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Chapter 128 Kill them!

Chapter 128 Kill them!

"I want to listen to your decision." Lin Wan said.

"I...I'll take you away..." Finally, I slowly spit out those four words.

No one knows what kind of courage it takes for me to say these four words.

Taking Lin Wan away, betraying the entire resistance organization is like betraying the whole world, but how can I watch Lin Wan go to die like this? !Zhang Chu has lied to us more than once, and all kinds of doubts in the base make people have to doubt what Zhang Chu has done.

Is his sudden appearance every time really because of his excellent military talent and predictive ability?
Are all the things he concealed really the so-called military secrets and the so-called putting the overall situation first?

All this, I have long felt that something is not right.

But at this time, I was still conflicted in my heart. Even though I had agreed to Lin Wan, I was still uneasy, without the relief and calmness after making a decision.

"Really?" Lin Wan obviously saw the uncertainty in my expression, and asked again.

"Really..." I tried my best to calm myself down.

"You, don't force yourself." She said again.

"No, I'm willing to take you away, I can take you away now." Her questioning only strengthened my determination to take her away.

"Okay...don't regret it," she said.

"Do you regret it?" I asked her back.

"I... I won't, I won't say anything." After she finished speaking, she held my hand tightly and walked deep into the passage.After going this way, I did not encounter any danger again. After the swordsman was hit by me, he seemed to have evaporated from the world.Of course, he might still be following us, but he couldn't keep up because he moved too slowly.

Lin Wan and I didn't dare to slack off in the slightest. We sprinted in the corridor in three steps at a time. I don't know how long I ran. When I realized it, I found that we had already moved to the upper corridor. In the middle, that is, the passage that Mo Ge and I walked through in the early morning of this morning.At this time, Mo Ge and the others should still be waiting at the position near the pothole, while Lin Wan and I decisively chose another fork, that is, the fork that can rush to the outskirts of the base.

After entering the fork, I seemed to be able to vaguely hear the conversations of the soldiers on the other side of the wall, which made me feel very nervous every step I took, as if I was a deserter under the nose of others.

At this moment, both Lin Wan and I couldn't help but slow down and step lightly—since we can hear the people next door talking, then the people next door may also be able to hear us, so we must compare ourselves in the underground passage. more careful.

"How did you escape?" My steps slowed down, and I seemed to have found a chance to speak, so I couldn't help asking in a low voice.

"A researcher is no better than a soldier." Lin Wan said, "I think Zhang Chu and that church executive have had some conflicts of interest, so now they are starting to disagree with each other... The original cooperative relationship should have broken down Otherwise, the Church wouldn't have arranged so many monsters underground...they wouldn't have withdrawn them all."

"So your house arrest has been relaxed?" I asked.

"That's right." Lin Wan said, "Actually, the lower levels of the base have been harassed by infected people recently, but nothing major happened before last night... This may be a warning to Zhang Chu from the senior management. However, yesterday The late infected people killed people in the base, which is... maybe this is the sign of the complete collapse of their relationship... Hehe, what Zhang Chu wants to see most today should be all members of your special operations team, and those infected people It’s right to die together.”

"Yes... is it..."

"Otherwise, why are you the ones who went underground, and his cronies who stayed on the ground?"


"If you haven't experienced it, you will never understand the horror of the 'battlefield without gunpowder smoke'." Lin Wan smiled.

We continued to move forward, and my mood became heavier and heavier, but seeing a ray of sunlight shining into the passage, seeing that we were about to leave this oppressive and cramped offshore base... Seeing, the escape route is in front of us , But at this moment, suddenly, a tearing scream sounded behind me.

I was startled, and Lin Wan was obviously stunned——

The scream came from the side of the wall that wasn't too thick. I'm not sure if it came from another passage, or from the power generation area on the other side of the wall. In short, the woman's scream was heart-piercing. , as if the whole person was torn apart.

"Don't worry about this, let's go!" I was stunned, but I was brought back to reality by Lin Wan's call, and I quickly restrained my expression, preparing to walk through this last hurdle with Lin Wan.

"Quick! Let's go, something happened to the base right now, and the soldiers guarding outside are likely to be transferred into the base to fight. This can save us a lot of time evading their checkpoints and tracking, hurry up!"

"Taking advantage of the...disaster at the base, escape..."

"Farewell to the Holy Mother!" Lin Wan said loudly, "I can't even save myself, and..."

"Be careful!" Lin Wan hadn't finished speaking when an infected person rushed in from outside the cave. With a loud roar, I strode forward and slammed the infected person away. The infected person flew up immediately and fell heavily at the entrance of the cave. I hurriedly drew my gun and shot. With one blow, blood splashed and the infected person's brain burst.

Although Lin Wan escaped, she fell to the ground.

"Come on, let's go!" I grabbed her, but just as I helped her up, another two ordinary infected people rushed in from outside the cave. The sound of gunfire—could it be that a new round of war started at this very moment? !

But I can't handle that much anymore.

I raised my gun to shoot, but the hole was narrow, and the infected were covering each other, but I couldn't knock them all down. After a while, an infected person rushed to me. My right hand was still unable to move, and I moved the pistol backwards. Throwing it to Lin Wan, at the same time, turning around and kicking the infected person's head, the infected person shook his head violently, as if its neck had been broken by this kick , but the body is still upright.

I put my left foot on the ground, took a step forward, raised my leg and kicked him hard in the face. The infected person lost his balance completely and fell backwards. I saw the opportunity, drew out the dagger, and slashed down. Suddenly, blood spattered, and the head of the infected person rolled to the ground under the sharp cut of my dagger.

I turned around and looked at Lin Wan. She kept raising her gun to cover me, but she never had a chance to shoot. Seeing me cut off the infected person's head with a dagger, she seemed a little shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Don't be dazed, let's go!" I said loudly.

She nodded quickly and stepped forward.

Taking turns to fight, I feel that my physical strength has been exhausted, and, today, it seems that my healing ability is not as strong as before. I don’t know if it is because the serious injury has not yet healed. The combination of new and old injuries has seriously reduced my fighting ability. quality.

I can only rely on the willpower to escape to support myself to move forward.

Seeing that the entrance of the cave is in front of him.

Suddenly, several figures sprang out from above—to be exact, the figures of several infected people.

But they did not launch an attack on us. They retreated into the cave with their backs on their backs. When they entered, several soldiers from the resistance organization also rushed in, pointing their guns at the infected people and shooting them.

The infected fell to the ground.

"It's over!" I cried inwardly.

I forgot one very important thing, that is, Mo Ge had already told Zhang Chu about the entrance of this cave last night. I should have known it earlier. With his character, he must have strengthened the troops here to guard against it at that time. Lin Wan couldn't escape from here at all.

I couldn't help but glance at Lin Wan.

Lin Wan's eyes were full of panic.

"Who are you, people from the base?! Why are you here!" The entrance of the cave was slightly dim, and the defenders of the resistance organization saw us for the first time, but did not recognize us.

The person in the lead walked towards us while asking questions.

"Kill them!" At this moment, Lin Wan beside me suddenly whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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