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Chapter 156 End

Chapter 156 End
"I'll kill you!" I frantically drew out my pistol and pointed it at the commercial vehicle, but the vehicle turned sharply and drove in another direction. I fired two shots, but due to trembling arms, both shots On the ground behind the car, the cement and stones on the ground were shattered by missiles, and the windows of the commercial vehicle were also shaken to pieces.

I raised the gun and aimed again, but at this time, the commercial vehicle had stopped, the door opened, and someone flew out of the vehicle.

My gunpoint turned to the figure who got out of the car quickly, but who knew, the man raised his hands above his head and said loudly, "Tingsheng, it's me!"

Zhang Ziyang.

Of course I knew it was Zhang Ziyang.

I gritted my teeth and roared, "I...kill you!"

"I'm helping you!" He stepped forward step by step, never intending to take a weapon, and even put his hand over his head, "You should know, I'm helping you!"

"help me……"

"Besides, this is the task assigned by the superior." Zhang Ziyang said loudly, "In fact, the enemy has been eliminated, completely eliminated."


"Z City no longer needs any beheading operations." Zhang Ziyang said, "Those priests have already left Z City, or have been killed, this time you are sent here, in fact, to lure Lin Wan ..."


"Let's go back." Zhang Ziyang said with trembling voice, "Lin Wan killed so many of our comrades-in-arms, I... just shot her, no loss, right... right..."


Suddenly, I felt a scorching air passing by my feet.

Before Zhang Ziyang finished speaking, he screamed and fell to his knees.

He was shot in the leg.

I suddenly turned around, only to find that behind me, Lin Wan, whose left abdomen was almost bloody, got up again and crouched on the ground. It was Lin Wan who fired the shot just now.

The corner of her mouth was covered with blood from time to time, and her eyes were already blood red.

"Uh..." At this moment, a hoarse guttural sound came out of her mouth.

"Lin Wan?!"

On the other side, everyone in the commercial vehicle has already rushed out of the vehicle, outflanking us, they are here for Lin Wan...

Lin Wan turned around and fled into the alley, her speed was still so fast.I also followed quickly, but I couldn't catch up with the people who resisted the organization and Lin Wan who was several times faster than them.Gunshots rang out in front of me, and I saw Lin Wan's body staggering forward from a distance, but she never completely fell to the ground.

It's just torture...

I wanted to stop it, but I couldn't stop it at all. In a moment, Lin Wan turned around and launched a counterattack. A grenade flew from the front, and even I had to retreat in a hurry. The grenade exploded among several soldiers, waiting for me When he opened his eyes again, only three of the six or seven soldiers who got off the commercial vehicle could continue to stand up and run.

Several other people, naturally each of them was injured at this time, but they still kept walking.

The shot just now has completely angered Lin Wan, and perhaps at the same time angered the virus in Lin Wan's body, she has gone completely crazy.

Lin Wan did not choose to run away immediately after the bomb exploded, but turned around and started shooting. The targets of shooting were not only those members of the resistance organization, but also me, and she treated them without discrimination.

Explosive bombs continued to explode beside us, dust splashed and smoke filled the air. I could only cover my face with my hands and move forward a little bit. At this moment, the person in front of me who survived the explosion just now The soldier was hit in the head by a shot, and a stream of blood accompanied by stiffness and pieces of flesh slammed into my face, and his whole body fell in my direction, and another bullet hit the already His dead torso exploded in his chest cavity. Immediately, a bloody wind spread in front of me again. My body pushed out by the shock wave of the explosion was almost covered with blood and rotten flesh at this moment.

The blood and rotten flesh of my former comrades-in-arms.

And it was Lin Wan who caused all this, not others!

I couldn't stand still, and I was covered in wounds, but I still called Lin Wan's name loudly, and continued to move forward, towards the explosion and the hail of bullets.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the side alley, grabbed my shoulders, and dragged me into the cover of the alley.

"You don't want to die!"

A voice rang in my ear.

With a bloody face on my side, I saw Mo Ge.

Mo Ge, unexpectedly appearing at this time? !

Beside her, Yitian, Huang Qian, and Li Wentian were all among them, and gunshots were heard outside, even if there were only two of them, they still fought tenaciously with Lin Wan.

"She's gone crazy!" Mo Ge said.

" want to kill her..."

"If she doesn't kill, no one will kill her!" Mo Ge said sharply.

"You forced it!" I gritted my teeth.

"It was forced by the infected, it was forced by this world!" Mo Ge retorted.

"Why, it's like this!" I raised my face and looked at the sky, "Why didn't you tell me...all of you are lying to me..."

"I didn't lie to you, I thought about letting you take her away, otherwise I wouldn't take the risk to this point." Mo Ge said, "But, I can no longer understand what she has done, she is only for herself! Wake up Chu Tingsheng, Lin Wan is only for herself, in her eyes, you are nothing now!"

"I..." I opened my mouth, but couldn't make a sound at all.

Mo Ge took out his pistol and was about to leave the alley. I knew what she was going to do, but I grabbed her instinctively, "No, don't kill her, there is still salvation, there is still hope..."

"I can't let a crazy infected person with research data live in this world." Mo Ge said coldly, "If you want to hate, hate me!" After finishing speaking, she turned around and was about to leave the alley. However, Yitian held down his shoulders. Yitian shook his head heavily at me, and I had no strength to resist.

Just as Lin Wan was about to walk out of the alley, another figure limped and rushed past Lin Wan.

Zhang Ziyang.

At this moment, he is holding a sniper rifle, the kind of sniper rifle with the characteristics of the resistance organization. I have seen it several times. Although it may not be as powerful as Mo Ge's gun, it is definitely enough to kill ordinary infected people with one blow.


Before I could utter a complete sentence, Zhang Ziyang had already fired.


After one shot, Zhang Ziyang loaded the gun again, and it was another shot.

The second shot - the third shot - the fourth shot...

The gunshots seem to be more piercing than the last, more unacceptable to me, more frightening to me, and more despairing to the last—is this the final outcome? !Why is this the final outcome? !

After a few shots, everything seemed to suddenly return to a dead silence.

Zhang Ziyang limped back to the alley, but stopped, saluted Mo Ge, and said, "The target is cleared."


These four words, like four needles, pierced my body fiercely, pierced my heart fiercely.

"What do you mean? What is target clearing? What do you mean! Tell me what you mean! What do you mean!" I stood up, but fell down again. My comrades supported me, and I shook off their hands and moved forward. I fell down, I stretched out my hand to grab Zhang Ziyang, Zhang Ziyang kept backing away in fright, Mo Ge wanted to stop me, I swung two fists, but the fists were limp, and Mo Ge easily caught him.

"Do not impulse!"

"Get out!" I desperately pushed Mo Ge away, but I fell forward again, like a beaten dead dog, with my head hit the ground heavily.

Pain, dizziness, and finally I couldn't stand up.

"Tell is she..." I have long cherished that faint hope, wanting to go to the entrance of the alley to see, even if I climb it, I have to crawl there.

"Don't go there!" Mo Ge knelt down and grabbed my shoulders, "Don't look!"


My eyes went dark, as if I had been hit hard by something, my whole body sank like drowning, little by little, and kept falling into darkness. In that darkness, I saw the figure of Lin Wan , farther and farther away from me.

(End of this chapter)

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