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Chapter 147 The Mountain of Dead

Chapter 147 The Mountain of Dead

I didn't dare to be negligent, and walked quickly to the direction indicated by He Fan. When I reached the elevator entrance, I found that everyone had already gathered here.

"What did you find?" I asked.

"I found a lot, but no one was alive." Huang Qian said, "I thought the supermarket was so smelly only because no one walked around for a long time, and the environment was closed. Now it seems...hehe..."

"There are dead bodies everywhere." Yi Tian said, "This place seems to be a place for mortuary."

"I look at it, it's more like a storage room, a food storage room." Li Jin adjusted his black-rimmed glasses, his expression was cold and calm, and said, "Although there is no evidence that infected people can scavenge, they are a group of people. Abnormal, cannot be deduced by logic."

"Thanks to you, such a serious matter can be said so easily." Huang Qian gave Li Jin a white look, and Li Jin just smiled faintly.

I looked at He Fan and said, "You said you found something, what's going on?"

"Here..." He Fan pointed to the lower edge of the elevator and said, "There are some strange things here..."

I squatted down, observed carefully under the bright light of the lighting device, and found that there were many strange fiber products and minced meat on the lower edge of the closed elevator door.

"These are the clothes of men, and..."

"There are nails, bits of meat, and..."

Before He Fan finished speaking, I suddenly saw a few fingers protruding from such a narrow gap on the lower edge of the elevator. The fingers had turned black and were squeezed badly.

"There's someone in the elevator." I stood up.

"Someone was trapped in the elevator." Li Jin said, "At the last moment, the instinct of survival made them stick their fingers out of the elevator, hehe, this is human beings, even if they stretch out a finger ..."

"Explode." There was an indescribable feeling in my heart, and I just felt blocked.

"Is it necessary?" Huang Qian asked.

I gritted my teeth, pondered for a moment, and said, "Explode and see!"

"Okay..." Huang Qian seemed a little helpless, and immediately planted the bomb, while the others raised their weapons and aimed at the elevator door.

Tens of seconds later, after Huang Qian placed the bomb, she quickly pushed back, and there was a muffled "bang". Before Huang Qian could stand still, I hurriedly stepped forward to support her, and stopped the pistol against the elevator door sideways.The elevator door was blasted open a crack, and due to the impact of the aftermath, both sides of the elevator were also shaken, and the entire door collapsed in half.

Suddenly, an indescribably shocking picture appeared in front of us.

The elevator is full of people, there are about twenty of them, and seven or eight people are all crowded at the elevator door. Their bodies have been deformed—but all of them maintain the posture of wanting to open the door or want to escape. Others, They were all crowded behind the elevator, some of them were even standing, leaning against the side of the elevator, perhaps because they were in a confined space, their corpses decomposed slower, I covered my mouth and nose and went forward , and can even clearly see their desperate expressions, which, under the dim light of the lighting device, look particularly ferocious and miserable.

"These people...these people are suffocating to death..." Li Jin couldn't help but lose his voice, "The elevator broke down on this floor, they couldn't get down, and they were suffocated to death in the elevator."

"How could this be..." I gritted my teeth, "It's obviously one step away from escaping."

I tried my best to calm down and said, "Li Jin, can you see if there are any infected people among these corpses?"

Li Jin nodded, he is the only one here who is not afraid of the smell and poison of corpses.

After a while, Li Jin came back from the carrion in the elevator and said, "No, they are all ordinary humans, but I'm not sure if they were injected with special drugs."

"How could these people be trapped to death in the elevator?" He Fan on the side folded his hands on his chest.

"Could it be... are they all members of the church?" Zheng Long said.

"No." Li Jin said, "Our resistance organization has a long history of research on the church. The members of the church all have their own badges and logos - that is their belief. Even if they are afraid of being recognized, They will definitely carry them with them—their belief cannot be explained rationally. There are no signs on these people, and they should be ordinary citizens."

"Ordinary people." I sighed.

Seeing this group of people, I felt an indescribable despair in my heart.

"There seems to be another floor above." I said, "Since it is an elevator, it should come down from above."

I didn't give an official order, they had already started to walk down the side corridor, I thought for a while, and left Lin Qian, He Fan and Huang Qian at the elevator entrance, while I and the others went upstairs immediately.

The safety exit leading to the upper floor was blocked, so I had to blow open the passage opening with a bomb again.

Unexpectedly, after the muffled sound, there was only a "poof", and on the other side of the blasted safety exit, a pile of corpses in crawling and pulling postures fell down. The five people on the side of our door I had to retreat quickly. The pile of corpses was more rotten than the group in the elevator downstairs. When several people fell to the ground, there was a "click" sound, and the flesh burst open by itself, and the blood flowed out. It wasn't blood, but a yellow-green liquid.

I was almost dizzy from the strong stench of corpses, but I had to step over those corpses carefully and enter the third floor with several others.

The third floor was originally the office of the supermarket management staff and the control room for the equipment in the supermarket. When we walked into that corridor, I couldn't help being a little dazed.

I saw that the corridor was full of corpses, at least dozens of people.

The corpses may not be anything at all, but their movements and the way they died made me feel particularly depressed.

I saw a mother and child, their bodies twisted and even squeezed a little flat, lying on their backs at the entrance of the elevator on the third floor, obviously trampled to death by people.

The child stared deathly with terrified eyes, refusing to close them.

I saw a woman lying prone on the other side of the elevator entrance, with one hand stretched out towards the elevator entrance, as if she wanted to grasp the last hope of survival, but the back of her hand was actually nailed. The back of the scissors seemed to have been cut bloody by random knives.

"This group of people, are they killing each other in order to get into the elevator?" Li Jin said with a stare.

"It's too's so miserable..." Yitian said loudly, "Damn, I can't stand it anymore, I...I want to kill people, no, I want to kill those infected people!"

"They want to kill, and they can't even blame the infected." Li Wentian said in a hoarse voice, "Everything didn't follow the order. In the end, the people who entered the elevator died more painfully. Is this God's will?"

"Don't say such things!" Zheng Long frowned.

I glanced sideways at Zheng Long, and then at Li Jin—at this time, everyone seemed to be swayed by a special emotion, and I, as the captain, couldn’t be emotional at this juncture, and I tried to keep my emotions That rationality said, "Have you ever thought about why there are so many ordinary people here suddenly?"

"Yeah, it's weird." Zheng Long also said.

"Even if a disaster happened suddenly while shopping in the supermarket, they wouldn't come to the management area on the third floor?" I said again.

Li Jin nodded, and the flashlight scanned the rooms on both sides of the corridor, and said, "Maybe the mystery is on these two sides? We have to go in and take a look."

No one objected.

But we didn't dare to fight on our own, so we could only hug each other and start kicking open every closed door one by one.

And those rooms seem to have been tidied up, and the cleanliness is a bit suspicious. Those things that cannot be taken away have already been smashed and smashed. We patrolled for a long time, but there is no useful clue.

"Let's look for the corpses. These people always have a source and a direction." I said, "It seems that everyone is trapped on the third floor. If I guess correctly, there should be at least one similar to Where the warehouse is."

We continued to search in the dark, and at this moment, suddenly, there was a rustling sound in the pile of carrion corpses in front of us.


The five of us quickly raised our guns.

(End of this chapter)

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