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Chapter 143 A Mission to Send Death

Chapter 143 A mission to send death

Zhu Qing's words almost resolved all doubts about Lin Wan in my heart, and strengthened my determination to find her.

However, I don't have any clue.

Although Mo Ge opened the door of convenience for me, but in the end everything can only be done by luck.

The beheading operation was carried out quietly in the morning a few days later. Our group of people is the forerunner of the final decisive battle in Z City, and our operation, for the sake of safety, everything is carried out in secret, no one sees us off, no one for us Cheering and cheering, the moment we left the base, we didn't even start the routine exercises of the veterans.

This seems to mean that even if we expose corpses in the wilderness, no one will know, no one will take a second look, and no one will say anything more.

We didn't even leave the base from the assault hatch, but from the secret passage on the first floor.

There was an ordinary commercial vehicle waiting beside the offshore bridge, and the eight of us just filled the commercial vehicle.

We don't look like secret agents on a mission at all, but more like a group of underworld members who are going to have a fight.

The business vehicle passed the offshore bridge at high speed, and then galloped south, sending us across the coastal road.

From a distance, I saw the outpost of City Z, the Duty Free Building, which stood tall in the gloom and continuous drizzle of spring, and even felt a bit crumbling.

The city was still silent, and even though they had left the base, they still couldn't feel any relief.

The air in the city on the other side was even more oppressive than in the comfortable base.

Beside me, Yitian suddenly took out a small iron can from his arms, uncorked the bottle, sniffed it, showed a satisfied expression, and laughed.

"No, you..." Lin Qian frowned and said, "Drinking morning wine, what are you?"

"It's only five o'clock." Huang Qian said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid of getting drunk early in the morning?"

Yi Tian didn't seem to hear it at all, he raised his head and said, "Whoever stops me from drinking, who the hell doesn't want to win this beheading operation!"

"Shanggang is online!" He Fan said lightly, "Are you exhausted in the base?"

"I can't hold my breath after drinking." Yitian let out a long sigh of satisfaction after drinking, "ah", and said, "Do you know what the most uncomfortable thing is? The base obviously has a drinking machine, but why do you want to serve it? Prohibition of alcohol... is that soldiers are not allowed to drink alcohol, damn it, only state officials are allowed to set fires and the people are not allowed to light lamps, so why should officials be allowed to drink?"

"I don't think I've ever seen an official drink a bar?" I said sideways.

"Whoever said no, I have seen Chief Shao Guangyi drink." Yitian said.

"I can prove this." Li Jin, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his face and said, "It's not just Shao Guangyi, but most of the officers in the base drink alcohol, except Zhang Chu."

"Mo Ge also drinks?" I couldn't help asking.

"You must drink better than you." Li Jin said with a smile.

"Why?" I asked, frowning.

"Because it hurts." Li Jin said.


"Yes, it hurts because of the rejection reaction of the concentrated solution." Li Jin said, "Since the base banned the use of ether for pain relief, many soldiers have started drinking... Later, the alcohol prohibition was issued, mainly because they were worried that the soldiers would use alcohol to boost their courage. Picking quarrels and provoking trouble... But there are no restrictions on officers, they must maintain dignity and calmness, if they show expressions that are tortured by the concentrated liquid, they will definitely lose face."

"So..." I couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Tch." Huang Qian clasped her hands behind her head and said, "What's the reason for this? It hurts terribly when we inject the concentrate. In the past, the most painful days of my month were the days when I came to my aunt, and now it hurts the most. What's more, during the few days of rejection, my aunt and everything became floating clouds."

"Pfft..." He Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Laugh at your third daughter!" Huang Qian said angrily, "I'll pinch your balls every month for a week, try it out..."

"You can't say that..." Seeing that the two men were about to start arguing again, Jin Jin said, "Our pain is actually much less than those who are officials...Of course, Chu Tingsheng may not be..."

"That's right, Chu Tingsheng is also an official, and he wants to advance and retreat with those old guys." Huang Qian mocked.

I rolled my eyes, embarrassed.

Li Jin ignored Huang Qian's sarcasm and said, "Actually, Zhang Chu and Mo Ge are not much different in age from us, right? Mo Ge seems to be younger than several people here."

"She does look very young..." Lin Qian said, "If it weren't for the stubborn look on her face every day, I would have taken her down a long time ago."

"Shut up..." I couldn't help feeling uneasy.

"Hey, someone is upset." Lin Qian patted the back of my head.

Li Jin is the leader of the topic, and hurriedly brought the topic back on track, saying: "But those officers, the batches of the concentrated solution they injected were earlier than ours, which means that the concentrated solution they injected was an early batch that has not been improved. Concentrated liquids are much more dangerous than our injections, as far as I know, at that time, at least about [-]% of people would be eliminated after injecting concentrated liquids."


"Well, it's death." Li Jin said, "Many people couldn't stand the torture of the Ebola virus, or died of excessive bleeding, or died of pain, and some even committed suicide, had heart attacks, and hallucinations to scare themselves alive. Death, this is not certain. At that time, after the concentrated solution was injected, it was equivalent to the whole person having to endure Ebola hemorrhagic fever. This was the first pass. After that, almost every month or several Every month, there will be a big rejection reaction. This is why ether pain relief suddenly became popular at that time."

"So we are very lucky." Yi Tian continued to drink.

"Well... future concentrates will become more and more safe..." Li Jin said.

"I'd rather not have someone inject any more concentrated liquid." I smiled, "If you don't do good human beings, what are you doing half-human and half-animal stuff?"

My words made everyone quiet.

After a long time, Huang Qian suddenly said: "Hey, captain, you are in a negative mood. As your assistant and political commissar, I want to criticize you. After this battle is over, we will go back and write an ideological report."

"Hey..." I sighed.

Maybe sometimes I really live too emotionally, I just look forward to the end of this war, and I can't help but speak my heart.

Moreover, my mind is full of what Zhu Qing said to me at this time - about Lin Wan, about Li Jin, He Fan, all of them.

In fact, no matter how safe the concentrated solution is, it runs counter to the healthy development of human physiological functions after all, right?

Huang Qian's few words eased the embarrassing atmosphere and made everyone laugh. I wanted to laugh too, but I really couldn't.

The car stopped at the end of the coastal road, and the first street on the back of the city appeared in front of us.

"All warriors, I can only take you here." The driver—a veteran we don't know—suddenly spoke at this moment.

"That's it? Don't arrive at the designated place?"

"No, you get out of the car and move around, the combat power is better than in the car." The veteran said.

"Damn it." Lin Qian cursed.

"Then when will you come to meet us?" I said, "Would it be too dangerous to wait here?"

What I didn't expect was that the veteran said with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, warriors, the order from the headquarters is for me to send you here, and it didn't say that I would come to pick you up."

"What?!" Almost all of us yelled.

"Yes, that's the order from headquarters."

"Fucking me..." Yitian took a few sips, obviously agitated, with the pistol already in his hand, and pressed it directly against the back of the veteran's head, and said, "Say the fuck again, I'll kill you!"

"Yi Tian!" I waved my hand to stop him.

At this moment, I already knew it in my heart. Although I don’t know when the plan of the base became like this, I know one thing very well, that is, the relationship between the few of us is really good, so good that Zhang Chu has already started to treat us I'm wary now.

The more this kind of time, the more we can't be chaotic.

"Yitian, calm down, we are just a group of soldiers, and we are all performing tasks according to orders." I said.

(End of this chapter)

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