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Chapter 149 Mission 2

Chapter 149 Second Mission Point

"No! I object!" Huang Qian said, "There is a serious shortage of manpower. Dividing troops at this time is like courting death!"

"Then what do you mean? How to treat Li Jin?" I asked.

At this moment, Huang Qian did not answer, but glanced at Li Jin and turned her face to one side.

"I...I agree with Captain Huang Qian's approach." Li Wentian said in a low voice.

It's obvious what they mean.

"No!" Before I could speak, Yitian yelled sharply, "I managed to save this guy from upstairs, I'm not reconciled! No!"

"It's up to you whether you're willing or not, he's already lost too much blood!" Huang Qian said, "Even if we try our best to save him, will he survive?"

"Not necessarily, it's possible." I gritted my teeth and said, "Stop arguing. Huang Qian, you and He Fanlinqian escort Li Jin back the same way, this is an order!"

"You...but what about you!" Huang Qian said eagerly, "Is your life not important?"

"Don't underestimate us." Yi Tian said coldly.

"Stop talking nonsense." I also stopped Huang Qian from continuing to entangle. Now every second of delay, Li Jin's chance of surviving is reduced by one point.

Seeing that they still didn't move, I yelled again: "What are you doing in a daze?! Didn't you say it?! This is an order!"

Finally, He Fan stepped forward to set up Li Jin first, Lin Qian bent down, and with the help of He Fan, he put Li Jin on his back, turned his face and said: "If you are lucky, there may be rescue..." What he said was very optimistic. I don't know if he was easing my heart.

"Be careful." Seeing that Lin Qian and He Fan were ready to leave, Huang Qian had no choice but to follow, but she still seemed very worried.

The backs of several people disappeared at the corner of the street. I don’t know if the group of people who have been spying on us will make a move at this time. If they still have a conscience, if this base still has a conscience, they should come out to rescue at this time. .

"Then where are we going now?" Beside me, Li Wentian asked, "I still think it's inappropriate to go separately."

"This is my choice. I must ensure everyone's safety. Zheng Long is dead. I don't want to see more people die."

"Understood." Li Wentian finally nodded.

"Let's go back to the building." I gritted my teeth and said, "I must find out the culprit behind this!"

"Let's go!" Yi Tian had turned back and walked into the building.

I looked sideways at the quiet street again. To be honest, I really hoped to see that passing car again at this time, but, contrary to my expectations, that car seemed to have evaporated, or, at all It's just an illusion of me and Li Wentian.

We returned to the third floor as quickly as possible, and as soon as we entered the emergency exit, I saw Zheng Long's body again. He was still lying in the crowd, half of his body was bloody and bleeding from seven holes, and he was motionless.I felt my heart was stabbed by something again.Following the messy corpses, we turned around the corridor on the third floor, and finally found the source of these corpses - a warehouse that seemed to be used for storing things appeared in front of us. The warehouse was about fifty or sixty square meters, not Li Wentian covered his mouth and nose with his hands, stepped into the warehouse first, glanced around with the lighting device, and said: "If I guess correctly, those people are all locked up here, no matter what Eating, or excreting."

"These people are imprisoned?" I carefully inspected the warehouse door.

The warehouse door appears to have been pushed open, with blood and weird scratch marks on it.

I stood up, thought for a moment, and said: "These people are imprisoned here. For some reason, they have a chance to escape, so I pushed open the warehouse door and started to escape, but in the escape, they killed each other. .”

"This..." Yi Tian frowned, "Then why are they imprisoned here?"

I meditated and organized my words for a while, and said, "I have to ask the church, maybe it's because of human experiments."

"Human... experiment..."

"Don't they love this kind of thing?" I looked around and said, "But because of the church's collapse in Z City, they had to evacuate quickly, leaving this mess...just, those cats..."

"Maybe it's a semi-finished product." Li Wentian said in blunt Chinese, "If such a thing is put into the battlefield in large quantities, it will be almost impossible to defend."

"I don't want to see them on the battlefield." Yi Tian walked towards the other side of the warehouse while talking, and after a round of inspection, he returned to us and said, "Everyone in the other rooms has run away. "

"That's right." I sighed, "Those cats should be the semi-finished products of the experiment, and they have no chance to take these people away, and they don't even have time to slaughter them...Of course, it is also possible to leave this batch of strange cats in Here, there is also the meaning of massacring human beings, but before they are all slaughtered, these people have already killed each other and trampled on each other, and most of them have been killed or injured."

Everyone fell into silence, I shook my head and said, "Let's go, don't stay here."

"Next, we..." Yi Tian looked at me.

"The next goal, those people can't escape from City Z for the time being. As long as they are still here, I must find them." I clenched my fists.

Although the problem objected to the three of us acting alone, we did not raise any objections at this time. The strange cats in the building seemed to have been cleaned up. A few minutes later, we returned safely to the street.

"How far are we from the second mission point?" I asked.

"Maybe more than ten minutes." Li said, "This kind of thing is usually calculated by Li, but..."

"Forget it." I waved my hand and said, "Slow down and be careful at all times. If you don't rush to fight with those beasts, they won't be able to run away."


The road ahead seems much smoother, but the smoother the road, the more uneasy I feel, because this kind of road is not suitable for street fighting, and there are few things for cover. At this moment, we seem to have been exposed Under the enemy's gunpoint, if a group of wingmen or fire eaters come at this time, I think it will be quite difficult for us.

However, at this moment, the enemy seemed to have reached a tacit agreement with us, and did not make any moves at all. The journey was very peaceful, and we were not blocked in any way.

"Isn't this city a bit quiet..." Yi Tian obviously sensed that something was wrong, and said, "Why does the quieter it is, the more uneasy I feel?"

"If it's not going to ambush us, it's already shrinking and preparing to concentrate our forces to fight us." Li Wentian's voice was still without any emotion, "Hehe, I don't know what the result will be when the three meet those guys."

"Pay attention to concealment." I waved my hand and said, "I still think the possibility of an ambush is higher. Now we are in the open, the whole city is under the control of the infected, and the rebel organization will never march in full support. We have to deal with ourselves responsible for his life."

Although the action was very slow, we soon arrived at the second mission point. According to Zhang Chu’s instructions and predictions, if the enemy troops at the first mission point are wiped out and there is no main fighting force in the area, then, They will most likely wait in ambush at the second mission point.Of course, predictions are just predictions.

The second mission point is the area around the square in the South District. The headquarters did not lock the target for us. We have no way of determining the exact location of the place, so we can only excavate it by ourselves based on our own judgment of the terrain here.There were only three of us left in the original task of eight people, and after we entered this ghostly place, it was like entering an enchanted circle.

The South District Plaza is a place for leisure and entertainment. Next to it are the residential villas left over from the construction of the old city. These villas have almost no residents due to the development of the South District Plaza. Most of these villas are rented by students from several vocational schools in the South District. and these villas lined up in a row are undoubtedly the best places to use as ambush points, and the height of the villas is basically just right to overlook all the movements on the square.

(End of this chapter)

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