global variation

144 Empty City

144 Empty City
Yitian was still holding the gun, his arms were already trembling slightly.

I pressed his wrist hard and whispered, "Yi Tian! Calm down."

"Calm down..." He turned to look at me with drunken eyes, and wanted to refute, but at this time Huang Qian also reached out and slapped Yitian on the back, and said, "Don't drink, don't drink, early in the morning Just drink on top."

"You..." Yi Tian obviously disliked Huang Qian's slap, but because the other party was my assistant, and the other party was sharp-tongued, he seemed a little daring to speak out.

"Okay! Stop it." I waved my hand and said, "Guns are for killing infected people, not for hitting your own people."

"Fuck!" Yi Tian cursed again, as if he had endured and suppressed for a long time before slowly retracting the pistol.

"Thank you." The corner of the veteran's mouth moved, and finally spit out two mocking words.

"Is there anything else the base wants to tell us?" I asked.

"No, just follow the plan." The veteran said, "Based on my experience as a veteran, after you arrive at the scheduled location, it's best not to separate to improve efficiency. Infected people are actually similar to zombies, although a little Brain, but I still like to play sea battles with groups of people."

"Understood, thank you too." I had already opened the car door, anticipating the chilly spring, I couldn't help tugging at my collar and shivering.

The street where we are located seems to be particularly cold. A cold wind blowing across the street immediately made my hair messy the moment I got off the car.

It's been a long time since I've been doing my hair in the Rebellion.

The other people in the car, except for Huang Qian, seemed to be somewhat reluctant. He Fan was almost dragged off by Huang Qian, and Yi Tian was still sympathetic to the veteran in the car until he stood by the roadside for a moment. Glaring - even Li Wentian, who has never spoken much, cursed in a low voice at this time, I didn't understand what it was, it seemed to be a sentence in Japanese.

However, no matter how we reacted, the commercial vehicle eventually disappeared, leaving only our group standing on the side of the road.

"What should we do now?" Yi Tian poured the last bit of wine into his mouth, raised his hand to throw away the wine jar, but stopped in mid-air, thought for a moment, and put the small metal jar back into it. arms.

"As planned," I said.

"Doesn't that mean death?" Lin Qian said.

"But there seems to be no other way, right?" Huang Qian looked around and said, "Don't go to the village and don't go to the shop, and even if we can get back to the base by chance at this time, it's a violation of military discipline, right? Isn't it all dead?"

"The base is not kind to us, so why don't we sacrifice our lives for them?" Yi Tian said through Jiu Jin, "Why don't we run away together!"

"Escape? Where are you fleeing to?" Huang Qian said, "How much food, equipment, and water do you have on you? Now the entire Guangdong Province has gradually fallen into a war situation. Wherever you flee, there are no people who resist the organization, and where you flee to where there is no infection." Those who fled to where there are no government troops?"

"Hey!" Yi Tian sighed heavily.

"When you are on the battlefield, don't be a deserter." I said, "Listen, the person leading the operation this time is not Zhang Chu, but Mo Ge. I can try to contact her for inquiries. Remember, we have no one this time." With retreat, we can only win, not lose!"

"This Mo Ge...can you trust..." Huang Qian asked alertly.

"Okay." I said, "There is probably no one else but her."

"Then shall we move on?" Lin Qian asked.

I waved my hand and said, "Zheng Long, He Fan, Li Jin, Huang Qian, the four of you go to the opposite side of the road and stick to the wall as well. Slow down and let's cover each other."

"Yes!" They immediately moved towards the opposite side quickly and carefully, and I signaled Yi Tian, ​​Lin Qian and Li Wentian to follow me and move on.

Apart from the sound of the wind, there was no other noise on the street. Depression was no longer enough to describe the appearance of this city.This is basically a dead city, a reinforced concrete cemetery.

The special sticky dampness of spring spreads on the road, and the air we breathe seems to have become sticky, which makes people feel a little disgusted.

After I made sure that no one was watching this street, I started trying to contact Mo Ge. Even the wavelength of our communication seemed to have become unbearably damp at this moment. The voice from the base was very hoarse. After the device was connected, at the other end, Mo Song's calm voice was intermittent: Is there any difficulty?

I tried my best to distinguish the words of the other party, and said: "The difficulty is that you didn't arrange a way out for us."

"What do you mean?" Mo Ge didn't seem to understand the situation.

I whispered: "We have arrived at the designated street, but there is no return pick-up. What do you mean, you want us to go straight back to the base after killing the infected?"

"Are you sure?" After a long silence over there, he slowly opened his mouth and said, "Are you sure you didn't come back?"

"I'm sure, the driver said it himself when we came here." I tried my best to make my tone tougher, "You mean to let us fend for ourselves?"

The other party was silent again, and after a few seconds, Mo Ge said: "You don't have to worry about the reception, I will help you to confirm, if there is really no one to come to meet you, I will bring someone over in person. Your purpose is Complete the task as quickly as possible, understand?"

"You're telling the truth?" I confirmed.

"Even if you don't trust me, I hope you will let your team members trust me, otherwise, your task will be more difficult." The voice on the other end of the communication device was still cold and hoarse.

"Ok, I see."

Some things, really, still have no choice.

"How is it?" Beside him, Yi Tian seemed to be a little clearer, his face was not so red, but he still smelled of alcohol, which showed how strong the wine he was drinking was.

"It's okay, if there is no arrangement to meet him, Mo Ge will bring someone over by himself. What we have to do now is to complete the task at all costs." I said.

"Is she trustworthy?"

"I believe her."

"Well, if that's the case, then I believe her too, no, it's not her I believe, but you." Yi Tian said.

I smiled lightly, I think my smile must have been quite forced.

According to the planned plan, from the road on the back of the street in the south of the city to the north, through the first central business district in the coastal area, you can reach the first mission point. If there is no stubborn resistance along the way, this place should be It can be cleaned quickly.However, walking on this street, I always feel that something is wrong. I don't know why, but I always feel that someone is watching us silently from the dark, and that kind of cold staring does not seem to come from a certain infection. , but from humans.

When passing through an intersection, suddenly, I found a black figure flashing past the side of the alley very quickly - although the alley is long and straight, the two ends meet far away, I feel that what I saw It's a car, but I'm not sure.

I stopped in my tracks and looked sideways with some doubts.

"What's wrong?" Beside me, Yi Tian asked.

"There seems to be a car passing by on the other side of the street." I frowned and said.

"Car? How could there be a car." Yi Tian looked at Lin Qian and said, "Did you hear the sound of the car?"

"It seems that there is no..." Lin Qian said.

"Yes." Li Wentian put it another way, "I also saw a car from the corner of my eye."

"Really?! What car?" I asked.

"The business car is similar to the one that brought us here." He said every word.

"Didn't that bastard go away?!" Yi Tian yelled, "Damn it, if you want to play tricks here, I can't kill him!"

"Don't be impulsive!" I hurriedly stopped, "Don't speak loudly." Randomly, I subconsciously looked at the team across the road. At this moment, I suddenly found that Huang Qian was waving to me, as if there was something special discovery.

"There is a situation!" I immediately raised my hand and said, "Let's go and have a look!"

The few of us immediately came to the opposite side of the road, while Huang Qian and the others were already guarding the corner of the deep alley beside the street.And in that deep alley, there was a person, a dead person...

(End of this chapter)

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