global variation

Chapter 152 follow me

Chapter 152 follow me

This fall, I only felt a heavy dizziness spreading from my head to my whole body. When I stood up with my palms on the ground, I felt a burning pain in my back, and what I saw with my eyes was the blood dripping down from my head. .

"Hidden! Hidden!"

Not far away, Yitian was yelling, I didn't even think about it, got up in embarrassment, ran a few steps, and almost fell into the alley next to me. When I fell into the alley, my body was covered by Li Wentian. Holding on, I proudly turned over and leaned against the mottled and uneven powder wall and brick wall, the sticky spring day permeated my whole body.

I raised my head and closed my eyes, took a deep breath, Li Wentian began to apply the blood coagulant on my head, and the alley outside was already full of gunshots.

Yi Tian directly took out his submachine gun to fight back, it seems that the other party is not an ordinary infected person.

Ordinary infected people are absolutely unable to breathe fire.

"A fire eater... is it a fire eater..." I have closed my eyes for a long time, trying to contain the dizziness spreading all over my body.

"Yes." Li Wentian said succinctly, "There are also in the sky."

"Damn..." I gritted my teeth.

"Cover me..." I said, "I just hit my head."

"Don't worry." Li Wentian's voice was still calm and cold.

After a while, gunshots sounded beside me.

I clenched my fist, pulled out the pistol with a trembling hand, and counted silently. I needed to rest, but this rest could not last long, otherwise it would only make my body weaker.

"three two……"

I counted the time for the fire-eater to attack. When the number "one" flashed in my mind, I turned over and rushed to the middle of the narrow street. The victim quickly burned and exploded, and suddenly thick smoke billowed, flames rose everywhere, and charred pieces of meat flew everywhere.This fire eater looks bigger than before, and the power of the explosion is also more powerful.

"Be careful to hit his back airbag." I turned around and shot another ordinary infected person who was rushing up from behind, and ordered loudly, "Wait until they are ready to attack!"

"Yes!" Yitian responded first, and rushed forward at the same time, standing behind me, leaning against me, guarding the entire alleyway one behind the other.

While scanning sideways, I saw that Li Wentian had already climbed up to the roof of the villa next to him like a lizard at an extremely fast speed. When he flew and landed on the roof, he had already fired two shots into the air, and the two circled The Winged Man who was about to dive and attack fell quickly, and the other one was obviously injured, but still kept spinning relentlessly. Yitian and I quickly raised our guns to prepare to support Li Wentian, but the Winged Man in the air was extremely fast, and its flight trajectory suddenly Changed, turned around and rushed straight towards us.

Seeing that guy was about to rush forward, suddenly, Li Wentian on the roof leaped out of the roof and landed straight on the back of the winged man. Li Wentian was thinner and walked lightly. The step did not make the winged man fall to the ground directly, but the winged man wanted to turn over and shake him off his back.

But Li Wentian didn't give the Winged Man any chance, the sword in his hand flashed, and the Winged Man's head flew down along with a streak of blood.

Winged Man's body convulsed, and he fell straight to the ground.

"Be careful!" I shouted, and Li Wentian also flew up at this moment, turned over in the air, focused on the lower edge of the window lattice of the villa next to him, kicked his feet, moved for a while, and landed firmly on the ground.

"What a skill!" Yi Tian exclaimed.

"Be careful..." Li Wentian said sinisterly.

He wasn't trying to scare people. As soon as he uttered the word "be careful", dozens of ordinary infected people surrounded him.

All these infected people were bleeding from seven orifices. They were obviously terminally ill and unconscious. They yelled "Kill" frantically and charged towards the three of us. And definitely kill each other.

"Come on, beasts!"

Yitian started shooting wildly again.

I used the explosive pistol to shoot at the crowd, while Li Wentian had already drawn out his sword and charged at the leading infected people, turning around and flying, the sticky and moist air became extremely bloody in the flash of the sword.

"Sure enough, there was an ambush, damn it, Lin Wan joined the church, right?!" Yi Tian raised his voice and shouted.

"Impossible!" I said loudly, "Don't worry about it so much, break through and kill!"

The number of infected people is gathering more and more, they obviously have been prepared for a long time, this is indeed their second ambush point, but we did not show up in the square, so this siege battle has become a street battle - although this has lost a lot of advantages for convenience , but we are only three of us after all, and we can't do a job well among dozens of infected people anyway. Seeing that the group of infected people is about to squeeze the three of us into a ball, suddenly, two gunshots came from nowhere There was a sound, and the center of the infected was instantly punched out, and then, a bomb flew towards the crowd.

"Lie down! Grenade!" I yelled, and threw myself backwards at random. Li Wentian and Yitian naturally didn't dare to neglect.

With a "poof", I just felt a surge of flesh and blood shoot up into the sky.

The grenade is not very powerful, it should be the ordinary grenade we use.

But such a grenade is enough to make the corpses of the infected people lie all over the place.

At the same time as the grenade blasted the infected group, I suddenly saw a figure rushing into the group of infected people from the side. Before I could react, the person had already held my hand, and I was about to stand up and fight back. , being pulled by her like this, the person almost fell down, so he had to move forward in the direction of her dragging, rushing out of the encirclement of the infected.

The dizziness from the fall just now has not completely dissipated, but the guy has turned around and rushed into the deep winding alley next to me, fleeing desperately between the cracks of several villas.

I don't know how long it took, I finally fell down because of the hesitation and doubt in my heart, and the person who was pulling me was obviously not as strong as me, and was almost pulled to the ground by me.

She managed to stabilize her figure, turned around and looked at me who fell, and said loudly: "Go, go! Get up! Are you okay?"

I gritted my teeth and finally saw that face clearly this time.

Lin Wan, really Lin Wan.

"'s you..." I could hardly believe my eyes.

At this moment, Lin Wan had fresh blood standing on her face, and her expression was unusually nervous and excited.

This appearance, coupled with her originally glamorous face, showed a special coquettish and strange feeling.

" led us here?" I struggled to get up.

"I'm saving you!" she exclaimed.

"Help me... are you leading us here to be attacked?" I was still puzzled in my heart.

"If you don't get attacked, how can you ask your teammates?! Come on, follow me! This is the last chance!" Lin Wan stared at me.

I finally stood up, stroked my forehead with one hand, and said, "No, I can't, I can't leave now."

"What are you waiting for?! The infected people here have all been attracted to your two teammates, now is the best chance!" Lin Wan said.

"No!" I yelled sharply, turned around, managed to calm down, and said, "No, I can't just leave like this, you wait for me, you wait for me!"

"I don't have time to wait for you... Please..." I was about to go back, but Lin Wan rushed up, hugged me tightly from behind, and said, "Please take me away, my time I'm afraid there are really not many left... Please..."

"Lin Wan..." I fell into endless conflicts.

Lin Wan's words of "there is not much time" almost brought the pain in my heart to the maximum.

Thinking of what Zhu Qing said to me, and thinking of Lin Wan's devotion to me, I was in a dilemma for a while—but at this moment, I had to make a choice, the final choice, the choice that determined my future destiny!
"Lin Wan, I..."

Just as I was about to speak, suddenly, there was a strange cry coming from far and near diagonally. From the side of my face, I saw a winged man, swiftly going up, and rushed towards me and Lin Wan mercilessly.

I wanted to raise my gun and shoot, but it was already too late. I wanted to push Lin Wan away, but the sharp claws of the Winged Man were already close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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