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Chapter 130 You are a traitor yourself!

Chapter 130 You are a traitor yourself!

I was dug out of the mound, but I would rather die in this cave.

The ones who dug me out were the subordinates of the man with the swordsman. His subordinates should all be infected people like Zhang Jiating. They dragged me out of the mound and coughed up blood.

I just feel fishy.

Then, I was driven by those people, step by step forward.

My legs were almost completely numb, and I could barely move, but they didn't care that much, they almost dragged me hard, pulling me into the passage.

I have been able to hear the gunshots not far away for a long time, and I can still hear the heart-piercing shouts in the darkness, but those voices are getting farther and farther away.

I was taken into the depths of the mountain, the passage, I don't think I walked through it in the first place-of course I am not sure, because my brain is blank at this time.

I just realized one thing, that is, I know the guy who controls the swordsman and grabs me.

He is the policeman, the policeman who is like a demon in my life.

It first appeared in the corridor of the apartment, and then at the South District Police Station.

it's him!
It's just that Lin Wan once told me about the "black blood leech with rotten face", and I'm not sure if this face is his real face.

I couldn't stop wearing rough clothes, my heart beat fast, and I couldn't breathe.

In the darkness, the policeman spoke again and said, "Don't be nervous, I won't kill you, I just want to clarify something."


"Hehe, let me add that I won't kill you until I figure out those things." The "policeman" said.

"Bastard..." I gritted my teeth and said, "You guys killed quite a few people..."

"This is just the price of human progress." The man said lightly, "I have explained it to you before, haven't I?"

"You...that's...Liang've changed your face..." I hissed.

"That researcher named Lin Wan must have mentioned to you about the rotten face black blood leeches." The policeman laughed, "Yes, your guess is not wrong at all, we have indeed mastered the use of rotten face black blood leeches. Leech's technique of disguise. However, compared to the secrets in you, all these are nothing more than small tricks, and they can only fool a mediocre person like Wei Guodong."

"You colluded with Zhang Chu..."

"What? Haha, what are you talking about?" At this moment, I have been brought into a slightly wide space, which looks like a small room, but if you want to call it a room, it is a bit too simple.There were a number of lighting fixtures—torches, delicate lamps, even miniature desk lamps—in short, it seemed that everything that could be illuminated was embedded in the walls in a very crude way.In the middle of the room was a square bed-like boundary, but because it was on the moist soil in the cave, this "bed" also appeared uneven.

The four corners of the room are covered with guards. From their bloodshot eyes, I can see that they should all be infected, but only infected with spiritual consciousness.

I was placed on the "soil bed", and the policeman paced beside me. His face seemed to be full of sarcasm, and he said, "What did you just say? I colluded with Zhang Chu? Who told you? And you The one who fled together told you?"

"What do you mean..." I suddenly felt something was wrong.

"I hope to be able to collaborate with people like Zhang Chu." The "policeman" said, "That way I can save a lot of trouble... Unfortunately, it's impossible..." As the man spoke, he didn't care about me at all. Rubber tubes were tied to weak hands.They kept patting my arms. This action was the same as when I was sick, in the hospital, when the doctor gave me injections.What is he going to inject me with? !I became more and more nervous, but I couldn't resist at all.

He continued: "Zhang Chu's wife and daughter who had just reached the first month died in the hands of the church and the infected. You want him to unite with the church? Even if I drug him to become an infected person, he will definitely will not unite with the Church."

"You..." I felt my whole body trembling.

"It's that Lin Wan... I have already been beaten by everyone, but I still don't want to follow the good example and join the church, and only pin my only hope on you. It's really ridiculous." The policeman said.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"Didn't you see it? Lin Wan is already an infected person." The policeman said, "A body without medicine can't last long."


"Zhang Chu wanted to use her to decipher the genetic code of the infected person, so he arrested her and used her as a test subject. Hehe, it's a pity that he let her run away." The policeman said, "Zhang Chu is very powerful, but he is always overconfident. If If we hadn't underestimated the enemy, the battle at the Sixth Outpost Tower would not have been so difficult."

I don't know what to say anymore.

At this moment, I am completely a fish and meat on the table, at the mercy of others.

A cold feeling spread across my arms, and I felt as if ice water had been injected into my veins.

"What are you hitting inside me?!"

"Hit what?" The policeman glanced at me and said with a smile, "Don't worry, this thing is harmless to your body. I just want to track down and confirm one thing."

"Tracking... harmless..."

I suddenly felt that such words seemed to have been said to me.

Moreover, it is also under almost the same circumstances.

Lin Wan? !
That's right, Lin Wan said this to me. At that time, she was also injecting some medicine into my body. She told me that she was tracking and confirming something.It's just that when I woke up, Lin Wan had disappeared, and I had been secretly monitored by Zhang Chu's people.what exactly is it?What is it that makes Lin Wan and this "policeman" care so much about it?What kind of secret is in my body?
The equipment in this small room is very simple. When the policeman injected medicine into my body, he only used a small laptop to monitor and operate. His operation speed was very fast, obviously not like that of Lin Wan at that time. Generally unhurried.

Moreover, I noticed that his expression was changing all the time, he seemed a little overexcited - he was obviously a more fanatical researcher than Lin Wan, not just an ordinary policeman.

"What the hell are you doing!" I asked sharply.

He didn't answer, and continued to move his hands, and the time passed by. Suddenly, he closed the computer, heaved a long sigh of relief, and there was a relieved smile on his face, and then, he slowly looked at I, said: "Hehe... The conditions are simple, but I already know what I want to know."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"Do you know what 'dust civilization' is?" said the man.

"Dust Civilization?!" I was stunned.

"Hahaha, this is a theory that has been extremely controversial so far." The man said lightly, "Unfortunately, no one, whether it is the government, the church or the rebel organization, can produce a strong evidence to prove that the dust Civilization does exist."

"What exactly do you mean?"

"I don't have time to explain it to you, kid." The man said, "But what I can tell you is that if you insist on saying that someone is a mole in your resistance organization's offshore base, then this person is not The other person is yourself."

"Myself?! What nonsense are you talking about?!"

"I'm not talking nonsense," the policeman smiled, and he had already started to organize the conscious infected people around him to pack up, "The members of your resistance organization are tough, especially those veterans, so even if I kill a few Personally, it is not easy to track and lock the desired target. But it is a pity... there is a set of special genetic information in your body, and it is this set of information that allows the swordsman to lock the underground research room The position also allows me to successfully launch a sabotage command against him."


"Swordsman is my most perfect work, but he also has many small problems, and now these small problems are already in place." The policeman suddenly stared at me and said, "Hehe, if possible, I really hope that I can take you Let's go together, so my research may be more helpful... But forget it, who knows when this time bomb of yours will explode?"

(End of this chapter)

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