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Chapter 135 Someone You Can Trust

Chapter 135 Someone You Can Trust
Perhaps many researchers are not as good as one Lin Wan.

But they certainly weren't clueless about my body.

It is certain that Zhang Chu has something to hide from me, but this is also human nature. The people in the base, perhaps due to the living environment, all have one thing in common, that is, they will not express their views on anything without definite evidence .Zhang Chu’s gun was in my hand, and I was very nervous. At this time, I urgently needed a firearms expert to help check the gun to see if there was any wiretapping or monitoring in it. However, at this time, I didn’t Know who to trust.

Back at the residence, I unloaded the magazine and started fiddling with the gun.

This gun does not seem to be much different from the ordinary explosive guns we are used to, but I don't know the internal structure at all, and I dare not disassemble this pistol casually.

After thinking about it, I finally thought of one person.

She must know how to disassemble firearms, and, of all the members of the resistance organization, she may be the only one who can be trusted.

ink song.

Even Lin Wan once said that Mo Ge is not Zhang Chu's person. If Lin Wan's judgment is correct, then at least Mo Ge will not blindly help Zhang Chu. At least if I ask her for help, she will have to weigh the pros and cons.

However, after all, Mo Ge is now the supreme commander of the offshore base, and the position of this commander was given by Zhang Chu. From this point of view, looking for her rashly is not good for me.

After thinking twice, I decided to take a risk.

I have almost no trustworthy people in the base. If I want to gain a foothold, I can only start with the familiar people around me.

However, I didn't plan to go directly to Mo Ge rashly.

I sent a text message to Mo Ge. Since Mo Ge is the genetic account of the Supreme Commander, except for private text messages, all other communications must go through Adjutant Shao Guangyi.Although Shao Guangyi didn't treat me too badly, he didn't know the details after all.Moreover, I didn’t dare to send this text message from the communication tool. The communication tool has been with Zhang Chu for so long, and there is always an indescribable strange feeling in my hand. I don’t know if there is already a hidden mystery in it.

I sent a message from my laptop in the room.

Computer sending is estimated to be the only tool that rebel organizations can communicate freely and maintain a certain degree of privacy. Although the communication content here will eventually be stored in a certain terminal, it is not a factual storage monitoring after all. Due to the backlog of information, in non-special Under normal circumstances, not many commanders will carefully check every text message, so it is often the safest to communicate here.I heard that some open-minded men and women in the base often use computer communication to meet and have fun together at night.

"Officer Zhang Chu gave me his own gun. I don't know what it means. I want to ask you for advice." Although this message was simple, I thought it over and over again before I dared to send it out.

I don't know when Mo Ge will see my computer mailbox, so I feel a little uneasy.

Unexpectedly, after about five or six minutes, the other party replied with two words: trust.

I felt a "thud" in my heart. To be honest, what I was most worried about was seeing these two words. These two words appeared, and these two words seemed to block my mouth. I seemed to be able to see Mo Ge's face On Zhang Lengao's face, she could even hear four words faintly uttered from her mouth: "Shut up! It's noisy!"

After thinking for a long time, I sent another message: "He doesn't look like he trusts me, and the intimacy between Lin Wan and I is not enough for him to trust me."

"Then what do you think is trust?" asked the other side.

"It's just a feeling. In this base, I don't know who to trust."

The message was sent like a stone sinking into the ocean, and the waiting seemed to be suffering-am I being too naive?Am I being too naive after all?How deep is the water in this base?How dare I casually believe in a senior official of the base like Mo Ge?Even a friend who fought side by side yesterday may become an enemy today, so how dare I seek help so recklessly?I feel more and more like an idiot.However, just when I was extremely annoyed, suddenly, the other party replied with another message—this time the wait lasted for a full hour and a half, which was a suffocating hour and a half for me.

"You shouldn't have believed me."

"What do you mean?"

"Meet me at the base defense dispatch office on the tenth floor in 15 minutes. Bring your gun and your communication device."

I froze for a moment, Mo Ge didn't answer my question, but directly asked me to meet her, and only gave me 15 minutes to prepare.

I felt even more anxious all of a sudden.

However, this is the end of the matter, and I have no reason not to look at it.

Tenth floor base defense dispatch office...

I have heard about this place. The garrison dispatch is a military secret. It is said that only high-ranking base officials and secret service personnel can enter this office. It seems that other people must not enter this office unless they are summoned. Moreover, the tenth floor is the most mysterious part of the base. On the first floor, there are arsenals, equipment storage rooms, and closed secret rooms for recording finances and files. It is said that as long as you enter the tenth floor, all signals around you, including genetic information, etc. will be blocked. This person will seem to come from the base. Generally evaporated.

Of course, it is not easy to enter the tenth floor, which requires the only password of the base's top commander.

When I arrived at the tenth floor, I subconsciously looked at my communication device, the signal was completely blocked, and when I was verifying my identity, the verification device displayed "temporary identity", It means that Mo Ge just gave me a time-sensitive verification authority - it seems that she did it carefully.

The garrison dispatch office looks similar to the supreme commander, except that there are no floor-to-ceiling windows.

When I entered the office, there was only Mo Ge alone. Even though the space was small, I still looked around, subconsciously thinking that there would be ambushes all around.

Mo Ge obviously saw my thoughts, and said half mockingly: "What's the matter? Are you afraid that someone will come out of the wall?"


"I don't raise scales, don't worry." She came to the door and touched the button on the wall. Suddenly, the metal door let out a long beep. Then, I saw the screen of the verification device next to the door displaying The words "highest alert" were added.

"In this way, you should rest assured." Mo Ge said, "This is a closed space now, even if you throw a shock bomb here, people outside will not be able to hear it, and in the case of the highest security, all alarms in the room The system is all eliminated.”

"Will this be a cover-up..." I said warily.

"Don't worry," Lin Wan said, "if you are afraid that Zhang Chu's people will stare at this place, then there is no need. Because I have already told him that I will call you to help me finish the defense of the base."

"What? You told him . . . did you?"

"Yes, just 10 minutes ago, I just went to the highest command room. The last text message, I just replied to you when I came back from Zhang Chu." Mo Ge said.

"It's like this..." I couldn't help but sweat coldly behind my back.

"You don't have to be afraid." She smiled lightly again, and then said, "Bring your pistol and communication device here."


"Trust me and give it to me."

"Okay..." Since I'm here, there's no reason not to believe her, otherwise what's the point of my coming?
I handed both things to Mo Ge, watching Mo Ge disassemble the pistol at an extremely fast speed, Mo Ge said while dismantling, "You don't know how to disassemble a pistol?"

"Tu Shu has taught before, but she is not proficient, so I am afraid there will be problems."

"You should be more courageous." Mo Ge said, "Firearms are all the same, after all, they are man-made."

"All right……"

After a while, the pistol was disassembled by Mo Ge.

"This gun has indeed undergone precise modification. I can't do it. It looks like the handwriting of Chief Zhang Chu." Mo Ge said lightly, "There is an eavesdropping system inside for sure."

" mean..." I became more nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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