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Chapter 132 Depressed Calm

Chapter 132 Depressed Calm

During the flickering of the light, I saw several figures slowly pushing towards me with their backs, and I even heard sporadic gunshots.

I was afraid that the bullet would hurt me, so I quickly retreated back and forth, trying my best to keep my body close to the earth wall.

The few figures who retreated staggered, and I guessed that they should be infected people.

Just as I was hesitating whether to move on, suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder.


"I..." A voice faintly sounded from my ears, this voice seemed a little familiar - that kind of voice without any emotion, like a dead person.

After the man spit out "I", his body suddenly flashed forward, the movement was extremely fast, and I noticed that the color of his whole body seemed to have merged with the darkness, and I couldn't see his face clearly at all. The silhouette, not to mention the direction of his attack.In a blink of an eye, this guy had already flew in front of those infected people.

I saw that he slowly put the dagger in his hand into the scabbard.

That action is very much like a swordsman in a movie.

At the same time, the retreating infected people had already fallen to the ground, their heads rolled off, and one of them rolled right in front of me.

I gritted my teeth.

It's Li Wentian...

At this time, Li Wentian turned around, and said in Mandarin with his voice: "Go, はやく!" By the way, he even leaked a sentence in Japanese.

Fortunately, I know that means faster.

I was a little helpless. It seemed that it was indeed God's arrangement. I was destined to return to that base. Now that Li Wentian had discovered me, I had no hope of leaving.So, I clutched my right shoulder and walked slowly forward.The light in front became brighter and brighter, and I gradually saw the outlines of the soldiers who fired the guns—three men and two women, a total of five people, they should have come to clear up those infected people who slipped through the net.

The leading woman is Mo Ge.

The moment Mo Ge saw me, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "You...why are you hurt so badly?"

Fortunately, no one should know the fact that I was taken away by people from the church, and I was also subjected to human experiments.

I gritted my teeth and said, "It's okay, I'm fine..."

"The battle is almost over." Mo Ge said, "The enemy really couldn't help jumping over the wall in a hurry and launched the last wave of attack. Now they have basically been driven away from this island. Unfortunately, the mastermind is still not caught."

"Didn't catch it?!" I froze for a moment.

Mo Ge nodded, and said: "Judging from the information just sent back from the outside beach, the mastermind should have escaped in disguise again."

"Yi Rong..."

"They destroyed most of the defensive equipment and devices in the underground passage." Mo Ge motioned us to go back, and said as we walked, "It is difficult for the base's defense system to automatically identify his identity, so let him escape."

"How did those things with scales get in?" I couldn't help asking again.

As Mo Ge walked forward, he said, "I don't know, we have already collected a dozen or so complete corpses of infected people with scales, and I believe there will be results soon."

I nodded.

The light is transmitted from the front.

We finally returned to the base.

This may mean the so-called safety, but the moment the light hit my face, I suddenly became dizzy and fell down. I felt someone supporting me from the front, but my body was already extremely heavy at that time. I just want to rest, even if closing my eyes means death, I would rather close my eyes first and have a good sleep.

However, I obviously couldn't go directly to hell as I wished. When I woke up, not only did I not enter hell, but I returned to my room.

I was alone in the room, deserted, with a few pieces of bread, a glass of milk, still warm, and a few pills, blue ones, on the metal cabinet by the bed.

Lin Wan? !Is it Lin Wan?
I thought of her first.

But soon I realized that it was absolutely impossible to be Lin Wan. Lin Wan had already left, maybe she just left the base, maybe she had already left the island. All in all, it is impossible for her to appear by my side again.After a while, the door opened, and a girl walked in slowly.

"Are you awake? You've been asleep for a long time, you scared us to death..."

"Zhu Qing..." I leaned forward and said, " did you come in, didn't you cancel all the advanced gene accounts?"

"Hey..." Zhu Qing sighed, looked around, slowly came to the bed and sat down, and said in a low voice, "Actually, you have been asleep for three days."

"Three days?!"

"Yes, many things have happened in these three days." Zhu Qing said, "Now, I am your chief nurse, and Li Jin will be my assistant nurse from now on..."

"Who arranged this?"

"Zhang Chu." Zhu Qing said.


"After the underground incident is over, Zhang Chu no longer needs to deploy defenses in the power generation area." Zhu Qing said, "So he asked the two of us to come back to you and take care of you. Now your door, I, Li Jin, Mo Ge and Zhang Chu can come in and out at will, others can't..."

"Lin Wan..." I don't know why, I feel extremely lost. In the past, when Lin Wan was free to enter and leave my room, she would always barge in regardless of the big or small things. Now she is missing. After leaving and running away, my heart felt empty for a while, as if something very important was lost.

What would have happened if the subsequent events hadn't happened that day?

"How can Zhang Chu rest assured that you will come back to take care of me..." I couldn't help but said, "Didn't he not trust you and Lin Wan before?"

"He just doesn't believe Lin Wan." Zhu Qing pursed her lips.

"What do you mean?"

"Officer Zhang Chu said..." Zhu Qing paused, pondered for a moment, then spoke again, and said, "I won't tell you that much, anyway, Chief Zhang Chu said, after you wake up, go to the command room to meet him , he has...some important things he wants to talk to you about."

"Zhang Chu looking for me? Just looking for me?"

"Just you." Zhu Qing nodded.

"I'll do a routine physical examination for you in a while. If there's nothing wrong, you'd better go see him." Zhu Qing said, "Chu Tingsheng..." She suddenly said seriously, "Although I, have been I hope you and Teacher Lin Wan can escape, but since you stayed and Teacher Lin Wan disappeared again, I, I still hope that at least you can stay in the base safely and safely. After all, no one I know what it's like outside. When Teacher Lin Wan was still there, she wanted us to treat you as a responsibility and to protect your safety at all costs. Although she is not with us now, I think we still... "

"Don't say it."

I don't want to hear her go on, it just makes me sadder when she goes on.

Zhu Qing sighed slightly, turned back to the metal door, and suddenly turned around again, saying: "Chu Tingsheng, you must finish the food prepared for you, your body is very weak...need, Nutritional supplements……"

"I understand." I nodded.

Zhu Qing left the room, probably to prepare for my physical examination.

I was suddenly a little disheartened and at a loss as to what to do.

What should I do next?I feel like I've lost my purpose.

Should I go to Lin Wan?Where can I find her?
Should we continue to fight the infected?

Perhaps this was the only belief that supported me, but now, this belief has also been lost, because I don't know who I am fighting for. Rather surrender, I'd rather watch them be devoured by the infected!

I couldn't understand more and more what fate wanted to arrange for me.

I'm also getting more and more confused about where I am.

Confused, as if a thick fog was cast in front of his eyes.

I looked back at the metal bed that wasn't too warm, and suddenly, I felt that I might as well just sleep like this and never wake up again.It's a pity that life is like this sometimes, it seems irrefutable, even death is definitely not just my own business.

(End of this chapter)

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