global variation

Chapter 134 Gun

Chapter 134 Gun

"For the sake of your so-called overall situation, use someone to do experiments, even if she is indeed infected, you should treat her first!" I said loudly.

"There is no evidence to prove that the Ebola variant virus can be treated after infection." Zhang Chu said, "I will not use the few remaining resources in the base to do useless work."

"So, Lin Wan ran away because she couldn't stand your experiment!"

"Our experiment did not harm her body." Zhang Chu said, "It's just that we can't save her. We can only watch her body undergo gradual changes while putting her under house arrest, and then record the pathological characteristics and daily life. biologically relevant data."

"Willing to die!" I said bitterly, "You are waiting to die!"

"Yes, it's not saving." Zhang Chu stood up and said, "But if we can understand the characteristics of Ebola's disease and various key data, we can save more people!"


"Lin Wan is your lover." Zhang Chu's voice was still calm, "But in this city, in this country, in this world, there are countless people like Lin Wan, who endure the same torture as Lin Wan, and they also have relatives And lovers—the resistance organization wants to save everyone, not just one or two people.”

"That's...your reason..."

"Then what's your reason? For your great love?" Zhang Chu sneered and said, "So you take Lin Wan away."


"Take her away, can you save her?" Zhang Chu said.

I'm still holding the gun, but I don't know what to say.

Zhang Chu turned around and looked out the window, and said: "We didn't find Lin Wan in the island, she should have escaped, it's not the first time she has escaped from the base, she should be familiar with doing this kind of thing... After all, as the base is the best , and the most rebellious researcher, she will always be in a state of non-cooperation with us, so monitoring, controlling, etc. of her is not my intention alone."

"Lin Wan escaped."

"Escaped." Zhang Chu turned around and said, "But I don't think you need to be happy about this kind of thing. The risk factor of escaping is greater than here."

My hands trembled slightly.

"Outside the base, why does Lin Wan control the Ebola virus in her body? What can she use to suppress the further deterioration of her condition?" Zhang Chu said, "Even if she has data and theories in her mind, she has no conditions to practice at all—— unless……"

"Unless what?"

"Unless she joins the church." Zhang Chu said coldly, "The Spirit Body Penance Society."


"The game between the Ascetic Society of the Divine Body and the rebel organization is not just about war," Zhang Chu said. "Over the years, there have been countless researchers who defected from the rebel organization to the church, and from the church to the government and rebel organizations. People have different beliefs. Some people do it for the so-called justice in their hearts, while others do it because of their enthusiasm for scientific research. You are not a scientist, Chu Tingsheng. You never know what a scientist thinks What, you never know, how much they will pay for science."

"Lin Wan won't, she's not that kind of person..." I felt like I was struggling, struggling for Lin Wan.

"Lin Wan is extremely disgusted with the anti-resistance organization, and even regards us as her father-killing enemies, but these years, she still provides a lot of research data for the resistance organization." Zhang Chu's tone was still calm, "Do you know why? "

I said nothing, still staring at Zhang Chu.

"Because in Lin Wan's values, there is only one correct thing, which is 'to make her research progress'." Zhang Chu said, "She tried her best to escape because she was afraid that before the research results came out , he was already dead."

" could have made her wish come true!" My hands trembled even more—this matter shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!
"Yes, it was possible." Zhang Chu said, "It's a pity that she was infected with Ebola virus. Once someone—even you and me—infected with this virus, then she can no longer be regarded as an ordinary person Come on, I can't take the lives of the entire base as a joke!"

"So, if she comes back, you will still... put her under house arrest, or... kill her..." I gritted my teeth.

"If there is no effective way to treat Ebola, I will." Zhang Chu said firmly.

"What if I want to kill you?"

"That's easy." Zhang Chu sneered, picked up the tea cup, and looked at me quietly, "I wish you good luck, I hope you can escape from the base after killing me..." After finishing speaking, he took another sip of tea .


I kept taking deep breaths, as if everything around me became heavy. This might be a shot that changed my destiny. As long as I pulled the trigger, I might no longer be the original me.


I pulled the trigger.

It was not Zhang Chu who was knocked down by a gunshot.

The glass on Zhang Chu’s oblique side shattered suddenly, and the gun was extremely powerful. If it weren’t for the glass here to gather and protect the blasting energy, the force of the explosion alone would be enough to shake Zhang Chu out of his whole body fly out.But even at this time, the splashed glass still slashed across Zhang Chu's body, and even the teacup in his hand shattered.

Zhang Chu still stood there, motionless.

Zhang Chu didn’t lie to me. He wasn’t playing tricks. There were indeed bullets in the gun, and they were quite powerful bullets. If the gun hit Zhang Chu directly, he would be dead now.

The gunpowder smoke alarm on the wall suddenly sounded louder and louder, and the sound of footsteps outside the door gradually approached. Zhang Chu suddenly rushed to me who was stunned, quickly grabbed the gun in my hand, stood beside me, and looked at me motionlessly. The metal door in front of the command room.

From the side, I saw that Zhang Chu’s face and the back of his hands were already stained with blood. Obviously, the glass shards that exploded just now caused a lot of damage to his body.

The metal door opened, and several guard veterans of the rebel organization pointed their guns at me.

"Put down the gun!" Zhang Chu ordered sharply.


The group of people was not sloppy, and quickly put down the submachine guns aimed at me one by one, but none of them went in. They all stood at the door of the commander, motionless, and a junior officer at the head asked: "Commander Zhang Chu, what happened?" What's the matter?"

"The gun went off." Zhang Chu's voice was still calm, "This gun has just been modified, and its performance is unstable."

"Are you okay?" You asked again, a little worried.

"It's okay, you should ask Chu Tingsheng if there's anything wrong." He smiled, "After all, I was the one who affected him."

"Oh...Chu Tingsheng."

I instinctively stood at attention.

"Are you injured?" The man looked at me with suspicion.

"I'm... fine." I didn't have any confidence in my answer.

"Go out." I just finished answering, but Zhang Chu has already issued the "exit order", "you have nothing to do here."

"We..." The leading officer sighed, and said salutingly, "Yes, sir..." After speaking, he led the people away immediately.

The metal door closed again, and the sirens on the wall gradually died down.Zhang Chu turned around and handed the gun back to me.I'm a little hesitant to take it.But Zhang Chu said: "take this gun, if you want to kill me in the future, there are still many opportunities."

I slowly took the gun and said, "You...are you really not afraid?"

"I just believe that you will make the most correct choice." Zhang Chu ticked the corner of his mouth and said, "If there is nothing else, you can go now, put the gun away, and be careful not to fire." He returned to the office Behind the table, he patted the broken glass on the chair lightly, and sat down calmly.

I turned around and left, but when I came to the door, I felt mixed feelings for a moment. I couldn't help but turned around and asked, "What is the next mission... and when will it start?"

Zhang Chu raised his head slightly and said, "If you can adjust your state well, we still have a lot of tasks for you to complete."

"I have one more question to ask." I said again.

Zhang Chu didn’t speak.

"I want to ask, what did you find in me?"

"The data is abnormal." Zhang Chu replied, "At present, based on our cognition level, we can only think that your body problem is due to the abnormal data caused by the rejection of the concentrated solution, but... Maybe Lin Wan... has other ideas in her mind."

(End of this chapter)

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