global variation

Chapter 137 Yesterday

Chapter 137 Yesterday
"Lin Wan studied in our school for four years..." I said, "She is my senior sister."

"I'm still your junior sister." Mo Ge pouted.


"I'm from the Academy of Art," Mo Ge seemed to snort lightly, and said, "A person like you probably doesn't have much artistic talent, so it's impossible for you to pay attention to the affairs of the branch academy."

"I... I'm in college, and I've always been at three points and one line, cafeteria, dormitory, and classrooms."

"If it wasn't for war..." Mo Ge propped her hands on the metal table. I always feel that her expression at this moment is a bit confused, as if she is still a little sad. This is the expression that an ordinary girl will show occasionally, not a soldier, but more The expression that a base commander should have, "If it wasn't for the war, maybe I could finish my studies, and you can too..."

I noticed that when it comes to university, Mo Ge's demeanor and actions are somewhat different.

Maybe it's like soldiers have a barracks complex.

College students often have a college complex.

To us, that seemed like the last happy place.

And I, before stepping into the society, was first drawn into this huge base.

But at least, I'm probably luckier than Mo Ge. I used to have a complete family, and I also enjoyed a whole period of happy time from elementary school to the third year of university.

I originally came to test the other party tremblingly, but now it turned out that it had turned into an ordinary conversation, a chat, and even the mood of the chat was somewhat sad that did not match the atmosphere of the military camp.

"Sorry..." After a while, Mo Ge seemed to have finally noticed his gaffe, he couldn't help but sniffled, stroked his hair a little uneasy, and said, "Let's talk about Lin Wan, Lin Wan At that time, she had been outside the base, and the base was not strict with her. Moreover, until a year ago, as far as I know, she still reported the experimental data and research results to the base on time. Until the second half of last year, she suddenly Submitted a test plan for the 'Strongest Concentrate' to the base. At that time, the base rejected her project application on the grounds of 'too high risk'. However, according to the development of subsequent events, she must have not Stop this research—and, she also turned most of her energy to this research. Because of this, she no longer submitted data and experimental reports to the base on time, gradually alienated from the base, and often violated the rules Biological experiments, the base also seems to be becoming more and more dissatisfied with her, I remember that during that time, I heard unfavorable criticisms against her more than once in the orders issued by the base."

These, in fact, I can guess even if I guess, according to Lin Wan's character, the situation may have developed like this,

"Later, the base began to block Lin Wan's laboratory—she inherited her father Lin Baihe's laboratory, which has a batch of very advanced experimental equipment—and greatly reduced the support for her. She failed to apply for several times After that, she finally took the risk, sneaked into the underground laboratory of the Fortress of Life, killed two researchers on duty, and stole a large amount of important research materials that had been sealed——this, she herself admitted.”


Lin Wan did mention this matter before, and she also said that the two staff on duty deserved what they deserved.

"It is true that the two officers on duty were responsible for the failure of the Sixth Guard Tower and the repeated firefights on the Guangdong-Jiangxi border; it is true that they escaped legal sanctions due to the shelter of their superiors. But in the end, they are not guilty of death." Mo Ge said, "So, Lin Wan was wanted by the base when she fled this time. In fact, I think she was already infected with the Ebola variant virus at that time, and part of the reason for stealing those research materials was probably for the purpose of experimenting. , and the other part is for self-help."

"Is that so..." I was silent for a while, and then said again, "Actually... I have been thinking, how could Lin Wan, who is so vigilant, be plotted against by Zhang Jiating..."

"Maybe it's because they are friends." Mo Ge circled around and returned to the metal table, as if deliberately standing there, trying to hide his expression—this is just a protective action—sometimes people It is very easy to do these self-deceiving actions of self-protection, as if blocking a table in front of you can cover up your uneasy or sad expression, Mo Ge folded his hands on his chest, looked to the side, and said, "You don't Knowing how heavy the word 'friend' is for people like us."


"Some things, you are not us, you will not understand, our circumstances are different after all."

"I... really don't understand."

"Then just look at the fact." Mo Ge turned his head, with a smile on his face, as if to encourage me, but the smile was a bit forced, "The fact is that she later, for some reason, put the The medicine was injected on you, and our target has also been transferred to you."

"Why does she hate the organization so much? Just because of her father?"

"It's a reason." Mo Ge said, "For Lin Wan, perhaps her father Lin Baihe, and the old professor Xie Chun, should be regarded as a kind of belief. It's different, and she doesn't communicate with others very much. She has been running to the laboratory with Lin Baihe and Xie Chun. After Lin Baihe died, she became more reticent. Xie Chun's death was another huge blow to her."

"Xie Chun..." I silently read the name.

"If Xie Chun hadn't passed away, perhaps the technological level of the rebel organization could go up a few more steps." Mo Ge said, "Although I don't understand technology, all of this is just a rumor, but I believe that the legendary Xie Chun The professor...should be a person who is good at creating miracles." At this moment, Mo Ge had already reassembled my gun—Zhang Chu's gun—and handed it back to me.

I lowered my head slightly, stepped forward to take the gun, and put away the communication device at the same time.

"Professor Xie he really that powerful?"

"The base's first concentrated solution is Xie Chun's research result." Mo Ge said, "It was also the first time he extracted a complete animal gene chain, fused it into a medicine, injected it into humans, and achieved success."

"No.1 injector..." I frowned.

"Yes, just like you, it has epoch-making significance." Mo Ge smiled.

"Then what happened to the injector?" I couldn't help asking.

"Dead." Mo Ge replied without any embellishment, "Dead in battle."


"He is very strong." Mo Ge said, "At least it was rumored that he was very strong at that time. His ability seemed to be like a tiger's claw. It may not be a big deal to you now, but at that time, he could be as good as ten... However, he died in the end."

"How did he die?" I couldn't help asking—I suddenly wondered, could I die the same way as that guy?
"I heard that he stood guard at a sentry tower in northern Guangdong for three days and three nights. The team consisted of 20 people and fought against an army composed of more than 40 infected people from the church and hundreds of infected animals. When everyone found him, he Still standing outside the base, but his body is riddled with holes and his internal organs have been emptied."

"Hehe... is that so..." I smiled lightly, as if I already had a premonition that if my research value slowly loses, then I will also be reduced to the most ordinary soldier. At that time, my fate may be Not much better than this 'first concentrate injector'.

Mo Ge should have seen the doubts in my heart, but she didn't speak, but sat quietly behind the metal table, as if waiting for me to ask a question.

"Then, as far as you know, is there any other reason for Lin Wan's confrontation with the base?"

"Others, all I can think of is self-help..." Mo Ge said, "Everyone hopes to live longer, especially her, there are still many tasks to be completed at hand, maybe..."

"Mo Ge..." Before she finished speaking, I interrupted her.

"Huh?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"If I say, I want to find her and persuade her to come back, don't you think I'm just dreaming?"

"Advise her to come back and die?"

"No, since I want to persuade her to come back, I just hope that she can live instead of die."

(End of this chapter)

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