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Chapter 158 The Truth and the Plan

Chapter 158 The Truth and the Plan

When I came to the door of the command room, I just touched the verification screen lightly, and the door of the command room opened automatically, as if the other party already knew that I was going to pull here.

Zhang Chu is still sitting behind his desk. The glass that was broken by me last time has been repaired. He looked at me and said "Come" lightly, then lowered his head again, as if he was sorting out the files .

I stood where I was, trying to organize my language, but at this moment I really didn't know where to start.

But before I opened my mouth, Zhang Chu had already pushed the documents in his hand in front of me and said, “Do you know what these documents are about?”

I shook my head, a little confused, a little stunned.

"This is a letter of recommendation recommending you to be a garrison officer in the Fortress of Life, as well as your personal information, record, and genetic information." Zhang Chu said.

"This kind of thing is actually a paper document?" I talked about him from left to right, deliberately not getting to the point.

Zhang Chu stood up, put his hands behind his back, looked at me meaningfully, walked out from behind the desk slowly, and said: "Yes, in fact, sometimes, the more original something is, the less likely it is to be fake No matter how much electronic information is repeatedly encrypted, it can be tampered with by code intrusion, but if it is written on paper, in black and white, the situation is different."

"Hehe..." I smiled lightly and said, "Actually, there is probably nothing that cannot be tampered with here with you, right? You have great powers, so how could I not know?"

"No matter how powerful they are, they are just ordinary soldiers who guard the country and the citizens." Zhang Chu said.

I wanted to open my mouth to refute, but felt that it was meaningless, so I simply kept silent.

"You don't have to beat around the bush. You can just tell me what's good." Zhang Chu said.

I hooked the corner of my mouth and thought: It seems that Zhang Chu is not going to give me any chance to prepare. If so, then I will not be polite.

I asked straightforwardly, and said, "This beheading operation is a conspiracy, isn't it, a conspiracy against Lin Wan, isn't it?"

"Hehehe..." Zhang Chu also laughed, and there seemed to be something unspeakable in that laughter. He took a deep breath and suddenly said, "Actually, don't you think? In our base, there is always There is a particular kind of distrust."

" mean..."

"Veterans know that every order issued has its superficial meaning and inner meaning. The superficial meaning is very obvious and clear. It only needs to be executed by the soldiers, and the inner meaning will not be directly informed to everyone. However, everyone In the process of execution, there will be corresponding effects. This behavior and obedience are the bounden duty of soldiers. Veterans, even if they see through the inner meaning of the mission, they will never explain it clearly, and they will definitely execute it seriously, because they are very I know my own position, and I understand very well that the officers and soldiers are on the same front. It's just that the officers focus on the overall situation, and they will make trade-offs and sacrifices when dealing with certain situations. But in essence, the goals of both sides To feel pain is to win the battle, to end the war as quickly as possible in exchange for peace."

"Hmph, including your intrigue with other officers, too?" I asked coldly.

"I know that as the commander of the war zone, some of my subordinates are quite critical." Zhang Chu said coldly, "But I have a clear conscience, and I don't need to ask every soldier for instructions before giving an order. This is a military camp. What is democracy in the barracks! That will only make the combat efficiency lower. All of this, you'd better learn more from people like Shao Guangyi. Sometimes, being too smart and thinking too much is not a good thing! "

"Hehe, is that your answer?" I asked.

Zhang Chu was silent for several minutes, and there was a dead silence in the command room. This indescribable silence even made me a little embarrassed to stand where I was.

But in the end, Zhang Chu himself broke the silence, spoke again, and said: "Chu Tingsheng, you should know one thing, that is, I value you very much, and it is precisely because of this importance that I make an exception to you in many things .”

He suddenly sneered and said, "Have you ever thought about the consequences of participating in the instigation of the mutiny? Have you thought about the consequences of colluding with the base commander and attempting to release the fugitives without permission? You know... What are the consequences of shooting at a theater commander?"

I should have thought that Zhang Chu already knew my every move, and the cover-ups I did were just trying to cover up.

"About you, and about Mo Ge, the reason why I like it is not because of how powerful you are, nor because of how powerful the concentrated liquid you have injected." Zhang Chu said, "but because you have the tenacity to fight. Above, you can protect others, protect your comrades, and protect this city regardless of everything. I know that no matter what you do, you will at least not betray your guns, uniforms and badges! So many things, I You can turn a blind eye."

He paused, sighed a long time, and said, "However, sometimes I'm afraid that such connivance will lead you astray!"

Then, Zhang Chu changed the subject and said, "That's right, it's my intention to send those people to do their crimes and make meritorious deeds to follow you. I'm really worried that the mutiny will happen again, especially you guys, the elite among the recruits. On the other hand, you also You guessed it right, this mission is indeed not a beheading operation, but an ordinary clean-up operation. Before you left, we had already received a tip that the church's forces had gradually withdrawn from City Z and moved to Zhanhai City. , The direction of the Fortress of Life has moved, and in City Z, only the remnants of the infected exist."

"Yes... is it... Then, what are the three mission points you designated?"

"That was indeed the church's former stronghold, but the essence of this mission is not for you to clean up the church's stronghold. I'm just betting on myself and Lin Wan."

"You know that as long as I leave here, Lin Wan will definitely contact me, because I'm her only hope to survive." I gritted my teeth and said, "Right!"

Zhang Chu didn’t answer directly.

"Mo Ge also knows, Mo Ge is also lying to me!" I shouted sharply.

"She didn't lie to you." Zhang Chu said, "It's just that everything you have done is actually in my prediction."

"You also guessed that Mo Ge...will help me, and help me find Lin Wan!" I said tremblingly.

Zhang Chu didn’t say anything more, he turned around, went back to the desk, and said: “Since everything has become a fact, I don’t think I need to explain too much to you. I, Zhang Chu, have never killed someone who shouldn’t be killed People. What Lin Wan has done these years, how many people he has killed, and how many wrong things he has done, I believe that you understand better than me, and understand better than me. It's just that you are blinded by your own feelings. "


"I hope you can go to the Fortress of Life to practice hard." Zhang Chu said, "I believe you can become an excellent can refuse, you can even leave the resistance organization, I will give you the chance to choose now .”

"If I choose to leave, will you kill me?" I sneered.

"As I said, the lack of basic trust in the base is a common problem for you confused recruits." Zhang Chu said calmly, as if he didn't care about my offense, and said, "City Z will soon start rebuilding work, the school You may not be able to go back, but we can arrange a job for you. If you are not at ease, we can provide you with funds to let you leave here and fend for yourself. I will not kill you. I will not kill people for no reason. About There is no evidence for everything you did before, even if there is evidence, I have already destroyed the evidence, so I have no reason to kill can do it yourself."

I was still standing upright, with mixed feelings in my heart, but in the final analysis, at this time, I had already figured out what I wanted and what my junior high school was.

Putting all the grievances and grievances aside, I still have my own plans after all.

"Don't worry..." I smiled lightly, "I won't leave, and I will accept your recommendation to go to the Fortress of Life."

(End of this chapter)

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