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Chapter 142 What You Don't Know

Chapter 142 What You Don't Know
"Then, what did Lin Wan say about this?"

"She was very opposed to this kind of transformation hastily." Zhu Qing said, "She proposed a set of her own plan, which can transform the human body under more secure conditions, and can also achieve the desired effect, but the cost is very high. , It may cost ten times the cost of ordinary concentrated solution to make a concentrated solution, and the price is almost the same as the A-mix you inject.”

"Is it……"

"So the people above didn't agree at all at the time, rejected Lin Wan's fourth proposal many times, and started research without authorization," Zhu Qing said, "The old stubborn people in the Fortress of Life made this concentrated solution in an extremely rude way, simply adding The dosage of the large Ebola proportioning solution is completely regardless of whether the injectors' bodies can bear it."

"However, since the first batch of soldiers injected with the concentrated solution did not respond much, those drugs were officially put into use without hesitation, and strict testing was never done." Zhu Qing said, "Fortunately, There are not too many people who have used this batch of drugs...Maybe dozens, maybe hundreds...But Li Jin, Huang Qian and the others must have been injected."

"Is that why their rejection rate is so high?" I asked.

"Yes..." Zhu Qing nodded, "It's probably because of this. They don't know it... because a high synchronization rate will often cover up the feeling of strong rejection in this existence, but if things go on like this, the body will be constantly being blocked. It may be too late when we find out.”

"Then now, what do you mean..."

"There's nothing we can do. We can't change anything." Zhu Qing smiled and said, "I was just thinking, maybe, some of the things we did were really not worth it."

"Okay..." I stopped Zhu Qing from continuing.

But Zhu Qing changed the subject, but said again: "If...Chu Tingsheng, if, you can see Teacher Lin Wan, I still... still hope you take her away."


"Ms. Lin Wan, I have paid a lot for you." Zhu Qing said suddenly, "Even if there is no hope at the end... I still hope that you can be with her, take her away, and take her out of this place completely. "

" mean...what do you mean there is no last hope? What happened?" I asked sharply.

I already felt that Zhu Qing was hiding something from me, but I didn't expect it to be related to Lin Wan.

But now it seems that the situation seems quite serious.

Zhu Qing pondered for a long time before slowly opening her mouth to say: "Actually... when you sneaked into the tunnel that day, I saw Teacher Lin Wan."


"It was that night, you met me once on the training ground, and later you discovered the murder case on the second floor, and then sneaked into the underground passage with Chief Mo Ge... That night, actually, I saw Teacher Lin Wan..." Zhu Qing said, "I am afraid that she will be discovered, and I am also worried that if I tell you those things, you will be"

"Where did you see her?"

"Because... because the underground passages should extend in all directions, Teacher Lin Wan rushed out of the empty room on the first floor that day, and I was still shooting at the training ground on the first floor. I was so scared that I almost shot her... ...Because, at that time, she had already...already..."

"How has it been?"

"I... I can be sure that she was completely infected. Her face was covered with blood, but I couldn't see where she was injured..." Zhu Qing said tremblingly, "From my experience, it was Yibo. The signs of the virus spreading all over the body, Mr. Lin Wan, already...already..."

"You...was she still conscious at that time?"

"Yes..." Zhu Qing nodded, "The spread of the Ebola virus is divided into several stages, and it is related to each person's physique, mental willpower. Teacher Lin Wan injected the initial antibody, and has been using drugs to control the body The disease of the virus, so the development of the disease is a little slower, and the variant Ebola virus seems to adopt a symbiotic or parasitic boarding method to survive in the human body, so it will not completely eliminate human consciousness. When the Ebola virus just spread, the spirit and consciousness were up and down, and they could have a certain ability of self-control..."

No wonder she was able to pretend to be normal when I saw her, and encouraged me to run away with her.

I thought to myself.

At this moment, I slowly lowered my head and clenched my fists. I didn't know what to say at this moment. Zhu Qing in front of me kept her head down silently, like a child who made a mistake, muttering: "At that time, I was so scared that I didn't even dare to go up and say a word to her, and I didn't dare to rescue her. She was in pain, but I knew that she was restraining herself... Later, the guard soldiers on the second floor heard As soon as the sound came, Teacher Lin Wan fled back into the room and into the tunnel...I, I didn't dare to tell the guards...I was really scared at the time, so..."

"It's not your fault..." I gritted my teeth and said.

"Ms. Lin Wan,'s all because of you that the condition deteriorated so quickly." Zhu Qing said.

"Me?" I raised my head suddenly, even feeling a special sense of dizziness.

Zhu Qing said: "The research materials given by the base are very limited. Before Wei Guodong had the intention of wooing Teacher Lin Wan to some extent, the materials and funds given could only produce medicines to maintain the balance of your body functions; and then Zhang Chu came here Afterwards, she continued to reduce the funds and materials allocated to Teacher Lin Wan. These days, she didn't give herself a single pill, and all the research was for you..."

"What... Didn't she say that she has been trying her best for herself... why..."

"I'm not Teacher Lin Wan, I don't know what she thinks in her heart, but if one person can do this for you, I believe her...she is real..."

"Okay! Enough!" I couldn't help but get angry.

I was angry not only because of what happened to Lin Wan, but also because I hated myself. I didn't realize all this at all, and I didn't even care about Lin Wan at all!
I have always been under her help and protection, I have always... been blessed by her, but I have never done anything for her.

"Don't be sad, Chu Tingsheng... Teacher Lin Wan doesn't want to see you either..."

"You don't need to persuade me..." I lowered my head and scratched my hair with both hands, but still tried to calm down and said, "Thank you for telling me all this, thank you..."


"Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, I know what I should do." I said, "You also know a lot of secrets and inside stories, and you have told me all of them. From now on, no matter what happens, you have to be more careful .”

"I..." Zhu Qing squeezed out a relaxed smile on purpose, and said, "I'm fine, what can I do, they won't do anything to me, I'm just a little researcher, an inconspicuous little ant ,whee."

"Hehe..." I raised my head, my hair must have been disheveled and my face was ferocious, but I still squeezed out an extremely forced smile, I believe my smile was even uglier than crying, "Go back, really... Thank you, I will consider what you said... But I still have to prepare for the decisive battle, after all, our ultimate enemy is still those infected..."

"Well, I know." Zhu Qing nodded, and suddenly made a fist, made an encouraging gesture, and said, "Come on!"


Zhu Qing left.

I slumped down from the chair.

I finally understand why Lin Wan has been so eager to escape.

There are only two ways to stay here, get killed, or get killed after killing a lot of people - it's ridiculous.

I have never noticed what Lin Wan is carrying, and I have never thought about how much pressure she is under. In fact, what are my pains?How could her pain be ten or a hundred times that of mine?

"Lin Wan, I will definitely find you, I will definitely save you..." I said to myself secretly, "Even if there is only a tiny bit of hope, I will definitely save you...You wait for me..."

(End of this chapter)

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