Chapter 145
Judging from the man's torn shirt, she should be a member of the resistance organization.However, we couldn't find any more evidence to prove his identity, because she only had an incomplete corpse in front of us, and I felt an indescribable sense of misery in my eyes.

"This female soldier is..."

"Did the infected gang-rape?" Huang Qian squatted next to the female soldier, and even she was trembling at this moment, and said, "When the base had an accident before, we seem...seem to have seen such..."

"More than one, there are many..." I said coldly, "That time the infected people mixed together, and I didn't notice that it was that wave of infected people who did this kind of thing. But..."

"But what?"

I searched hard for the fragments of memory in my mind, "I seem to have heard a noun from someone."

"What term is related to the infected?"

I looked at the female soldier's body again and said, "Yuren, I heard that there is a kind of infected person called Yuren."

"Looking for someone?" Li Jin suddenly stepped forward and said, "I've heard about this concept from Teacher Lin Wan."

Now that he had already mentioned Lin Wan, I no longer concealed it too much, and said, "I heard her mention it once, and it was only once."

"What is lust?" Yi Tian retched non-stop, as if drinking alcohol early in the morning made the female corpse nauseous again.

"Yuren is a kind of infected person who only has the ability to reproduce and mate." Li Jin said, "Their spirit is controlled and affected by the Ebola virus, and they have already brought out their instinctive desires to the maximum. Their fighting strength is not enough. Strong, but very strong, and likes to bully the few with the more."

"So you like gang rape?" Huang Qian said coldly, "A group of beasts... the best manifestation of your male desires."

"Why did it involve a man again?" He Fan said dissatisfied.

"Stop talking nonsense." I was a little confused, "Let's think about what's going on. Logically speaking, we should be the only ones here. This corpse is fresh, when did it die, and why did it die here? .”

"And that car we saw just now." Li Wentian added quietly.

"Yes, I seemed to see a car passing by at the corner of the street just now." I glanced at Huang Qian and the others.

"Have a car? Is there anyone else here?"

"Very likely." I said, "Zhang Chu may have sent someone to protect us, but, for some reason, he didn't want us to know."

"It's not necessary." Lin Qian said, "If it's a joint mission, don't let us know what the intention is."

"Try." I said.


"That's right." I looked around and said, "Our relationship is already too good. For Zhang Chu, we are the best subordinates and the most dangerous enemies. He must be on guard against us."

"Then this person..."

"It should be killed alone." I glanced at the corpse again, and every time I looked at it, I found it very eye-catching. I really don't know what kind of behavior this female soldier feels when he is alone and surrounded by a group of lustful people. Psychology, what kind of despair is there, "In any case, this proves one thing, that is, there are infected people nearby."

"Get ready to fight." Huang Qian also waved and said, "You guys have to protect me in the middle!"

"What's the matter, are you also afraid of being punished?" He Fan teased.

"A woman is afraid." Huang Qian said.

"You are also called a woman? I think if you are really like that, you will enjoy it..."

"Okay!" Normally, it would be interesting to hear this kind of bickering, but now, I'm really not in the mood.

But at this moment, Li Jin suddenly exclaimed, took a step forward, squatted beside the corpse, and rummaged through the filth.

"What are you doing..." I couldn't help asking.

"You guys who do research are really perverted..." Huang Qian said, covering her mouth with one hand.

Even as a soldier, Huang Qian probably couldn't bear Li Jin's current actions, but Li Jin was very serious and meticulous, and even put his hand into the wound on the corpse's lower body, a stream of thick blood, With the flipping of his palm, it rushed out.

"Hmm..." Yi Tian finally couldn't hold it anymore, propped up the wall next to him with one hand, and vomited out with a "wow".Logically speaking, we, who are used to looking at the internal organs of stumps, shouldn't do this, but this time, Li Jin's actions were too shocking. Those liquids that flowed out together with the blood were still mixed together and made strange noises. Li Jin But still did not stop.

"What are you doing?!" Huang Qian couldn't help asking again.

"No more." Li Jin stood up, his hands were covered with blood, he washed his hands with the accompanying military jug, and said, "No more, it shouldn't be a coincidence."

"What's gone?"

"Uterus, ovaries." Li Jin said coldly, "This woman has almost a complete set of internal reproductive system removed."


"Many of the corpses in the base before also had this problem." Li Jin said, "Some people say that this is probably just an accident, maybe the infected person will randomly devour internal organs... But now it seems that it should not be an accident , This female soldier's stomach was almost completely cut open, and the other internal organs were not eaten, but the entire reproductive system was eaten, and there was nothing left... This method is simply a surgeon's method."

"During the battle at the base, they did the same?" I reconfirmed.

"It was much more brutal at that time." Li Jin said, "At that time, a large part of the internal organs of some women were removed, and we also found female internal organs among the corpses of infected people. It can be seen that they were removing internal organs. After removing the internal organs, where should they be sent..."

"What are they trying to do!" I gritted my teeth.

"Don't worry about it so much." Yi Tian finally stopped vomiting, coughed a few times, and said, "Let's solve the problems around here first."

I took a deep breath, and I was filled with the smell of blood, and said, "Let's go. Don't go away separately, cover each other, and approach the established target."


The eight of us walked faster and faster, and no longer took a detour for the sake of so-called safety, but directly approached the established first mission point.

However, we only walked a few hundred meters, and another corpse appeared in front of us, this time it was a male corpse, which was also disembowelled, but the internal organs were turned into a mess.

Huang Qian glanced at Li Jin and said, "Would you like to go up and see if this man's eggs have been eaten?"

"Isn't it appropriate to joke like that now?" I said.

"Yes, sir." Huang Qian said in a drawn out tone.

Sometimes I don’t quite understand these veterans. In their eyes, even death is something that can be ridiculed at will—this runs counter to my thinking that “death and life are too important”.

"Forget it..." Li Jin replied to Huang Qian very seriously, "However, I still want to confirm one thing."

I suddenly felt that Li Jin was in trouble, and said, "Then you go quickly..."

Li moved further towards the corpse, reached out and rummaged in his tattered pockets, and after a while, he took out a metal card from the male corpse's pocket, and at the same time took out another blood-stained metal card from his pocket Come on, say: "This one was found on that female corpse, this one belongs to him..." He randomly glanced at the male corpse again, "If they're wearing the right clothes...this thing..."

"This is……"

"I remember that Teacher Lin Wan told me that soldiers on special missions, due to their special needs, would put a metal plate with their identity inlaid in the inner pocket of their clothes, so that they could be easily identified when they were disfigured or directly yelled at. This metal card contains genetic information, and can feel vital signs. When the vital signs of special agents disappear, a set of information about them will be sent to the base... Moreover, this set of information, even in the communication device, can can be found."

"Really...can you confirm their names?"

"Yes..." Li Jin took out the communication device, took out the storage device he used as a microcomputer last time, and said, "I can simulate a terminal."

"How long will it take?"

"The terminal this time is not as complicated as it was in the underground research room last time, within 5 minutes."

" soon as possible."

I don’t know why, but I really want to know the identity of the deceased, and who is secretly following and protecting us, or monitoring us. Perhaps, I am really a little nervous about all Zhang Chu’s actions.

At this time, I saw that Li Jin had already taken out two metal cards and tried to scan them with the storage system. At the same time, he was connected to the communication device, as if he was cracking the genetic encryption. After a while, there was no sound on the screen of the storage. Two sets of information appeared, and two names appeared in front of our eyes.

"Luo Qiming, male..."

"Zhu Yueqing, girl..."

Li Jin looked solemn and asked, "Does anyone have any impression of these two names?"

"If I remember correctly." Huang Qian looked at us and said, "At that time, as the deputy leader of the special operations team, I helped Chief Zhang Chu to count the information of recruits who violated discipline... These two people should have been locked up by Zhang Chu at that time. Recruits who passed confinement!"

(End of this chapter)

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