Chapter 151
Our actions are still cautious, and because Li Wentian has more and more doubts about actions, he seems to deliberately keep a distance from me and Yitian, holding a Taidao, looking around coldly, walking steadily but slightly nervous.

Before I got to the house, I said, "I'll just go in by myself, you guys take cover here, and shoot the windows if I go wrong.

This villa is much smaller than the previous one. I think even if there is something inside, as long as they shoot at the window, they will definitely reach the target successfully.

But Yitian disagreed, saying: "No, it's too dangerous for you to go in alone, those guys like to attack in groups, there are only three of us... how about..."

"Why don't you go in, I'll wait here." Li Wentian held a Taidao with a stern face and sharp eyes.

"You are seems..."

"Well, here's an order," I said. "You better listen to me."

"Damn it, you're getting more and more self-willed!" Yi Tian said through gritted teeth.

I smiled lightly and said, "I think this is pretty good." After finishing speaking, I looked directly at the wall on one side, and rubbed against the window on the second floor little by little. Then, relying on the arm strength given by the concentrated liquid, I Putting his hands together, he stood up and rolled into the room.

This room is very small, and the furnishings are similar to those of a hotel. Even the sheets are uniform white.

The furniture hasn't changed much, but it's covered with dust inside and out, obviously it hasn't been lived in for a long time.

Moreover, due to the humid air in the coastal area, the sheets and walls in this place have begun to grow moldy and hairy. This kind of room has an indescribably gloomy feeling. Although the death scene can be seen at a glance, it still makes people worry that there is something weird Things would burst out from between the clumps of mold to attack humans.

I raised my gun and inspected the entire second floor, but found nothing.

So I turned around the moldy and slippery corridor and the stale-smelling walls, and came to the lobby on the first floor. Some blood splatters were found on the side of the reception desk.

I couldn't help squatting down.

These bloodstains were not completely brown, and even a little viscous.

"Fresh blood..." I wiped the wall with my hand, then sniffed it on my nose, "This is definitely fresh blood..."

I was a little nervous, but also a little excited, and watched carefully for a while while listening. In this dusty, moldy room, only the area around the front desk was cleaner, but there were bloodstains here.

I remember that Lin Wan was a very clean girl.

She is a researcher, and the researcher already has a special "feeling" for the word "hygiene".

Could it be really her?

I have no way to identify whether the bloodstain on the wall was left by Lin Wan, but at least I have a glimmer of hope.

But behind the hope, there is more worry. Lin Wan's physical condition must be getting worse at this moment, otherwise she wouldn't just stay here for a while and leave a lot of blood here.There are no traces of fighting here, only this splash of blood.

I gritted my teeth, stood up again, opened the door of the villa from the inside, and walked out.At this time, Yitian and Li Wentian were still guarding the exit of the villa like two guards.I stepped forward quickly and said, "There is someone."

Li Wentian turned around and stared at me, his gloomy eyes were rarely opened so wide, "You mean there are people in the room?"

"Anyway, I've been to someone before." I pondered for a moment, and suddenly felt that there were some things that I shouldn't have concealed too much. Now that I'm getting closer to that person, maybe it's meaningless to even conceal it. "Maybe Lin Wan."

"Lin Wan?!" Yi Tian reacted greatly.

"Yes, it may well be her."

"Hehe, I guessed it too." Li Wentian said, "It's not Zhang Chu's people who are wandering outside the base. The communication device may be detected by the base. Except for Lin Wan who meets the conditions, it seems that there is really no one else..."

", what is she going to do? I heard that she seems to be infected..."

"I want to find her." I said truthfully, "You should know that Lin Wan and I..."

Yitian stared at me dumbfounded, for a moment, then glanced at Li Wentian again, I waited for their rebuttal, who knew, Li Wentian spoke first, and said: "I will not do anything to Lin Wan, even if she is already infected, what should I do?" Deal with it, and leave it to the captain."

Yi Tian also nodded, and said: "Life is precious, so what is the higher price... I don't care if you choose to die for her," Yi Tian suddenly patted my shoulder with a playful smile.

I don't know why, but their words made my nose a little sore.

However, on the battlefield, showing too much emotion is not a good thing. I simply contacted the base again to distract myself. Mo Ge connected to my intercom immediately. Before I could speak, she said : "The signal came to the other direction of the fork in front of you, within an area on the right side of the central flower bed in the villa area. This time it went farther, but I judged it should be the same person's signal. I think he must have something The special purpose is probably just leading us by the nose and leading us around in circles, you'd better think carefully about whether you still want to keep up."

"I'm sure the person who sent the letter may be Lin Wan." I said.

"What did you say?"

"There is already some evidence that it is her." I said, "If Lin Wan wants to block the signal, it seems to be a very simple matter, doesn't it? Why did she deliberately let the signal be captured? It is for you and me to see, She believes in us, doesn't she?" I kept my voice low, and I deliberately accelerated my pace, trying to keep a distance from Yitian and Li Wentian, after all, it's not good for them to hear such a thing.

"You... it seems that you are determined to find her?" Mo Ge said after being silent for a while.

I sighed, and then said: "Since you let me out and said that to me, you should know that I never give up when I do things."

"Okay." Mo Ge said, "I did promise you, and I will definitely do what I promised you, but you have to be responsible for your actions, and at the same time, as the captain, you also have to be responsible for your teammates." Responsible."


Hearing these words, I couldn't help but stop, and stood there stunned, not caring that Li Wentian and Yitian had already caught up.

"I don't mean to restrict, persuade or stop you." Mo Ge said, "You can do your own thing, but I hope you can ensure the safety of your teammates. I don't want to see more people die, you guys There are only seven people in the special operations team, and now there are only six people left, and your nurse Li Jin is also in doubt. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." I gritted my teeth and said.

"Do it for yourself. If you need any help, please contact me as soon as possible." Mo Ge's tone was a little sad.

I didn't reply any more, put away the communication device, just stood there for a while, then took a deep breath, and continued to walk to the flower bed in the front center - no matter what, I had to find her first, since it was My own choice, now that I have made up my mind, I will do it anyway.

Two teammates followed me behind, Li Wentian is not a person who likes to whisper, but I seem to hear Yitian talking to him, and Li Wentian would occasionally reply with "hmmm".

I think they may feel a little strange about my state at this time.

I admit, I am not a qualified captain,

Seeing that the central flower bed is less than [-] meters away from us, a narrow and long street leads directly to the crooked rockery and a pool of stagnant water in the middle of the flower bed.

I quickened my pace.

However, at this moment, suddenly, I only heard a rumbling noise next to me, and when I looked sideways, I saw a burst of flames rushing towards me. .

The flames exploded behind me, my whole body was pushed out by the heat wave, I completely lost my balance, and fell heavily on the stone steps under the villa not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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