global variation

Chapter 133: Between Thoughts

Chapter 133

There are some things that cannot be chosen. After Zhu Qing came back, I could only undergo a routine physical examination according to her arrangement, and then I got dressed and prepared to go to the command room on the top floor to meet Zhang Chu.

At this time, I can't express my feelings at all.

The moment the door of Zhang Chu's command room opened, I only saw a stern face.

There is only Zhang Chu in the command room. He is sitting behind the desk. The moment I entered, he just raised his eyes slightly. I couldn't understand the expression, and I didn't know whether my coming here was bad or good.

The metal door behind him was slowly closed, Zhang Chu straightened up slowly, looked at me for a while, and asked, "How is your body recovering?"


"What about the physical examination results?"

"Except for the penetrating wound on the shoulder, everything else has almost healed."

"You heal really fast." Zhang Chu smiled, and the smile was elusive.

"Hmm..." I could only bow my head slightly.

He stared at me again, as if talking to me with his eyes. After a while, he asked again: "Do you know why I asked you to come here?"

"I don't know." I said, "Maybe it's because I misdirected in the underground cave..."

"You didn't miscommand." Zhang Chu said, "Those people in your special operations team, because of your wise grouping, made the combat effectiveness reach the maximum. Although some people were injured, no one died."

" that so..." I bowed my head, "Actually, the grouping was Yitian's proposal..."

"You don't need to explain." Zhang Chu said, "I don't care about this kind of thing."


"Did you drop anything recently?" Zhang Chu asked suddenly.

This question caught me off guard, what can I drop?I've been in bed for the past three days and haven't even woken up at all, what can I drop?I raised my head blankly and remained silent for a while, but my mind was still in chaos.I frowned for a long time, but in the end I just slowly shook my head and said, "No, I've been in the room for the past few days, haven't I? I'm not even conscious at all. What can I drop?"

"What about three days ago?" Zhang Chu asked again.


"Did you drop anything in the underground cave?" The other party asked again.


I suddenly felt chills down my spine. Indeed, I dropped something, and it fell in a very fatal position.Fall in that "I shouldn't have been there" place.

Perhaps because he noticed a slight change in my expression, Zhang Chu suddenly smiled. There seemed to be a bit of sarcasm and complacency in that smile. Of course, it was more of a special deterrent force, which made my whole body His hairs stand on his head, and he even wants to back away.After all, it is "a guilty conscience".

Zhang Chu opened the metal drawer on the side, took out something from the position where he took out Mo Ge's "Medal" last time, and put it on the table.

Communication device, my communication device.

"This is yours." Zhang Chu said with a smile, "Don't tell me it's not."

"It's mine..." I pondered for a moment, then let out a long breath.

"Then can you tell me why it appeared at the exit of the passage?" Zhang Chu said, "It stands to reason that you shouldn't go there."

I naturally know what Zhang Chu means, and it’s useless to hide it at this time, but I really don’t know where to start.Zhang Chu was silent for a moment, probably because he saw that I hadn’t spoken, so he stood up and said, “Silence doesn’t mean much, because the genetic data in it can be easily read by those of us who are bosses, isn’t it Is it? And the information I read shows that in the past few days—that is, before and after you dived underground, there were communication records with the missing researcher Lin Wan, although you have deleted the text messages she sent you , but it should not be difficult for us to recover its contents."

"Yes..." I closed my eyes and said, "Yes, she sent me a text message telling me not to go down into the crypt."

"She should know more about the situation in the crypt than you, so she doesn't want you to go down to die." Zhang Chu said.

"No..." Now that I have said this, I have nothing to hide, "When I met her underground, she told me that Zhang Chu's purpose was to let us go down and let me all die below. Both the church and the church suffer."

"Really?" Zhang Chu hooked his mouth and said, "Then are you dead now?"

I raised my eyes and stared at Zhang Chu, and said, "No, none of them died, but we are close to death down here."

"Which soldier didn't escape death in battle?" Zhang Chu asked coldly.

"If I die, it will be good for you."

"What do you think is good for me?!"

"Because I have been investigating where you have taken Lin Wan." I said bluntly, "You have been hiding something from me, and you have been monitoring Lin Wan, doing favors everywhere in the base...Actually, you want Dealing with Lin Wan is also normal, because Lin Wan has seen through your tricks. She knows that you killed Wei Guodong not because of the so-called justice, but to seize power. She also knows that you want to control the lifeline of technology in her hands... Do you want to To snatch her technological achievements, right? I'm not wrong..."

When I said these words, my heart beat suddenly accelerated.

I was looking forward to pulling out the gun and aiming it at my forehead, and I was also looking forward to him pulling the trigger on me, then at least I would die clearly and deservedly.Of course, the fear of death instinct also made me afraid of that moment. I don't know if I can really be so calm in that situation.

But Zhang Chu always smiled and listened to me finish everything.

Then, he returned to his desk, took a sip of water, sighed, and said, "Whether to seize power or not has nothing to do with a low-level soldier like you. A soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, no matter what you think, If you stay in the barracks, you should do your own business."

"My job? To be your pawn at your mercy?"

"There are some things." He raised his eyes and said, "In his position, seek his own government. When you sit in my position one day, you will know what you should do."

He slowly took out a pistol from a drawer.

Is it finally coming?

After all, he won't let people like me live, will he?For his rights, for his plans, for everything he has done.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Chu slapped the gun on the table, pointed the handle at me, and said, “This gun has been with me for many years. It should be about ten times that of your ordinary military explosive pistols, and I am quite comfortable with it."


"For you." Zhang Chu said lightly.

"Give it to... give it to me?"

"That's right." He looked very calm, "The bullets used in this gun are similar to the bullets of your pistols, but the power is different. Now there are still ten bullets in it. Do you use it to continue hitting those infected people, or One shot at me, you run from here, it's your choice."

"I... what trick are you playing?"

"I, Zhang Chu, never play tricks on my own people," Zhang Chu said coldly, "As for the battlefield, soldiers never tire of cheating! Whether it is a battlefield with gunpowder smoke or a battlefield without gunpowder smoke..." He sat back on his seat and drank again calmly. Taking a sip of tea, he turned his face to one side.

"You admit that you played tricks on Wei Guodong." I picked up the gun and held it in my hand.

Zhang Chu didn’t answer my words, and remained silent.

My gun was already aimed at his head.

He drank his tea in sips, as if he didn't take the gun in my hand seriously at all, or rather, he didn't take death seriously at all. Instead, it was me who became a little nervous.

"Chu Tingsheng..." After a long time, he spoke again and said, "Lin Wan was infected. This is a fact, and I believe you know it too. However, you still refuse to believe this fact because of your feelings."


"I also want to believe Lin Wan, but I can't tolerate an infected person staying in this base." Zhang Chu said, "As for using her for experiments, it is also to speed up the progress of the base's research projects. Maybe you think it is inhumane, maybe you I feel that I have hurt your beloved." He turned his face, stared at me, and said, "However, I don't think there is anything wrong with my choice."

(End of this chapter)

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