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Chapter 155 Life and Death

Chapter 155 Life and Death
"Why is this..." Lin Wan seemed to be desperate, "For them, you have to abandon me? I never abandoned you! I have been helping you, and I can also give my life to you... Actually , Are you afraid? Are you afraid that you will not have a place to settle down in the future?! In fact, it must be like this, right?!"

She became more and more excited.

"I'm not afraid of that!" I stepped forward and said.

"Then why don't you come with me!" Lin Wan said sharply.

I don't know what to say to Lin Wan anymore, but I have been unable to agree to her request for a long time. I pulled her and wanted to take her away by force, but I didn't expect that she was very strong, and with a wave of her hand, I The body that was already staggering, fell out this time and hit the wall beside me. Lin Wan pointed the gun at my forehead, took a step forward, her expression became a little crazy, and said loudly: "Follow me!" Go, come with me!"

I know that people infected by the Ebola variant will become crazy, and Lin Wan is the same.

I tried to persuade her: "Lin Wan, don't be like this, go back with me, everything will be fine..."

"Shut up!" Lin Wan said loudly, "Do you think I won't be able to get the information I want if I kill you? If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago. I won't wait until now. How am I?"

"You're crazy." I said hoarsely.

"Yes, I'm crazy." Lin Wan said, "Since my father died, I no longer believe in the resistance organization. Since I found out that I was deceived by Zhang Jiating, I no longer believe in this world...Only you, you still It is my only hope in this world."

"Four years in college." I saw tears in Lin Wan's eyes, "I am very grateful to you, I know that you have been giving silently, from the moment I met you, you have been..."

"In that case, why don't you believe me..."

"I'm moved, I've even been tempted before, but I know who I am." Lin Wan said tremblingly, "I know that we shouldn't have any intersection...but...but I didn't expect all the misunderstandings What a mistake, it has come to this point today..."

"No matter how wrong it is." I was still persuading her, "There is always a chance to turn around."

"No...not anymore, not since I killed the first person." Lin Wan smiled coldly and said, "Everything will have retribution, and it's better to keep making mistakes than trying to make useless remedies."


"I once hid a blood bag behind the mirror where you live, you know that?" Lin Wan said suddenly.

Yes, I still remember that incident, but I never had a chance to ask Lin Wan after that.

"I... I remember."

"Do you know whose blood it is?"


"Do you know, when the Ebola virus breaks out and a person is entangled in a bloodthirsty heart, how painful it will be for her?" Lin Wan said with a miserable smile, " don't know, you will never know, You are so lucky, so lucky..."

" killed someone..."

"She was still a child, a vagrant begging on the street," Lin Wan said with a smile, "I sat down beside her, and she handed me half of the dirty bread in her hand. Hahaha... But I , where would I want any bread? All I wanted was bloodthirsty, do you understand?! Do you understand why I ran away from you? Because I stayed, only to see more and more blood, thirsty The desire for blood will only become stronger and stronger, I am afraid that I will be bad for you, Chu Tingsheng!"

" killed that child, the blood in that blood bag belonged to that waif, right?" My heart seemed to have fallen into an ice cellar.

"At that time, I didn't formulate any medicine to suppress the virus... You know, there is no medicine that can cure the mutation produced by Ebola, it can only be continuously suppressed. However, before I prepared that medicine, Zhang Jiating was already in the The murderer escaped in my room, and my room was already under the control of the police of that church... I had no choice but to escape, to be hunted down by the resistance organization, surrounded by the church... I had no choice but to let that bloodthirsty feeling Constantly torturing myself, I... I only have! I can only endure the pain... But, I can't bear it, do you understand? At that time, I couldn't bear it!"


I don't know what to say anymore.

"If you do something wrong, you will pay the price, Chu Tingsheng." Lin Wan said with a sad smile, "Until now, in my dreams, I can see the little girl's hand every day, the bloody hand, and the half A piece of bloody bread... huh..."

"Stop talking." I clenched my fists, as if every muscle in my body became stiff, and every wound hurt a hundred times more than before. "You leave the resistance organization and escape, so you can stop doing it." Have you had a nightmare? Can you feel at ease?"

"No." Lin Wan said, "but at least I can survive. With the information in my hand, I can continue to study. One day I will find a cure for Ebola virus. I can change everything. From now on, no one will be mutated by the virus, tortured by bloodthirsty, no one will die, no...cough..." She may have been too excited, her gun hand slipped, and she almost fell down. But she supported the wall with one hand and coughed loudly. As she coughed, blood sprayed out of her mouth continuously, splashing all over the mottled wall.

"Back to the base, you have the information to study, and you have..."

"I don't trust those bastards anymore." Lin Wan finally stopped coughing and said, "I'm already terminally ill, maybe time is running out, hehe, I won't go back, if you refuse to follow me Go... I, I will go by myself!" She straightened up, I held her, but she shook off my arm.

Her strength has really become quite large, and it doesn't even match her figure at all.

She walked a few steps towards the entrance of the alley, and there was the end of the coastal road. Along that road, you might be able to go all the way to the expressway leading to Zhanhai City.

However, with Lin Wan alone, how likely is she to survive?
I still wanted to stop her, but she was already desperate for me. I stepped forward again and again, but was pushed away by her again and again. Finally, she stopped suddenly, turned around, and put a small storage device similar to a U disk Hand it over to me and say, "Hold it... Even if I find a place to die quietly, you can take this and find someone who is willing to continue researching..."

"Lin Wan!"

"You go... I won't force you anymore." She stopped looking at me.

I can't keep up, even though I've already taken half a step, even though I have countless impulsive thoughts in my mind, I know I can't keep up.

Gunshots and shouts of fighting sounded not far behind—the people who resisted the organization have not died yet, maybe Li Wentian and Yitian are still alive, I have to go back.

I turn around.

I will eventually run counter to Lin Wan.

But at this moment, suddenly, there was a sound of sudden braking behind me.

I was stunned, and when I turned around suddenly, I saw a commercial vehicle had already appeared at the entrance of the alley. Before the smoke and dust cleared, the silver commercial vehicle window had been quickly knocked down, and the black muzzle of the gun was sticking out of the window.

"Lin Wan!"

Of course I know what those people are going to do, of course I know who they are, I turned around and ran towards Lin Wan, but Lin Wan was like a walking dead, didn't hear anything, and continued to move forward step by step, straight walked towards the car.

While running, everything in front of my eyes became more and more clear. That’s right, the people in the commercial vehicle are all recruits of the resistance organization. I can recognize them even just by looking at their outlines. And the guy holding the gun is not Zhang Ziyang, who is it? ? !
"Lin Wan get down!" I yelled while running.

But my arms and legs were hurt so badly.


A gunshot, blood splatter, how powerful is the gun of the rebel organization? !Lin Wan's whole body was lifted up and fell towards me.

"Ah!" I yelled forward, but fell to the ground.

Lin Wan's soaring body passed me by, with a ray of bright red, and fell behind me...

(End of this chapter)

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