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Chapter 138 Calm Days

Chapter 138 Calm Days

Mo Ge nodded and said, "I understand what you mean."

"Then you..." I was a little excited, and put my hands on the metal table, "You told me, you should trust and believe, didn't you?"

"I can only tell you my guess." Mo Ge said, "I'm afraid Zhang Chu also hopes that you can find Lin Wan, and the sooner the better."

"Why?" I asked in amazement.

"I'm just judging based on my intuition and what I know about him." Mo Ge said, "After the assistance in deploying this time is over, I can arrange a task for you to find Lin Wan, but you should pay attention, Zhang Chu wants to find Lin Wan There are two possibilities for Wan, maybe you both come to the same goal, maybe he just wants to find Lin Wan and kill Lin Wan."


"If you have nothing else to do, come over and finish the defense deployment with me first." Mo Ge didn't want me to continue asking.

I was a little helpless, and it was worth nodding.

However, I don't know what is the purpose of asking me to assist in the defense. As Mo Ge himself said, everyone here must have their own purpose in doing things, but some purposes are difficult to guess.

In fact, the whole process of arming was planned by Mo Ge himself and explained to me. Judging from her expression, it seems that she intends to convey something to me, or let me remember something, but these things only Can be captured slowly afterwards.

When I returned to the residence again, it was already past ten o'clock at night, and it was supposed to be bedtime, but I still couldn't sleep.

There was dinner and medicine on the table, probably sent by Zhu Qing. In the past, I was always instinctively happy when I saw these, but now, it seems that all these are commonplace and meaningless.

For the next period of time, apart from training and eating and sleeping, I basically did nothing else.

At this time, it seems that I am not even a soldier, I am just a pig who will participate in special training.

The only meaningful thing I did during the period was to see my injured team members, especially Zheng Long. After Zheng Long and I separated, they all thought I was dead, but I survived, and that Like Li Jin at that time, I miraculously survived.

However, I haven't seen Li Jin during this period of time. As my personal nurse, he appears a bit too rarely.

After the first battle, the distance between these few people was slightly closer, except for Li Wentian who was out of place from the beginning.

A few days later, when Zhu Qing came to deliver the medicine, I occasionally asked about Li Jin, but Zhu Qing told me: "He is sick, probably because of overwork, coughing all the time, a little bit of blood."

"Coughing up blood?!" I was stunned for a moment, recalling Lin Wan's situation at that time, I couldn't help becoming alert, and said, "Are you sure he's just tired and sick?"

Zhu Qing smiled and said, "I know what you mean. The resistance organization is very vigilant and gave him a comprehensive inspection immediately, but it was indeed because of fatigue."

" it..." I still have some doubts in my heart.

"Don't worry, we are researchers, we know more about physical things than you, don't we?" Zhu Qing's mental state seemed to have improved a lot, she said with a smile.

I secretly sighed: Didn't Lin Wan also say such a thing?But in the end?

Zhu Qing seemed to see my doubts, and she didn't dare to speak for a while, and the atmosphere became extremely awkward.

I hurriedly changed the subject and said, " is your shooting practice, do you want me to teach you?"

"I...can I really do it?" Unexpectedly, when I said this casually, Zhu Qing was very interested and said excitedly, "If you don't think it's troublesome or stupid, I really hope that someone can teach you I'm practicing shooting...although, until now, not many people would talk to me."

Seeing her aggrieved expression, I couldn't help but feel a little distressed.In such an organization, it was too difficult to be popular, but it seemed too difficult for a little girl like her to survive in this cruel environment without a friend.Thinking that I have nothing to do recently, I simply agreed to her, and every night after I finished a day of training, I would assist her in shooting practice.

I also have something to do.

For half a month, I continued this life of doing nothing and looking for things to do.

It's already winter and spring outside.

Probably the continuous drizzle has already drifted through the sky with a trace of the unique salty smell along the coast, but I don't know if the smell of blood still lingers in the salty smell.

The war between the rebel organization and the church seems to have entered a period of relaxation, and my training has become more and more relaxed. Tu Shu seems to have nothing to teach me, and she is so bastard that she uses me as a target to practice throwing knives. The pair of nano double knives are made of special nano-materials, the blades are not visible at all, only the handle can be seen, but he suddenly throws knives at me during my daily training every day, and I am extremely angry. But he could only dodge cautiously.

Moreover, during this period of training, I found that Tu Shu was quite "perverted" sometimes.

When she talks to me, sometimes she can be even more ambiguous than Lin Wan.

And usually when she sends an ambiguous signal to me, the next second, she will launch a fatal attack on me.

Once, in the middle of the training ground, I was wearing a shirtless upper body and carrying weights to exercise my arm strength. She was staring at the sidelines, and suddenly came forward, reached out and gently touched my chest, and even teased the sensitive places on purpose. I was so scared that I almost didn’t fall. On the ground, but just when I was a little terrified, a little embarrassed, and a little unspeakably excited, she suddenly drew a knife and slashed towards my neck from an oblique side. Fortunately, I reacted in time, waved sideways, and The sports equipment in his hand went to pick up her nano-knife.

And that sports equipment was directly cut into two sections, the knife edge was extremely flat and smooth.

I thought, if the knife cut my neck, the wound would be very smooth.

At that time, I finally couldn't help asking Tu Shu whether she was training me or preparing to kill me, but she said: "Heroes are saddened by beauty. The most difficult thing for a man to control is his own desire. If you can accept the teasing If you remain vigilant all the time, then you will definitely be able to maintain enough composure in hand-to-hand combat, and if you encounter such a thing in the future, you can thank me!"

I could only take a deep breath and suppress my anger.

As for my team members, since the periodical training of other soldiers has ended except for them, they have become more boring than me, but the recruits enjoy this rare leisure very much. For some people, They live day by day, especially after the failure of the last mutiny, they have already regarded their lives as if they had recovered them. As long as they open their eyes every morning and can still see everything around them, and see the bright lights on the top of the base, they are considered to be A kind of gift; while the other part seems to be happy with the situation, with an attitude of stealing half a day's leisure; as for the few guys who are still instigating the mutiny and fleeing, there is no response at all.

On that leisurely day, I saw Zhang Ziyang who was released from the confinement room again. The moment he saw me, he seemed very embarrassed, he just waved at me stiffly, then left in a hurry with his head bowed. I chased after him and wanted to talk to him , but he had already hid in the elevator.

In fact, I was more like slapping him a few times, but I really couldn't do it.

His distraught appearance has already proved that he has already been punished and even tortured...

If you are idle, you will change.

It seems that the leaders of the resistance organization are also very aware of this point, soldiers must not be idle, otherwise who knows what will happen.

So, on this leisurely day, we ushered in our first defense change.

The change of defense had little effect on the special operations team. On that day, we stood in a row of seven people at the window on the sixth floor, silently watching the soldiers moving back and forth in the training field below and the charge on the third floor over there. .

Some people go out and some people come in.

"Soldiers with iron camps and flowing water..." Huang Qian, who had been a soldier, couldn't help sighing, "It's a good thing I don't have a deep relationship with such boys."

"Who do you think you have a deep relationship with?" He Fan said on the side, "Last time in the underground cave, you asked me to cover you to change bullets, okay, I went forward to burn those beasts, but you didn't say anything Said to shoot directly at me, you said you..."

"Damn it, did I hit you with a shot? Did the shrapnel scratch your balls or something?!" Huang Qian retorted sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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