Chapter 139

Seeing that the two men were about to fight each other, Zheng Long and Lin Qian hurriedly tried to dissuade them.

I didn't care about their boring topics, but turned my attention to Yi Tian, ​​who has always been more stable, and said, "Tell me, what does this change of defense mean?"

"It means?" Yi Tian glanced at me.

I pondered for a moment, and said: "I always feel that there are more people going out this time, and fewer people coming in. I have some associations."

"Are you thinking about Zhang Chu killing Wei Guodong last time?" Yitian said with his hands folded on his chest.

I curled my lips and didn't speak.

"Zhang Chu killed people, and the higher-ups will find him trouble." Suddenly, a faint gloomy male voice came from beside me, and I was startled, only then did I realize that Li Wentian was also by my side.

Yitian passed me, looked at Li Wentian, and said, "Oda Taijun, do you have a good opinion?"

Li Wentian gave me and Yitian a look of disgust, then turned his head, his expression still dark, and said: "Zhang Chu is fighting with his superiors, and killing Wei Guodong is just the beginning. ...There is nothing to be afraid of. But the people above are powerful, if they continue to fight, the soldiers will become victims."

He paused, remained silent for a long time, closed his eyes, as if he was practicing ninjutsu, and he seemed to be organizing words for himself, and then said, "To survive here, I think we should unite."

It was the first time I heard him talk so much, and I couldn't help being a little surprised.

"And..." he finally added, "Don't call me Taijun, there is no such word in Japanese."

"Pfft..." Lin Qian on the side almost laughed unscrupulously, but was pulled by He Fan, and then he restrained his expression.

"Listen to you." Huang Qian challenged, "Are you going to form a small group?"

"I'm just worried, and I don't want to be a victim." Li Wentian's blunt and staccato Chinese, although ugly, made me vigilant.I don't know what the people present think of Zhang Chu's faction. Maybe I know too much, so I think more and worry more than them. What Li Wentian said is not unreasonable. Even, this kind of The analysis is exactly the same as Lin Wan's previous analysis.

"We were born and died together, and we believed in you, that's why I told you this." Li Wentian added.

I didn't open my mouth, and watched everyone's expressions quietly. Since Li Wentian became the leader, I don't need to add anything.

What surprised me was that Li Wentian's few words actually caused the other five members of the special operations team to fall into silence.

Silence at least means that each of them has doubts.

This is something I hadn't thought of.

It seems that everyone is not stupid, at least for the special operations team, each of us has our own value in life, and each of us has our own beliefs and goals.Perhaps that is why we are more sober than other soldiers.

"What are you all thinking?" I waited for a while, and then suddenly opened my mouth. Sure enough, the group of people woke up like a dream, and seemed to be taken aback by me, especially Huang Qian, who seemed to have a big reaction, and immediately paid attention. Seeing his gaffe, he said, "Then what, you guys talk, I'll go back first."

"Don't leave, how much fun you lost by leaving, what are we a bunch of old men doing?" He Fan probably wanted to change the topic a long time ago, and said loudly.

Huang Qian had already turned her back to us and walked into the distance. At this time, she turned her face to the side and said with a look of disgust: "Go home and play with yourself!"

"Didn't you break his egg?" Lin Qian said with a playful smile.

Then there was another burst of laughter.

I stood where I was, with my arms folded across my chest.

Everyone changed the topic in a tacit understanding, explaining that everyone also had doubts in their hearts.

At this time, I took another look at Li Wentian.

At this time, Li Wentian seemed a little angry, staring at the soldiers coming and going downstairs, I reached out and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for saving me last time."

Li Wentian turned his head slowly, staring at me with gloomy and slightly deep eyes, that kind of feeling is really creepy.

"It should be, captain, you are the center of the team, if you are in the Japanese army, we should all die for you." He said.

"Don't say that." I said, "Everyone in the Special Forces is very important. Also, this is China, and your name is Li Wentian."

"I understand," he said, "but you are the soul of the team, an irrefutable fact."

I suddenly felt that Li Wentian had invisibly placed an unbearable burden on my shoulders.How can I be the soul of a team?I was just injected with the so-called strongest concentrate. In essence, I was still the ordinary little dick who was drawn into the resistance organization for no reason. Until now, I still feel more or less that I should not go through these messy things.

I took a deep breath and turned to look at Yitian.

Yi Tian didn't go crazy with those few people - at this time Zheng Long, Lin Qian, He Fan and Huang Qian had already run away not knowing what to do.

Yi Tian sighed, and said, "I used to think Huang Qian was quite annoying, but now it looks like it's kind of interesting."

I also smiled, and asked instead: "How is Zhang Ziyang?"


He obviously didn't expect me to ask him about it.

"Zhang Ziyang, I have a good relationship with you, right?" I said, "Did Zhang Chu talk to you about his last incident?"

"Hehe... We talked about it." Yi Tian sniffed and said, "According to what Zhang Chu said, I almost dealt with Zhang Ziyang and I for the same crime."

I frowned, and I had already figured it out in my heart, and said: "This kind of thing is normal in the barracks, but Zhang Chu understands it very well."

"I know that in special times, everyone will be overly vigilant." Yi Tian said, "I'm fine now, right?"

"The few of us are treated preferentially." I said again.

At this moment, Li Wentian on the side suddenly said, "I'm going back too."

I didn't keep him. Obviously our attitude was not positive enough, and I was still speaking for the resistance organization. These two points angered him. It seems that although he is gloomy and reticent, he has a more straightforward temper than us.

"This little Japan has a big temper." Yi Tian said with a smile.

I still returned home with a smile and said, "People should still be good."

"I figured it out," Yitian said, "after so long, we are the only seven people in the resistance organization who look like people."

"Ha, is there any?"

"Don't you think?" Yitian said, "Of course it may be because I have never been in danger with others..." He paused, and said, "During the last base war, our special operations team hardly had a single deserter, of course Including you, you are even more ruthless and fierce than us."

I didn't speak.

"The special operations team are all heroes." Yi Tian said with a smile, "except Zhang Ziyang, that trash."

"He has his own ideas."

"No matter what you think, I'm really disappointed in him." Yi Tian clenched his fist and said, "A large number of recruits in our special operations team died in the central fortress, and a large number died in the base battle. In the end, we are the only ones left. A few, but look, among us, is there one who is afraid of death? Is there a coward among us? Last time we were asked to go to the crypt, was there one of us who was afraid?"

"Ha ha……"

"Actually, I admire you a lot." Yi Tian said, "You have an indescribable ruthlessness when you fight. Ordinary soldiers have no weapons or bullets, so they basically choose to retreat first, and you are lucky. , dare to go up and fight for anything..."

"Forget it." I waved my hand and smiled, and said, "The concentrated liquid is on my body, it's just a little more brute force, each has its own ability... I have to say sorry to you, we have fought several times Just hit and go away."

"Hey! There's nothing to be sorry about." Yi Tian said, "You, the captain, don't think I'm slowing you down."

To be honest, I felt a little embarrassed, and wanted to test his tone, but unexpectedly, he spoke very sincerely, so I simply asked: "Well, since we are now brothers who have gone through life and death, then Mingren is not I’ve also spoken bluntly. What do you think of what Li Wentian said just now?”

(End of this chapter)

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