Chapter 129
I froze for a moment, but didn't raise my gun.

"What are you doing in a daze? Get rid of them, and we can escape!" Lin Wan sternly shouted again.

"Hey! Tell me, what are you doing there!" The leader of the rebel soldier got closer and closer.

"Quick!" Lin Wan stretched out her hand and grabbed my wrist, as if she already wanted to help me shoot.

However, at this moment of my hesitation, a puff of smoke flew down from above our heads.

I was taken aback, and the muzzle of the gun was raised hastily, but before I could shoot, a large group of deep black shadows fell down quickly, and landed directly between me and the soldier of the rebel organization. Then, with a flash of my body, I turned back With one claw, the head of the leading soldier fell to the ground, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

"Lie down!" I realized that the situation was not good, and these two words quickly flashed in my mind. At the same time, I had already pulled Lin Wan aside and leaned over to avoid it.

Sure enough, a burst of intense gunfire sounded from in front of us, and I could even hear the "rustling" sound of bullets passing through the air.

I looked up sideways, only to see that the infected person who suddenly fell from the sky had scales splashing all over his body, and his body twitched for a while before falling back down.

"Scaled Man." I couldn't help but say, "This is it..."

Lin Wan didn't answer, but just as I wanted to get up, she grabbed me again.

"What's wrong?!"

"There's something else!"

Sure enough, her voice was still there, and only a few meters away from us, several palms with sharp claws suddenly stabbed out from the ground, like a life-threatening ghost from hell.

I was afraid that sharp claws would suddenly come out from below us, directly tearing our soft abdomen, and it was worth pulling Lin Wan to continue to retreat.

The group of soldiers of the rebel organization was already in chaos at this time. They had obviously never seen these things that could attack from the ground, and they didn't even have time to shoot at the bottom. In an instant, an infected soldier was attacked by several sharp claws. Clamping his ankle tightly, I heard his heart-piercing screams, and from the darkness, I saw him struggling and twisting his body.

I know the pain, the palm of the "scale man" is enough to penetrate someone's flesh for a moment, at this time, the soldier must have been firmly nailed to the ground, wanting to escape, The only way is to cut off his own legs.

Of course, he obviously didn't have the courage.


There was a sound of dust bursting, and the soldier was dragged into the ground under the ashes, and then I saw a dark liquid splashing upwards.

Under the dazed light at the entrance of the cave, the liquid seemed black and red.

"Now, how many...infected people are there?" I clenched my pistol tightly.

"No matter how many, we are definitely not opponents." Lin Wan whispered, "Once those soldiers are defeated, we must flee immediately!"


"Stop being a woman!" Lin Wan said, "This is our only chance..." Before she finished speaking, her expression froze suddenly.

"What’s wrong with you!"

She was stunned for a moment, put one hand on my shoulder, and said, "It's okay...I...I'm hurt, take me...ahem..." She started coughing again, and after a while, I felt a wave Warm liquid sprayed my hands.

Blood? !
"Lin Wan!" I hurriedly reached out to hold her shoulder, "Lin Wan, what happened? Lin Wan!"

While waving her hand gently at me, she said, "Don''s okay, I'm fine, don't get excited, it's not the first day."

Of course I know it's not the first day, and of course I know that her health is getting worse, but how can I let her go on like this?
"Don't worry, I will take you out." I hugged her tightly and looked sideways at the group of soldiers. Under the attack of the scale man, the soldiers had already begun to completely collapse, but the scale man also had Many have been pulled out of the ground and died in the side passage, under the earthen wall.They can be said to have lost both at this time.

I wait for my chance.

Time passed by, and I never went up to rescue those soldiers. I could have done so, but I still waited, maybe at this time I had indeed given up the whole world for Lin Wan, at least for this moment, Indeed.I feel that I am suffering. I am not a hard-hearted person. I am often suffering from the torture of my conscience. If not, I would not fall into the trap of Zhang Chu and the others, and I would not have come to where I am today.

The opportunity is coming!

The exchange of fire on the opposite side gradually subsided. At this time, only two soldiers were still standing at the entrance of the cave. They were obviously injured. One of them was covering his abdomen with one hand, obviously in great pain, while the other had already been unable to stand still, supporting himself with one hand. Leaning against the dirt wall, slowly moving forward, this may be our only chance, and it is best to rush out at this time.

I pulled Lin Wan up and said, "Let's go!"

Lin Wan didn't speak, her body was a little shaky, apparently she was barely moving, but she still followed me and prepared to leave.

Seeing us rushing out of the darkness again, the two soldiers raised their guns and were ready to shoot without saying a word. I shouted loudly, "My own... no..." The voice was still there, but the gun in my hand was caught by Lin Wan. Snatch away, I didn't even have time to stop her, she had already raised her gun and pulled the trigger, one shot at each, the two soldiers immediately flew to the ground, only a cloud of blood spread in the air.

"Lin Wan!"

"Don't say anything, go!" she snapped.

I gritted my teeth, I have no choice at this time.

We rushed out of the cave, but these few steps seemed to be a hundred and eight thousand miles, full of hardships.

The light from the entrance of the cave shines directly down, and I even feel the sunshine, the salty but fresh air, the gusts of sea breeze—all of them, there are only two words in my mind—freedom!Perhaps this is the beginning of true "freedom"...



There was a loud noise, and the earth wall at the entrance of the cave collapsed, and I saw a shattered boulder, slamming it from the side. The battle between the group of people and the scale man just now blasted the soft and fragile earth wall of the passage. They were all crumbling, but the scale man had dug out countless holes in the mountain, and it was precisely because of this that the wall of the hole finally couldn't bear it, and finally collapsed—why, it happened at this time.

No, I can't let Lin Wan die here.

Thinking of this step, I pushed hard, and Lin Wan's whole body staggered and fell out of the slanting hole. If I remember correctly, there was a slope there. Roll down the plants and grass without getting hurt that way.

The moment Lin Wan fell and fell out of the cave, a huge boulder hit my injured right shoulder hard. There was no pain, just a sudden sense of powerlessness spreading all over my body. My whole body seemed to be emptied and I fell down. Dust like raindrops pressed towards me overwhelmingly. I tried to crawl forward, but half of my body was crushed after all.

I felt like I was suffocating, and my eyes fell into a deep darkness again.

Suppressing the numbness and powerlessness, I pulled out the pistol and lighting facilities from the mound next to me.

I felt that I had no strength to climb out of this thick mound, but I still illuminated the passage ahead with the lighting device.


I saw a figure slowly flashing in the passage.

I even thought it was my dying hallucination.

When dying, will you see your lifelong best friend or your lifelong enemy?
What I saw was that dark guy like a mummy walking towards me step by step with a bone sword.

At the same time, I saw another person standing beside the swordsman, almost in step with the swordsman.

With his head held high and his hands behind his back, he looked very proud.

"It's you……"

His appearance made me realize that I am still alive, and all this is not an illusion.

"You know me?" The man came to me, paused slowly, and said with a faint smile.

"You... did all of this..."

"Don't dare, it's our infected brother who did it," the man stared at me with great interest, and said, "It's not in vain for me to hunt you down for so long, it seems that everything is God's arrangement, and you are still killed by fate after all. defeated."

"The swordsman has been chasing me, and it's also you...your arrangement..."

"Don't worry, let's talk about this slowly." The man patted me on the head, as if he were patting a pet, a guinea pig waiting for an experiment.

(End of this chapter)

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