global variation

Chapter 146 Carrion Supermarket

Chapter 146 Carrion Supermarket
"They're recruits from the last mutiny, aren't they?" I confirmed.

Yitian also nodded and said, "Yes, Huang Qian did not remember wrongly this time. At that time, Huang Qian and I were the team leaders of the two teams of the special operations team, and both participated in the statistics of recruits who violated discipline. I still remember that this guy named Luo Qiming has a good relationship with Zhang Ziyang."

"Zhang Ziyang?!" I stared.

"Yes." Yitian nodded.

"Are you sure? You didn't drink too much, did you?" Huang Qian also asked.

"I'm not joking." Yi Tian said coldly.

"Okay..." I didn't continue to entangle in this matter, but made a gesture to let them continue to move towards the predetermined goal.

But at this moment, I couldn't help but wonder in my heart—even if it was necessary to send troops to rescue, why did the base send such a group of people?Is it to give them crimes and meritorious deeds?Or, is there any other reason?
I became more and more apprehensive.

But at this time, it probably doesn't make any sense to think about it.

The first task point is actually a supermarket. Every corner of this city is familiar to me, including the supermarket in front of me. Compared with Wal-Mart and Carrefour, this supermarket may not be too big, but I still remember , About two years ago, I came here with my classmates to hang out for a whole afternoon. At that time, our student association urged the freshmen to come out to sponsor. We came to this supermarket, but we couldn't find the person in charge of the supermarket. , so we simply went on strike and wandered around, and finally ate and chatted in the dining area of ​​the supermarket——I remember, it was also at that time that I met Lin Wan for the first time.

As our senior sister, she has been sitting silently by the side.

At that time, I never imagined that she would be burdened with so many things that ordinary people could not imagine.

I would never have imagined that after only two years, when I came back here, things would have changed and people would have changed.

We sneaked into the supermarket from the safety exit on the side of the underground parking lot of the supermarket. In the supermarket without any light, there was a rancid smell everywhere, which was unbearable.

"Those infected people belong to the group of rats and flies, and they will go wherever it is dirty or smelly? Why don't you give us a gas mask?" Huang Qian said.

"The Ebola variant virus has a slight preference for a damp environment." Li Jin said.

"However, I've been thinking..." I don't know if it's because the corridor is too quiet, everyone is a little uneasy, so there are always people who have nothing to say, at this time, Lin Qian said again, "What do they want women's reproductive system for?" ?”

"At this time, I am most worried." From the side, I saw Li Jin frowned and said, "If they want to do special in vitro cultivation... I'm afraid..."

"In vitro cultivation? What is that?"

"To put it simply, they took away a whole set of female reproductive system, perhaps to create an environment for cultivating humans. Or in other words, an environment suitable for the reproduction and mutation of certain Ebola viruses." Li Jin said.

"Can't we just test tube? Test tube baby." Yi Tian said.

"Test-tube babies must eventually be developed and born in the mother's body." Li Jin said, "The church does not have so much money and advanced equipment to simulate the environment of the reproductive system, so the most straightforward and direct way is to kill people directly. , taking away the female reproductive system for breeding."

"So perverted!"

"Yes." Li Jin said in a cold voice, "Is there anything the church can't do? In their eyes, all of this is God's will. As long as there is a high-sounding reason like 'God's will', everything is in their eyes." It all made sense."

"Fuck." Yi Tian gritted his teeth.

I have been listening silently, without saying a word, but my eyes are looking at the front. Where the light of the lighting device falls, the walls are already mottled, and some liquid that looks dark black or dark brown in the dark is splashed and scattered everywhere. , I don't know if that's blood.Turning the corridor, we entered the main body of the building - the entire supermarket was empty, all the goods on the shelves had been emptied, and it didn't seem like they were moved out of the supermarket in an orderly manner, it was more like they were looted.

Many shelves, boxes, and supermarket trolleys and baskets were discarded and scattered everywhere. Among the metal and plastic fragments, we could occasionally see blood stains, which looked very strange in the dark, like Smiling faces greeted the arrival of our group of dead with sarcasm.

"A lot of people died here..." Huang Qian glanced around, "Said."

"In the whole city, maybe there are more than dozens or hundreds of places like this?" I said.

"Hmph..." Huang Qian responded coldly, "The government army is defeated by itself, what can we do?"

"Our mission is to stroll around here?" Yitian said impatiently, "Isn't it a beheading operation?"

"According to the information." I explained, "There may be enemy strongholds in these places, and there will be high-level church officials there. City Z is just a small outpost for the church. If the intelligence does not If I'm wrong, the so-called high-level people here are just the priests of several choirs and the instructors of spiritual classes of the Spiritual Penance Society. They are under the control of the guy who planned the battle in Z City. We met that guy once, oh, No... I have seen him more than once, but I have never been able to know which one is his face." I clenched my fists tightly.

That guy, I gotta find that bastard—I said to myself.

"This supermarket...what's the mystery? There is no one guarding such a big place, no matter how you think about it, it feels wrong?" Lin Qian said, "Could it be that we have already been discovered and surrounded?"

"It's very possible." I lowered my eyes slightly, looked at the ground in front of me, and said, "Pay attention to your feet, don't forget, they have things that can make holes."

However, it turns out that I seemed to be over-concerned this time. In the entire second-floor supermarket, apart from the dry blood stains like smiling faces, there seemed to be no living things at all.

"Forget it..." At this time, I became bolder and said, "Everyone is scattered around the supermarket to search, in groups of two, if there is a situation, contact the communication device. But be careful, don't leave the second floor."

"Understood." Everyone dispersed immediately, but I made two people go with Huang Qian, and I walked alone.

After all, there are sexual beings around here, and I have to be careful when facing this kind of creature that we don't understand and that targets women.

I walked alone through the shelves of the supermarket that were shot again and again. Behind the dusty shelves, there seemed to be shadows constantly moving. When I took a few steps, they followed me. When I dodged and evaded, they chased after me. Before, I tried to search for them, but they disappeared.

I felt very uneasy, but I accidentally kicked over the box next to it, and the cardboard box fell to the ground. Suddenly, a rotten human head rolled out. Yellow-green liquid was bubbling outwards, and the other half of the face had been eaten into a skeleton. For some unknown reason, the face and skull had turned black at this time, and there seemed to be something wriggling in the empty eye sockets. —I believe it must have been full of maggots.

I gritted my teeth and kicked the shelf in front of me with some disgust. Who knew, a bunch of flies flew out from under the shelf with a "buzzing" sound. I directly kicked the shelf away by more than ten centimeters, under the shelf, a rotten and swollen hand suddenly stretched out and landed at my feet.

I took a few steps back in fright.

"This..." I raised the gun abruptly, and after aiming for a long time, I realized that the hand was just a dead man's hand, and it was a rotten, swollen hand with the tendency of "giant view".

"This broken place, it seems that it is not that simple..."

I thought to myself, and continued to move forward cautiously. At this moment, there was a continuous vibration from the communication device in my waist.

I hurried through the intercom.

"Captain Tingsheng...I, He Fan."

"You said."

"There was a discovery at the elevator exit on the left," He Fan said.

(End of this chapter)

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