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Chapter 157 Remaining life after catastrophe

Chapter 157 Remaining life after catastrophe
Someone told me that the moment when a person suddenly wakes up after a long period of lethargy is actually a state of amnesia.

I would rather this amnesia last longer, longer.

Too many people have died since the outbreak of infection.

One more death is nothing to many people.

But the death of some people, to me, is like a catastrophe.

The moment I got up, I was surrounded by white light, as if I had fallen into a polyhedron composed only of metal, and the bright colors in all directions made it impossible for me to open my eyes.

Unfortunately, my chaotic amnesia didn't last long.

At that last moment, the feeling of being extinguished hope slowly climbed into my heart when my consciousness gradually recovered.

I didn't care who was sitting or standing next to me, I started to cry with my head down, I have forgotten how long I haven't cried like this, even if I was tortured by the concentrated liquid, even when I was caught in the battlefield. Surrounded by a circle, I fell into endless despair, and I have never cried like this before.

It seemed that all the pent-up resentment in my heart over the years had been vented at this moment.

Suddenly, I felt someone hug me.

I don't care who it is, just like a child, lying in that person's arms, weeping unceasingly.

I don't know how long it took before I slowly raised my head, and with tears in my eyes, I actually saw her—I didn't expect it to be this person.

"Boy, have you had enough crying? Are you crying or taking advantage of me?" The woman's smile was a bit seductive.

I gritted my teeth: "Tu Shu...Tu Shu, could it be you..."

"You are seriously injured. As your first mentor and instructor, I have to come and see you, right?" Tu Shu said, "I just want to help you because you cry so much that your wound will be ruptured. Who knows?" You kid pounced on me, think of me as your mother, right?"

"You..." I gritted my teeth, "You still have the heart to make sarcastic remarks!"

"What's the matter?" Tu Shu spread her hands and said with a smile, "It seems that none of my sweethearts died. You are the one who is sad. Do you want me to cry with you too? I can't do it..."

"I kill you……"

"Try it." Tu Shu pouted and said.

"You..." trembling, grabbed the dagger on the metal table next to it.

My weapons seem to be on metal tables.

I realized that I was in my room.

I've returned to the Resistance base.

I raised my hand and put the knife on Tu Shu's abdomen, and said, "You, you...I hate all of you..."

"You are really a bitch, as the leader of the special operations team, you got up and cried in my arms first, then said you wanted to kill me, and now you say you hate me, how obsessed are you with me? " Tu Shu said with a smile.


She may speak in such a style, but such a style will only irritate me. I pushed the dagger in my hand forward fiercely, but she didn't dodge or dodge, and let me get halfway into it.

"Hmm..." Tu Shu waited for me and let out a low cry.

My hand stopped, and now the dagger only hurt her flesh, but if I push it a little further, it will hurt her internal organs. He would immediately bleed profusely, with internal organs all over the place.

I withdrew the knife, and her abdomen should have been slightly cut.

"Kill." She stared at me coldly.

I also looked at her coldly.

"For that infected person, kill all of us, you work hard." She stood up and covered the wound on her abdomen with one hand. The wound did not bleed much, but a small piece of her clothes had already been stained red.

"If I had the chance, I would." I said with a bow.

"You should think about what you should do in the future." Tu Shu said, "Don't be like a kid all day long. You are a soldier. You should know what a soldier should do. You don't need me to teach you."

I put the dagger aside, and there was still a trace of blood on the tip of the dagger.

"Mr. Zhang Chu, I decided to recommend you to be a garrison officer in the Fortress of Life." Tu Shu's tone became a little calmer, "But if he knows that you stabbed me with a knife, he probably won't let you go so easily... This matter is yours." Owe me, I will not tell anyone, understand?"

"I don't want to fight anymore..."

"It's up to you." Tu Shu said coldly, "The Fortress of Life is in Guangzhou, and Guangzhou is your hometown. If you don't want to see more people being massacred by infected people, you'd better deal with the problem rationally."

"By the way." She was about to leave, but when she came to the door, she suddenly turned around and said, "If you go to the Fortress of Life, your comrades-in-arms will go with you, and you can arrange positions for them. Now there are two people in the Fortress of Life. The sentry tower is empty, you can move in at any time, it is the main theater, no matter the advanced level of weapons and equipment, the completeness of living facilities and the strength of science and technology, it is stronger than here. I have already mentioned to your personal nurse Yes, she has agreed to go with you."

"Private care..."

"Zhu Qing." Tu Shu said lightly.

That's right, Zhu Qing—Lin Wan is already dead—thinking of this, I felt another sharp pain in my heart.

"Li Jin's hand was injured, and he needs to stay in the base for treatment for a long time." Tu Shu said, "In the future, Zhu Qing will take care of your diet and daily life, and of course your physical condition, and she will also monitor it She is one of Lin Wan's most proud students. Although she is not very old, her approach to research, experimentation and treatment should be the closest to Lin Wan's. She will take care of you, so you shouldn't be used to it... ..."

"say no more!"

I am afraid that anyone will mention the name "Lin Wan" again.

"Hehe, I have adjusted my mentality by myself." Tu Shu said with a smile, "Who doesn't have one or two people in life who miss you all the time but never see each other? Don't always think that the whole world owes you, in fact, God I have given you a lot, understand?"

"Then God, what did you give Lin Wan?"

"She used to be able to choose." Tu Shu said with a smile, "Everyone has a cowardly side. If you choose cowardice, you will choose lies, betrayal and escape. It's my fault, although she is not as lucky as you, she has turned around...I'm not talking sarcasticly, everyone crawled out of the dead on the battlefield, we have no reason to comfort ourselves."


I don't know how to refute.

"People are dying every day in this world. After the outbreak of the infection, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people will die every day on the entire land." Tu Shu said, "Why can't Lin Wan die when other people die? You and I can Die, why can't she die? I understand your sadness, but you also need to understand what kind of position you are in. "

"it is good……"

"What good?"

"Can I see Zhang Chu?" I asked.

"You can do whatever you want." Tu Shu said, "The infected people in Z City have basically been eliminated, and he has been very free recently. You can just divert his attention by going to see him, so that he won't be thinking about how to get along with other people all day long." The commander of the military region is intriguing!"

Tu Shu straightened up as much as she could, pulled her coat, and covered her wound. Yes, she was protecting me. In fact, maybe everyone was protecting me. When the storm came, I happened to be the one in the center of the storm surrounded by all the guardians. one.

I found that I was so useless.

Sometimes, protection and utilization are actually synonymous, but I have never understood the meaning.

Tu Shu left my room, I stood up, made some preparations, and went out to meet Zhang Chu with the high-level commander.

My injury is still healing quickly, but the missing piece in my heart seems to be irreplaceable.

At this moment, I believe that my eyes are very dim, and everything outside seems to have turned gray and black. Some people greet me, some people greet me, some people jokingly call me "the strongest recruit", and some people call me "Chu Captain", all of this made me realize that I was still alive.But at the same time, I also realized that my world has completely changed after all. From this moment on, Chu Tingsheng is no longer the original Chu Tingsheng.

(End of this chapter)

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