Chapter 141
The weekend before the beheading operation, Mo Ge called me to the garrison control room again. This time, what she told me was much simpler.

She sat behind the desk, seeming to deliberately hide her face in the darkest part of the small space.

Her expression was calm and serious, even with a bit of melancholy, she said to me bluntly: "I sent you there this time, in fact, you should know my intention."

"I... your intention?" I felt a little bit in my heart, staring at her closely, and said, "What do you mean, Lin Wan has already found it?"

"The investigation team arranged by Zhang Chu and I have been patrolling the city for the past few days." Mo Ge said, "However, after combining the information of the two groups of people, there is still no news of Lin Wan..."

I was a little discouraged, lowered my head slightly, and sighed heavily.

"However, if you leave the base, the situation will be unknown." Mo Ge said.

"I...leave the base..."

"You have to know one thing, that is, when the communication device is out of the range of the offshore base, it will automatically switch to the field mission mode. In order to prevent unnecessary interference from the wavelength of the headquarters, the headquarters will automatically cut off its monitoring Instead, the commander’s terminal will monitor it.” Mo Ge said, “The nominal commander of this beheading operation is me, that is to say, your communication terminal will no longer be monitored by the base defense system, but by the I'll monitor."


"Lin Wan is very smart. If she has been paying attention to the movement of the base, she must be able to guess this." Mo Ge said, "We will not look for her, but she has no one to rely on. As long as she has not joined the church, she is likely to contact you. .”

"Where is Lin Wan's communication device... won't it be monitored?"

"Lin Wan's communication device has already been improved in various ways." Mo Ge said, "Since she escaped for the first time, the monitoring of Lin Wan's communication device has not been interrupted, and she has never discarded it. Her own communication device and genetic account, but the monitoring of her by the base has changed from occasional disconnection to occasional disconnection and disappearance... You should understand what this means."

"Well...then you mean, you want me to find her..."

"I don't limit you."


"I don't limit your choices." Mo Ge said, "I will monitor all your communication devices this time, but even if the system shows that you are outside the range of City Z, I will just turn a blind eye and close your eyes." one eye."


"Whether you take Lin Wan away or persuade her to come back, everything is up to you," Mo Ge said.

"You...why...why do you trust me so much?" I took a step forward, a little excited, "If I escape and they find out that you let me go, how will they treat you?"

"You don't have to worry about it, it's my own choice." Mo Ge said lightly, "Everyone is responsible for the choice they make, and I'm ready for it. As for your choice, it's up to you thing."

"I..." My eyes turned to one side, and after a long time, I slowly said, "I understand."

"Go back." Mo Ge said.

These conversations made me even more at a loss. Mo Ge did this step, which originally gave me the best chance to escape, but it just made it difficult for me to make up my mind to escape.

Back in the room, I found that several combat deployment orders and plans had already appeared on the computer, some of which were sent directly from the general command room, some of which were sent by my "teammates". The personnel list, and their current ability status - after a period of training, it seems that everyone's ability status has improved, even very obviously.

Leader: Chu Tingsheng/A-mix concentrate, synchronization rate 5.5%, rejection rate 64.2%
Team leader assistant: Huang Qian/bat concentrate, synchronization rate 8.1%, rejection rate 60.4%
Member: He Fan/Fire-breathing frog concentrate, 7.3% synchronization rate, 55.0% rejection rate
Linqian/Bullet Ant Concentrate, Synchronization Rate 6.0%, Probability of Rejection 49.0%
Yitian/Cheetah Blood Concentrate, synchronization rate 11.2%, probability of rejection 34.6%
Zhenglong/Python Concentrate, the synchronization rate is 4.6%, and the probability of rejection reaction is 35.1%
Li Wentian/Chameleon Concentrate, the synchronization rate is 9.9%, and the probability of rejection reaction is 29.3%.
Assistant member of the team: Li Jin/Eel Concentrate, synchronization rate 7.9%, probability of rejection 59.2%
There are not many people in the team, but I noticed that the probability of my rejection reaction is still high. Although I am no longer the one with the lowest synchronization rate, it still seems dangerous.

In addition, I found that rejection and synchronization rate are not two completely mutually exclusive concepts. There seem to be other special factors, such as Zheng Long, whose synchronization rate is extremely low, but the probability of rejection is also very high. Low, Li Wentian's synchronization rate is high, but the probability of rejection is still extremely low, while Huang Qian, He Fan and Li Jin, two players who almost use superpowers to fight, have an abnormally high rejection reaction.

I leaned on the chair, and although I didn't understand data analysis, I still "pretended" to think for a while, but no matter how I thought about it, I didn't have a clue.

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened.

When I turned my face and saw Zhu Qing coming with a smile, I realized that dinner had already been changed.

Another week is about to pass.

Zhu Qing put dinner and medicine by my hand, she didn't seem to want to disturb me, she must have thought I was planning some strategic plan.

And I simply asked a question, saying: "Zhu Qing, you are a researcher, I want you to help me analyze these data."


"Well, come and see."

"Is it appropriate? The base's official email..."

"There's nothing inappropriate. Aren't these data all in the hands of your researchers?"

"No..." Zhu Qing said cautiously, "Now the data is mainly in the hands of researchers assigned by Chief Zhang Chu. I only know your data, and I have to report it to them."

"Anyway." I said, "I let you see it, and you help me see it."

"Oh... okay..." Zhu Qing pouted, but finally nodded, I pulled down the form and let Zhu Qing browse the string of data, I noticed that her expression was a little uncertain at this time, I said : "I would like to know why the rejection reaction and the synchronization rate are not linearly related. Is there any other mystery in it?"

"It's's a mystery..." Zhu Qing said, "It's not that the linear relationship is normal, the positive and negative relationship between the two is just an ideal state, which excludes all external interference. In fact, the two It’s not even a positive or negative correlation. Simply put, even if your synchronization rate is low, you may seldom have rejection reactions due to your physical fitness. Of course, it’s also possible... um... the part of the concentrated liquid that is strengthened by Bunsen Very small, for example, look at this comrade-in-arms Li Wentian, the chameleon concentrate he injected is just a non-toxic and harmless cyst gland in the body, this cyst gland secretes some pigments that temporarily allow the body to adapt to the surrounding environment , so that he successfully concealed. This life does not cause much harm to the body, so although his synchronization rate is average, the probability of rejection is extremely low. As for..."

I noticed that Zhu Qing's eyes moved to Li Jin's part: "As for him..."

Zhu Qing was silent for a moment, this moment of silence made me a little uneasy.

"What happened to Li Jin?"

"Perhaps, Teacher Lin Wan is right." Zhu Qing said suddenly, "But those stubborn old people will never care about her words..."

"What..." Hearing the words Lin Wan, I couldn't help feeling a little excited, "What did you say?"

"Ms. Lin Wan once objected to doing some human body modification other than strengthening the body in a hurry. For example, electric eel concentrate, bat ultrasonic concentrate, fire-breathing frog concentrate, poison dart frog concentrate, etc..." Zhu Qing said, "Those concentrated liquids have given human beings more terrifying extra powers besides improving their physical fitness, even poisoning, setting fire, manipulating electric currents, changing wavelengths and magnetic fields, etc. It's just like the superpowers in movies. ..."


"However, that can be said to be an anti-human modification... It not only changes the nature of human muscles and bones, but also improves human physique. It is to biochemically produce extremely dangerous special " Combat organ' come." Zhu Qing said, "This is no longer an improvement, but a real transformation... This kind of transformation is irreversible. Although the Amix concentrated liquid is dangerous, at least it can improve you step by step. Your physique, but those concentrated liquids will add a ticking time bomb to your body overnight!"

(End of this chapter)

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