zhang Chu's running dogs." Lin Wan said.

"What did you say? What do you mean?" I asked in amazement.

"I don't know, come back with me..." Lin Wan said, "Go back the same way."

"But behind that..."

"It's okay, you can take another side road. I have been hiding here for the past few days. I know the situation underground better than you."

"'ve been here?"

"That's right." Lin Wan said, "If I hadn't been forced by those bastards, how could I have fallen to this point..."

Lin Wan and I returned the same way. When we successfully returned to the passage, I had time to take a good look at Lin Wan. I found that the clothes Lin Wan was wearing were extremely thin, and they were already tattered. The appearance is exactly the same as when I saw her in the residence opposite the university.

I couldn't help but my heart twitched, as if I was stabbed hard by something.

I tried to keep my tone as calm as possible, and asked, "What's wrong with you, who made you like this?"

"Zhang Chu, who else is there besides him?" Lin Wan said, "You really don't want to die. You actually ran underground. Didn't you see the message I sent you? How much risk did I take to send that message?" Do you know the message?"

"I..." I said tremblingly, "I have no reason to disobey the military order, and at that time, I will not be able to contact you..."

Lin Wan pondered for a long time, and while walking forward, said in a low voice: "Yes, yes, as long as you are in the base, you will not be able to resist that guy at all."

I lowered my head slightly and followed Lin Wan.

Lin Wan continued: "I fainted when I was helping you with the examination that day. After waking up, I was placed under house arrest...hehe..."

"They Zhang Chu and the others put you under house arrest?" I asked.

Lin Wan nodded and said, "I am indeed too naive. Although the analysis I have done before is almost the same, it is still not comprehensive enough..."

"What do you mean?"

"I still underestimate Zhang Chu's shamelessness." Lin Wan gritted her teeth and said, "Actually, I guessed that he might monitor me and my experiments, but what I didn't expect was that Zhang Chu would cooperate with the power of the church." collusion."

"With the church?! Collusion?!" I couldn't believe my ears. Even though Zhang Chu was wrong, he was the leader of our resistance organization, and the backbone of our offshore base and the entire Z theater. How could it collude with the power of the church?What good does this kind of thing do him? !I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, let alone dare to think about it.

But Lin Wan continued: "That's right, you heard me right...he colluded with the power of the church."

I didn't continue talking, I just felt trembling all over my body, the wounds on my stabbed body were even more painful, and even chilled, I couldn't help but took out the blood coagulant in my arms, and wiped it on the wound instinctively.

Lin Wan continued: "One thing is correct with my previous guess. The purpose of the church's actions in Z City this time is not for war, but for experiments and sampling..."

"Sampling?! Just sampling?!"

"Yes, it's just sampling." Lin Wan said, "The church's experiment also needs a series of data support, so they took City Z as a sample, created a large number of infected people, mutant humans, and released a large number of new species of life forms , come to slaughter, fight, and collect data while fighting. Do you remember? The policeman we first saw in the apartment building, didn't he take a test tube of blood from a dead infected person, and at the same time inspected His guts?"

"Yes..." I remember that it happened.

"These crazy guys don't take the troops invested in the battle of Z City seriously at all. They are just accumulating experimental data and experience in the battle." Lin Wan said with a smile, "This time the attack on the offshore base It's the same, they don't care about winning or losing, they can kill more rebel soldiers, it's considered a profit, but even if they can't, it doesn't matter, because they have obtained first-hand data. For example, through this battle, they can quantify The ability data of people, mutant winged people, swordsmen, ordinary infected people, bonders, scaled people, lustful people, etc., can also understand the fighting ability of resisting tissue concentrates from a perceptual perspective, etc..."

"Then what does this have to do with Zhang Chu?"

"I heard this all in the ground." Lin Wan sneered and said, "Zhang Chu colluded with a certain high-level member of the church—in fact, not all the church members are loyal believers, and that high-level person also has his own purpose. Then The high-level, is a researcher, he needs a battle to get more detailed and reliable data, hehe... so they planned this attack on the offshore base."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that the two sides should cooperate internally and externally..." Lin Wan said, "Do you think that the church dug out all the underground passages?" Lin Wan sneered, "You are wrong, Zhang Chu knew about the existence of these passages a long time ago. It is just a cover for you to investigate this time, he simply wants you all to be buried in the ground!"

" mean," I was shocked, "this channel, as well as the so-called traitors, etc., were all planned by Zhang Chu and that church senior?"

"Yes, everyone gets what they need. The top church leaders get a war and a lot of data, and Zhang Chu uses this to win over a group of people, and get rid of that mediocre Wei Guodong by the way."

"how is this possible……"

"Whoever plays with fire sets himself on fire, he will have retribution." Lin Wan said, "Actually, to put it bluntly, at this moment, we, and the infected people, are all being manipulated by Zhang Chu and that high-level executive, haha , What a sarcasm."


"Then try to take a few steps forward." Lin Wan said, "If I didn't pull you back just now, you would have walked into Zhang Chu's laboratory where I was under house arrest, where they conspired and held special prisoners And a place where special human experiments are carried out! You go and try to see if you can live..."

Before she finished speaking, I was ready to go back, but Lin Wan grabbed my wrist and said loudly, "Are you crazy?!"

"I'm going to see..."

"What are you looking at?! What do you want to prove?! Are you really desperate?" Lin Wan's voice was already crying.

I stood there stunned.

"Come with me." Lin Wan took a step forward, and I felt her sticking to my back, "Come with me... Please, we can't stay here any longer. Staying here will only lead to death."

"I..." My mind was in a mess.

Lin Wan put her arms around my waist, and sobbed, "Come with me... From now on, it will be just the two of us, even if we die on the way? At least... At least we can die with dignity, at least we don't have to be played by others... Please You, come with me..."


I am still hesitating.

"I know you want to change all of this. I know that you join the resistance organization and fight against the infected, and you want to change this sudden doomsday with your own strength... But don't be naive, okay? We are just ordinary humans , The power of human beings is really too small... We can't change anything, we can only try our best to let ourselves live, one more day of life, one more day of hope, isn't it?"

I still haven't answered.

"Chu Tingsheng, we can't go up, we can't go back, he won't let us go back, would you rather let me accompany you to die? If you insist on not going with me, well, we Let's go back together, let's ask him together, see what he says, see how he does!"

(End of this chapter)

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