global variation

Chapter 150 The Fleeting Signal

Chapter 150 The Fleeting Signal
There is a church in the deep alley of the old villa area. That church was built by Portugal in the early years and was still in use after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

It is difficult for the local government to control the religious gathering places in small places, and no one will know what they are doing in hiding.

Therefore, considering this place as an important stronghold of the Ascetic Society of the Divine Body, perhaps it is not just guessing based on the terrain.

The three of us formed a team with a tacit understanding, taking into account the air, the back and the front, and moved towards the church at the same time.

When we walked under the decayed walls of the villa area where the grass leaves had withered and yellowed, the communication device suddenly made a long vibration.

I hastily switched on the communication device.

"Your current location is the southwest of the second mission point." On the opposite side, Mo Ge's voice came, without any nonsense, straight to the point, "From my terminal, you are in the third villa on the east corner of the street. There appears to be a genetic signal from a rebel communicator. The signal flickers briefly and then disappears."

"what do you mean?"

"Your people have contacted the base half an hour later and received a response. Logically speaking, there should not be members of the resistance organization in your position."

"You..." I thought for a while and said, "We found the bodies of two members of the resistance organization before."

"I also received a message that their vital signs disappeared when they died." Mo Ge said, "But their contact signal was temporarily blocked before. I also felt very strange when they died, and even thought the base had been invaded."

"So they were not sent through you, but Zhang Chu?"

"Only people with higher authority than me can block my monitoring." Mo Ge replied.

"What about now? You can't monitor those people again?" I asked.

"Yes." Mo Ge said, "If it's really the special service personnel sent by Zhang Chu, then it's normal that I can't detect them, and their intelligence signals will be directly sent to the highest command room. Only when they die , I can receive the message. In the process of duty, they have no authority to lower the confidentiality level of their genetic accounts, so the signal I see in the terminal is definitely not someone sent by Zhang Chu. "

"Then who do you think it will be?" I couldn't help becoming nervous, my heart pounding.

"Who is it, I need you to investigate, be careful." After Mo Ge finished speaking, he cut off the communication device.

Perhaps she also worried about our conversation being overheard.

"What's the situation?" Yi Tian probably couldn't help asking me seeing my solemn expression.

I put away the communication device and said, "Go to the third villa on the east corner."

"Did you find anything there?" Yi Tian asked.

I didn't answer, I don't know how they would react if it was really what Mo Ge and I thought.

Thinking of the narrowness and silence, the echoes of our steps echoing across the world, echoing the wind that crosses the streets between the villas.

That villa soon appeared in front of us, with white walls and red tiles. Although it looks like a traditional Chinese-style modern building, it matched some Western styles when designing the spire, and there was a cross on the roof. It makes people feel that the owner of this building once believed in something.But the funny thing is, at the main entrance under the cross, I saw another dilapidated shrine. Although the shrine was covered with dust, I could still recognize it as a God of Wealth holding a mace.

"Damn it, the owner of this house is messed up enough." Yi Tian teased.

"In fact, what everyone believes is messy enough." I curled my lips, remembering what Shao Guangyi said to me at that time, "Of course, it can also be said that everyone is very specific, and what everyone believes in is not the gods themselves. It's the benefits of faith, which lineage of immortals, he believes in which lineage he thinks can bring him benefits, doesn't he?"

"Hehe, this is not a belief." Li Wentian said gloomily, "It's no different from worshiping ghosts."

"Who knows." I was not in the mood to continue talking, and climbed over the iron fence outside the villa in a few steps, turned over and landed in the somewhat deserted yard.

"You are getting more and more agile when you reach out." Yi Tian said.

I didn't answer and walked towards the villa. I had to enter the villa before them. I was worried that if "that person" was really in the villa, I was worried about what they would do if they saw "that person" before me. Overreaction comes.

Sure enough, someone has been here, and even the door is just a cover.

I slammed open the door on the first floor of the villa.

However, there was no one there, not even a few pieces of furniture, only a wisp of wall dust I pulled down floated in front of my eyes.

"Then where did the signal come from just now?!" I looked around in amazement. At this time, Yitian and Li Wentian also followed, and I walked upstairs carefully. The lighting in the room was good, and everything was clear at a glance. But there was nothing special about this upstairs—so what was it that signaled just now?Whose communication device is here?

I stood at the junction of the two rooms on the second floor in some confusion.

"What's going on?" Yi Tian couldn't hold back again, and asked, "This is an empty house, there's nothing there."

"Indeed." I gritted my teeth and said, "But just now, the headquarters told me that a signal from a rebel organization's communication device appeared in this place."

"How is this possible?" Yi Tian said, "Could it be that they are following our group?"

"The headquarters said no." I curled my lips and said, "They said that the people who followed us were sent by Zhang Chu to secretly protect us. Those people are under the direct control of Zhang Chu. The gene account belongs to the highest authority, and the terminal at the headquarters cannot monitor it at all." arrive."

"Then you mean there are still people here? And ordinary soldiers?" Yi Tian asked.

"I have to contact Mo Ge again..."

I took out the communication tool and wanted to start contacting Moge, but at this moment, the communication tool vibrated automatically again.

I hurried through the intercom.

"In front of you, in the house at the intersection, I detected a signal for a moment." It was Mo Ge's voice again.

"Anyone else?"

"It may be the same person. Calculate the distance, it's about the same."

"What's going on here? Can you use genetic information to determine whose account it is?"

"There are some interference bands in the signal, which looks like a special encryption method." Mo Ge said, "It is difficult to detect the identity of the other party."


The more I listen, the more I feel that this kind of behavior can only be done by one person.

And that person definitely has the possibility and the time to do it.

"Did you think of something?" Mo Ge over there probably heard the meaning of my silence, and said.

I thought for a while and said, "No matter what I think of, it's better to trace the source of this signal first."

"What I'm worried about is that the other party is leading you by the nose at this time." Mo Ge said, "No matter who he is, he may be trying to lure you into the bait."

"You don't want to send people over, of course we have to investigate by ourselves, what's there to say?!" I responded coldly.

"This is beyond my control." Mo Ge said, "But I will send someone to meet you as soon as possible, as long as you reach the third mission point and confirm that the clearing mission is completed."

"This is your business." I said.

After hanging up the communication device, I said to Yitian and Li Wentian again: "The signal appeared again near the house at the intersection in front of us."

"What? The location changed again?"

"Go." I waved my hand.

"Wait!" Li Wentian said, "Aren't you worried?"

"Worry? It's useless to worry." I knew what he meant. In fact, I didn't know that the other party was playing us, but even if there was only a glimmer of hope, I would never give up looking for her!

Li Wentian didn't continue talking, but just sighed slightly.

Maybe people are always so contradictory. Although I have repeatedly warned myself to be rational in dealing with battles and comrades-in-arms, but at this juncture, I really can't be rational.

Maybe she is nearby, right beside us, watching us silently here, maybe she may appear at any time.

I must never give up even a shred of clues and hope.

(End of this chapter)

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