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Chapter 159 Life Fortress, Sixth Outpost

Chapter 159 Life Fortress, Sixth Watchtower

Zhang Chu seemed a little surprised by my reaction, but he didn't say much. In the end, he just nodded lightly, looked at me for a while, and said, "If it's already decided, then go back and have a good rest."

I coughed dryly, and before leaving, I said, "Anyway, thank you Chief Zhang Chu for telling me the truth."

"No need." He lowered his head and started to do his own thing.

When I left the command room and walked towards my residence, I happened to meet Mo Ge head-on in the corridor on the third floor.

Mo Ge's slightly concerned eyes made me somewhat embarrassed.

I don't know when she changed her absolute indifference towards me.

"You woke up, how do you feel?" Mo Ge asked.

Perhaps it is a habit formed over time, although I can read the concern on her face, but it is difficult to find the slightest worry in her tone, her voice is still calm and cold.

"Fortunately, I just came back from the command room." I said.

"You went to the command room?" She seemed slightly startled.

"Yes." I nodded, "There are some things that should be clarified, otherwise, others will think I'm a fool and have been kept in the dark."

She frowned, suddenly turned her face to one side, sneered faintly, and said, "Aren't we fools?"

I froze for a moment, not knowing how to continue the topic, pondered for a moment, and said, "I...I'll go back and rest first."

Mo Ge nodded slightly. I turned around and walked towards the door. Unexpectedly, just as I arrived at the door, a low apology suddenly came from behind me.

"Sorry, I can't help you with anything."

I stood blankly in front of the door for a long time before turning around.

Mo Ge stood behind me, sideways with her head slightly lowered, and buried her face in the shadows. She looked like a child who made a mistake, feeling guilty and wronged.

I suddenly felt a special sadness.

She shouldn't have apologized, this matter is not her job, she can just ignore it.

I quickly said, "What are you apologizing for? This matter has nothing to do with you."

"I think I'm smart. If at that time, I can see through Zhang Chu's thoughts and be more careful..."

"Don't talk about it, when did you start to become a mother-in-law?" I said, "Everyone is dead, so it's useless to say anything now, isn't it?"

Mo Ge was still standing where she was. At this moment, I felt that her mood was very strange.According to her character, it shouldn't be like this, she shouldn't show weakness in front of me.

But it was precisely because of her sudden weakness that made me feel even more sad and even feel sorry for her.

I wanted to go forward to comfort her, but my raised hand froze in the air, and after a long time, I retracted it again.

I am a person who is often prone to sympathy and soft-heartedness, but at this time, I feel that this is where I fail the most.

This world may no longer need my meager sympathy. To save more people, what is more important may be the decision to kill on the battlefield, not this little girl's thoughts.

"Okay, I won't blame you." I sighed and said, "You are my boss, everything you do has your reason, you will help me, I am already flattered. What's more, here is On the battlefield, there is no immortal in the battlefield, right?" I remembered what Tu Shu said, I couldn't help holding back my expression, and added: "You and I may die unexpectedly one day, why can't Lin Wan die? She just It's just a step ahead of us. Aren't we going to see her sooner or later? I just don't know... When I saw her, I didn't recognize the bloody person. Haha..."

The moment I said those words, I felt like my heart was being torn apart.

It was a painful experience, and the sense of sadness was even worse than at that time.


Mo Ge looked up at me, serious as if she was a bit suspicious, but I deliberately smiled at her, then turned around and opened the door, and quickly entered the room.

I don't want to talk to her anymore, she reminds me too much about Lin Wan, and at this moment, I am at a loss for her rare sadness and guilt.

In the room, I started to pack all the things I could take away. In fact, I didn’t need to start packing everything so early. At this time, I just wanted to find something to do for myself to divert my attention.

I really want to go to the battlefield as soon as possible and fight to the death with those beasts.

Fortunately, the base didn't keep me waiting for too long. Maybe they also know the psychology of our special forces soldiers. People like us have a lot of thoughts once we are free, not to mention that we have already had a deep understanding of the base. There was a lot of dissatisfaction among the people.In just a few days, I heard Huang Qian and the others talk about Zheng Long's death more than once. They all agreed that this was a huge mistake made by the base. He was afraid, but he didn't consider the "time bombs" hidden in every corner of the city, which led to Zheng Long's death. However, the base has never responded to this.

I don't feel like discussing it.

After Lin Wan died, I felt that I had come to understand a truth more and more, that is, after many things have come to fruition, there is nothing to refute. Those feeble arguments will only make people think of us as a group of hysterical lunatics.

What we really need to do is not to fight for right or wrong, but to try to prevent such things from happening again.

But a week later, the approval document and letter of appointment of the Fortress of Life returned to the base. In the auditorium, I was awarded first-class combat merit, and at the same time served as the garrison commander of the sixth guard tower on the outer edge of the Fortress of Life.

Probably in the eyes of many people, my promotion speed is like riding a rocket. When I came to the stage to confer titles, I could clearly hear the whispers of the people in the auditorium.

I don't know, if they have the same experience as mine, and they also come to experience all kinds of life and death, and to try the burning and pain of the so-called "strongest concentrated solution", will they still have such jealousy towards me.

In the afternoon, all the members of the special operations team boarded the military vehicle to the Fortress of Life.

This time it was a real armored personnel carrier that came to pick us up. When it appeared outside the charge of the base, we, a group of little soldiers who had never seen the world, couldn't help being surprised.

Shao Guangyi, Tu Shu and Mo Ge were also with us to the Fortress of Life. Mo Ge took over the commander-in-chief of the outer defense line of the Fortress of Life, which means that she became my boss again, because the outer defense line of the Fortress of Life Including the fourth, fifth and sixth sentry towers, and Shao Guangyi and Tu Shu became Mo Ge's deputy and supervisors similar to political commissars respectively.

Such an arrangement made me smell a strong sense of warning.

The top has begun to divide Zhang Chu's power. Sure enough, everything he did before finally produced huge sequelae.

But, of course, I just smiled to myself at such things.

At this time, I was a little nervous-the Fortress of Life is a real big world for us. There are more and more complicated people in the offshore bases, and the infected people around Guangzhou are definitely more complicated than those in the offshore bases. Offshore bases are more terrifying and powerful, and the challenges we will face in the future are definitely several times or even dozens of times more dangerous than before.What's more, Lin Wan's revenge is still unrepented, that damned policeman, those crazy believers, and the secret in my body that they refuse to tell me so far, all of these are lingering in my heart, even It made me a little out of breath.

When the military vehicle drove into the suburbs of Guangzhou, the time displayed on the communication device was already past seven o'clock at night.

I seem to have seen the night sky in Guangzhou. I don’t know if the long-lost night sky is still similar to the original one. I don’t know if we can keep my hometown that I have been dreaming of with the strength of our group of recruits.

After thinking about it, the bumpy military vehicle finally stopped, the door on the side of the personnel carrier slowly dropped, and the slightly blinking lights came from outside.

The sixth sentry tower of the Fortress of Life, we have finally arrived...

(End of this chapter)

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