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Chapter 131 The Inescapable Darkness

Chapter 131 The Inescapable Darkness
I could see that the gang had started to retreat, and they didn't intend to take me away, and to my surprise, they didn't even intend to kill me.

" you want to put me in the resistance your natural response?!" I asked sharply.

" think too much about that." The policeman smiled, "Do you still remember that time when you escaped from the hospital and wandered outside, but I couldn't find you for a long time?"


I still remember that I fell asleep in the streets and alleys for at least three or four hours, and I was actually very safe during those three or four hours.

"Actually, the set of genetic information on your body... We can sometimes capture it, and sometimes we can't." The policeman said with a smile, "However, the meaning of your life is far more than that, Chu Tingsheng, as long as you live , the theory in my heart can continue, and one day it will be confirmed, hehe, on that day, even if I die, the spirit in heaven can rest in peace."

His expression is very crazy, and he doesn't want to be alone, which makes me feel terrible.

After speaking, he and the group of infected people quickly exited the cave. They removed all the lighting facilities on the wall, and the cave became dark again.

I flexed my fingers and found that the joints had gradually begun to move, so I tried to bend down again to sit up, but my body was still stiff and it was difficult to adapt to any movement.

I patiently lay there and waited.

If the rapid recovery of power is not a fluke, then it won't be long before the pain in my body should ease.

During this period of time, I can just sort out my thoughts.

However, the more I think about it, the more frightened I feel.

What kind of things exist in my body?What did that special concentrate bring me?All of this was under Lin Wan's control, or Lin Wan herself was caught off guard.

Also, according to the "policeman", Lin Wan has become a veritable infected person, so where will she go now? If Zhang Chu and the others catch her again, what will they do to her.

It was chaos, everything was chaos, I just felt that everything in front of me was hard to see clearly, and I didn't know what to do next.

If I really have become the church's mobile radar, shouldn't it be safest for me to die directly?
Wasn't it just to survive when you joined the resistance organization?Do I still have to find death by myself?

All the clues are intermittent and can't be connected together, and while thinking about it, I can already feel the pain in my hands and feet is gradually decreasing.I don't know why, but I am becoming more and more afraid of this kind of rapid recovery power, this kind of healing ability that is different from ordinary people, and this rapid development of fighting ability, etc., it seems that I am destined to become the center and the center of certain events. focus.They all wanted to harm me, but they didn't kill me. Suddenly, I felt like a clown in the middle of the stage, and all of them were spectators in the audience. When the spotlight hit me, whether I was Happiness or pain, they all commented with great interest in the audience, and occasionally threw flowers or splashed some dirty water at me to test my reaction.

Is my fate destined to be in the hands of these people?

I slowly sat up.

I finally started to feel conscious, and my physical strength was recovering little by little.

But I don't have any weapons anymore. Although theoretically speaking, the infected have begun to gradually withdraw from the cave, but this does not guarantee absolute safety in the cave.

I slowly got up from the ground, leaned on the wall, and moved out a little bit. After a while, I came to the entrance of the passage.

With no lights, no weapons, I moved very slowly.

This road was obviously dug out by them to be used as a passageway for the stronghold. The ground was very flat and the soil was deliberately compacted, so they walked with them.But after walking through this section, the situation is not so optimistic. The ground has become uneven due to the battle, and from time to time, a mass of dark things can be seen crossing or squeezed in the passage—that is obviously a corpse.

Thanks to the power of the concentrated liquid, my eyes finally began to adapt to this dark environment. I can basically judge the situation ahead without walking with my hands on the wall—sometimes human beings are easy to be captured by machines. rely on those devices.When there are lighting fixtures, I don't even think about whether my eyes can see in the dark if the lights are turned off.But now that there is no lighting device, I realized that, in fact, maybe in this darkness, I don't need any lighting device at all, and I can still pass smoothly.

The only problem now is that there are no weapons.

Moreover, I don't know whether I should find a way to leave or go back to the base.

Between difficult choices, suddenly, a tearing cry sounded behind him.

"Kill! Kill!" I heard a hoarse voice from far to near.

It is an infected person, and from his angry shouting, I can hear that this guy may have been injured—an injured infected person is more dangerous than an ordinary infected person, just like a wounded beast, it is always easier to be killed Same as irritating.

I began to speed up my pace and move forward, but the infected person seemed to be chasing after him after asking about the smell of fresh blood. It happened that I was covered in wounds at this time, and the wounds that had not fully healed must still be bleeding out. ——In other words, this guy's target is me.

I was unarmed, and it seemed that I could only fight hand-to-hand.

After a while, that guy had already caught up behind me, and in the darkness, I could only see his outline clearly.

Fortunately, it is an ordinary infected person.

One-on-one, I don't suffer.

Naturally, the infected person wouldn't talk to me much, and rushed forward. I hurriedly lowered my body and ran forward. I jumped over and landed on the ground, then landed on all fours, supported the ground, I turned over quickly, and then kicked two kicks upwards on the solid ground, and with these two kicks, one kick hit the head of the infected person who rushed forward and kicked him in the stomach.The infected person twisted his body and retreated immediately.

I reached out and grabbed a piece of gravel beside me, and held it tightly.

"Eat you!" he yelled.

"You can talk!" To strengthen my courage, I mocked sharply, "I thought you bastards couldn't talk!"

"Ah!" I don't know if the blood excited him, or my words made him angry.

He pounced on him again, and his movements were even faster. I punched him straight in the face with a backhand, but my shoulder felt a sharp pain——I realized that the swordsman had almost penetrated my entire body just now. Right shoulder, no matter how fast my healing speed is, it is absolutely impossible to fully recover in such a short period of time.

This punch was not powerful enough to knock the infected person out. Instead, the wound on my shoulder was torn open again, and my right hand became extremely weak.

The infected person seemed to have noticed this in the dark, raised his palm, and pressed it straight on the wound on my right shoulder.

"Ah!" I hissed.

"Kill!" The infected man tilted his neck, opened his mouth and gnawed at my neck while my severe pain was spreading all over my body.

"Die... get away!" But I endured the pain, and sternly greeted the stone held in my left hand on the infected person's celestial cover.

If it doesn't work once, I will do the second and third times.

Although every time I attack, my whole body will be in severe pain, but it's better than dying here directly.

After several attacks, I managed to punch a groove in the top of the guy's head.

I hurriedly took advantage of his stiffness to push him away, and quickly got up and fled.

That guy didn't catch up. Although I couldn't destroy all his brain tissue, I thought those few hits were enough to slow down his actions. I ran forward without thinking, regardless of whether it was the base or On the outskirts of the island, at this moment, I just want to get out of this darkness.

Not long after, suddenly, I saw a light shining from not far away—what is it? !what happened?Is it the infected, or has reinforcements arrived?

(End of this chapter)

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