Chapter 153
I didn't expect the Winged Man's attack, and it was useless to try to do anything now. Lin Wan still grabbed my arms, and she seemed to be frightened, and forgot to let go.


A tearing pain came from my back, and I felt a warm liquid spurting from my back.

"Oh!" I leaned forward suddenly.

At this time, the winged man twisted suddenly in the air, and jumped to the sky on the other side of Lin Wan and me, turned around and flew down again. I raised my hand and raised my gun, trying to pull Lin Wan behind me, but behind me The wound on my face made it difficult for me to raise my arm to aim at the first time, but the opponent's speed was really too fast, menacing and extremely swift.

Before I could react, the winged man had already rushed towards Lin Wan's back. I hurriedly leaned forward, trying to protect Lin Wan with my injured back. I didn't come here to hurt people, but had a more terrifying "plan". I only felt a pair of sharp claws lifted on my shoulders, accompanied by more piercing numbness and pain. I felt my body being pulled up. Knowing that the situation was not good, she hurriedly pushed Lin Wan with all her strength, and Lin Wan fell backwards.

In just a few seconds, my whole body has been lifted into the air by the Yiren.

This bastard wants to throw me to death!

"Chu Tingsheng!" Lin Wan shouted on the ground, I looked down sideways, only to realize that I was already three or four floors above the ground before I knew it.

Above me, on the bloody and hideous face of the Winged Man, there was a disgusting smile, which seemed to be triumphant, a kind of ridicule, and more of an instinctive madness.


Although my shoulders were completely restrained, I could still move my hands. I tried my best to raise my arms, and the winged man was gliding with the wind, unable to resist for a while, and my hand had already held his forearm, which was only muscular but not crawling. , Then with the strength of his forearm, my whole body "stretched like a carp", lifted my feet, and kicked the beast's abdomen straight.That guy suffered from pain, and was pulled by me again, his body obviously began to fall.

He had to let go early, ready to throw me off.

But at this moment, the initiative was in my hands. I held on to his arm tightly, no matter how he shook it, I couldn't shake it off.

So, he began to sprint towards the sky frantically, trying to use his weird and swift flight to get rid of my entanglement.

I must not let him succeed, or he will surely die.

Relying on the special arm strength given by the concentrate, I grabbed the opponent's arm tightly. He turned his wrist and pushed his sharp claws into the muscles of my arm. I gritted my teeth, but refused to let go. Fortunately, human muscles eventually It has a certain degree of elasticity, especially for a person like me who has received special training for injecting concentrated liquid, so the opponent's phalanx will not be able to pierce my entire arm at one time, nor will it make me lose my strength and fall directly.

We were fighting in the air, entangled endlessly, and this winged man gradually began to lose his strength. I saw the right moment, raised my leg and kicked him in the lower abdomen again, and took advantage of the moment when the winged man twisted his body, and slammed his arm With one arm, while holding him firmly with one hand, he volleyed out the dagger at his waist and stabbed it horizontally towards the winged man's neck.The skin of infected people has an unimaginable toughness, but my arm strength is enough to cut off their heads at this moment, let alone stab their carotid arteries.

When the knife went down, the bright red blood was like a jet of water sprayed out of a fire hydrant. The winged man also let out a strange cry, and his whole body began to stiffen, as if gliding had become very reluctant.

Although these guys don't feel intense pain, their pain seems to be replaced by other senses, which will also cause some special damage to the body.

At this moment, the winged man had already started to lose his strength, and he was about to fall to the ground...

I've been waiting for this moment, as soon as he touches the ground, I can try to kill him immediately.

However, what I didn't expect was that this guy was so tenacious. Just when he was about to fall to the ground, his body suddenly vibrated vigorously, and he flew into the air by force.

I glanced diagonally downwards, Lin Wan was getting farther and farther away from me, and, unexpectedly, several infected people had surrounded Lin Wan.

In desperation, I frantically stabbed at the winged man's head, the splashed blood had blurred my eyes, I just felt that the whole world had already turned red, but at this time, the winged man's body was getting bigger and bigger. Flying high, he seems to have made up his mind to die with me.

However, his flight became more and more difficult.

Finally, his body stopped at high altitude, only for a moment, one of his wings suddenly cut down obliquely, all this was not aimed at me, but at himself, he actually used his sharp wing membrane, and It quickly cut off its own arm - cut off the arm that was tightly held by me.

At this moment, my body seemed to have been emptied, and I fell down weightlessly.

At a height of more than ten meters, such a fall, no matter how powerful the concentrated liquid I injected, it would be nothing but a puddle of flesh when it landed on the ground.I waved my arms fiercely, trying to grab everything I could grab at this moment. Miraculously, at this moment, I actually grabbed a water pipe that branched out of the wall of the villa, but grabbed the water pipe At the same time, the rusty water pipe suddenly bent downward because it could not bear the sudden weight.My body sank again, although this time, the sense of weightlessness seemed to have eased, but it was not enough to relieve my crisis, and certainly not enough to eliminate my anxiety and fear.

The side of the water pipe gradually began to break when I stayed in the air. I knew that I would fall again soon. Although there were only a few meters left, I would not just fall to my death, but I was turning my head. Looking at this, he was also extremely disappointed.

I didn't expect that Yiren to be so cunning, and just threw me into the alley that was besieged just now. At this moment, the corpses in the alley were "pile up like a mountain", and there were still many infected people looking up at me, as if Countless young birds are waiting for food to fall from the sky.

Yitian and Li Wentian have disappeared. I don't know if they got separated or have already died under the sharp claws and fangs of this group of infected people.

The wound on my back was torn apart as my arm continued to exert force. I couldn't help but started to shout loudly, but the voice was as hoarse as a throat that had swallowed coals of fire.

I started shooting aimlessly at the ground, trying to use the explosion to disperse the guys on the ground.

Who knows, those guys seem to be getting more courageous as they fight. If I kill a few infected people, more infected people will fill them up, endlessly.

I feel like I'm probably going to die in this damn place.

The water pipe above was bent more and more, and it was about to break completely.

The will to survive made me climb up instinctively, but during such a short climb, my hand touched the grenade hanging on my waist in a panic.

Yes!Don't I still have grenades? !In desperation, I actually ignored many things.

I took out the grenade and threw it towards the group of infected people below without thinking too much. In an instant, there were several muffled sounds on the ground.

God bless.

There seemed to be fallen grenades and unused bullets on the ground. When I exploded, it immediately had the effect of detonating. Layers of heat waves spread in all directions with strong impact, and I was naturally affected in mid-air , the water pipe that was about to break broke ahead of time under the impact of the explosion, but due to the willfulness of the iron sheet of the water pipe, I did not fall straight down, but together with the water pipe, when it bent to a certain After being broken to such an extent, it fell together with several pieces of broken iron sheets and fell to the ground.

I clenched my dagger tightly, waiting for the surviving infected to swarm up.

I didn't get up. At this time, I must remain calm.

However, as the time passed by every minute and every second, no enemy came forward at all. I couldn't help but feel puzzled. When I took a closer look, I found that there were scorched and smelly dead bodies everywhere, and there was no "complete person" there.

I was a little helpless - after all, I was the only one left here.

(End of this chapter)

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