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Chapter 161 The Nightmare Eve

Chapter 161 The Nightmare Eve
I suddenly felt that there was another difficult guy in front of me.

I don't know if these soldiers are all used to fighting on the battlefield, their personalities will always go to two extremes, either they are not as extreme as Huang Qian, or they are not as extreme as Mo Ge.

But the girl in front of me looked more than just aloof, she moved and talked like a robot.

Coupled with her fair skin, regular facial features, and meticulous hair and clothing without any modification, my first reaction was—this guy is simply a newly produced inflatable doll.

"Hello..." I stepped forward, stretched out my hand and said, "I'm Chu Tingsheng."

The girl remained expressionless and said, "I don't shake hands with people, please forgive me for being capricious, Your Excellency Commander."

"Hey..." Behind me, Huang Qian said to Li Wentian, "Taijun Oda, this little girl is a couple with you?"

"Don't call me Taijun."

"I know there are Japanese among you." The girl said, "I don't like Japanese, but as a comrade in arms, I will treat them equally."

"You..." Li Wentian was obviously very dissatisfied.

"Okay, you don't need to introduce yourselves one by one." The girl walked slowly to Lin Qian and said, "I repeat again, the condoms sold in the box on the wall cost [-] cents a piece, if it is not urgent If so, I advise you not to waste things."

"Points? What do you mean?" I looked at the girl.

The girl forgot me and said, "Oh, I forgot, you came from the offshore base, which was in a wartime stage at that time, so all your expenses were distributed for free. However, the Life Fortress Cloud needs to maintain its operation for a long time, and it is impossible to give everything for free, but in the base, pure currency circulation is not convenient, so we changed it to a point system. The point system is applicable to the entire Life Fortress base, and your genetic account Hook, all the large and small vending machines here, as long as you want to buy something, you must deduct points through the communication device in your hand."

"How many points are there?" Lin Qian asked.

"The number of points is related to your position and meritorious service in wartime. The basic points are [-] per person, and [-] for the defense officer. In simple terms, the more you work, the more you get. Of course, you can also choose to use currency to buy points. As for currency How you earn money is not a matter of the base, but let me remind you that if you leave the camp without authorization during the period when the garrison order is issued, you will probably be severely punished."

As soon as this sentence came out, I felt waves of chills enveloping me from all directions.

Sure enough, when it comes to money, these people are like hungry wolves.

First of all, Huang Qian stepped forward, suddenly took my hand and said, "Brother, how about I drink with you tonight?"

"Hey, brother..." Yi Tian scratched his head and said, "It's been so long since I have been through life and death, if I have something urgent in the future, can you accommodate me?"

"Hmph, superficial." Li Wentian on the side turned his face to the side.

Mo Xiaojie seemed to ignore us at all, and continued: "Points can be transferred to each other, this is up to you, the method of transfer is through the terminal in your residence, but every time you transfer, there will be a corresponding record sent to the terminal." She paused and said, "Oh, I forgot to say, the concentrate I inject is different from yours, so to speak, this concentrate has developed a new area in my cerebral cortex, so don't doubt My memory, especially for numbers."

"Okay..." I thought to myself, "Sure enough, this person is difficult to deal with, and he is absolutely unreasonable."

Judging from the fact that she refused to shake my hand just now, it is enough to explain some problems.

"If you have any questions, you can contact me directly. My contact information has been automatically stored in your communication device. I am always on call." After she finished speaking, she turned around and left slowly.

"Tell me, has this kid grown up? Why does he look eleven or twelve years old?" Lin Qian said, looking at the girl's back.

"Aren't you 14 years old? Is it time to grow hair?" Yi Tian said brazenly.

"Okay." I stopped them from talking nonsense here, and said, "Let's go and see the situation of several sentry towers, and make a defense plan as soon as possible."

"Yes..." Those people were a little discouraged.

But at this time, I really don't want to waste any time.

Although the observation tower was a boring thing, they still maintained their enthusiasm. Along the way, they began to discuss the emergency source of the rebel organization, and began to gossip about such things as funding from overseas consortiums and domestic business tycoons making war fortunes.I don't bother to pay attention to them, but this point is indeed worth noting. If the rebel organization is not sponsored by the government, then it is very likely that Bensheng has a research and development company behind it to help. In this way, the concentrated solution may not only For military arm...

I couldn't help shaking my head slightly to clear my messy and complicated thoughts - I shouldn't have delved too much into all this.

When I climbed the sentry tower, the field of vision became extremely wide, and the cool breeze in the late spring night still had the lingering aftertaste of the cold spring, which made me shiver.

"This place is suitable for people with good eyesight and accurate marksmanship. Just find a few eagle eye concentrates." Huang Qian, who was standing next to me, said as I stood on the side of the telescope on the sentry tower.

I shook my head and said, "The field of vision here is wide. Even ordinary people can see everything outside with their naked eyes. There is no need to waste snipers with eagle-eyed abilities. I think it's better to take turns on duty."

"You are the officer, of course I listen to you." Huang Qian said with a smile.

I sighed.

In fact, I would rather not be this officer.

I looked at the situation of several other sentry towers. It can be said that these five sentry towers just formed a defensive posture, basically guarding any corner around the base, and at the same time supporting the interior of the base. More importantly, On one side of the sentry tower, there is a special weapon console and computer screen. The computer screen is not turned on at this time. I think coming here should be the key point of defense. I decided to ask the female soldier named Mo Xiaojie about it. everything.

All in all, the inspection of several sentry towers has gained a lot. This ghost place, aside from other things, is indeed very advanced. The recruits who are more than 100 meters away are obviously not enough. I believe that veterans will join the team soon. personnel for special training.

And my guess was confirmed the next day.

I didn't sleep well on the first night, not only because of all kinds of doubts and past events, which made me feel confused, but more importantly, the accommodation conditions here were much better than those in offshore bases. Become a little unaccustomed, a little homesick.The place where the garrison officers lived was the same as that of the soldiers, and each room had windows for ventilation. When I was insomnia, I opened the windows and looked up at the sky, only to hear men and women calling from the next door.

I couldn't help being a little surprised.

This is the first day here...

It seems that this life fortress really cannot be understood in a day or two...

Of course, there is one thing I can think clearly, that is, we are all confused, we all need to vent, and we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Naturally, some people will have fun in time, so as not to smile before they die.

Thinking of this, the depression arises spontaneously.

However, this kind of depression is actually nothing, because what I didn't expect was that in the next three months, I ushered in the most difficult devil-style training, but this training was just before the even more terrifying battle. A plate of appetizers.

Before summer came, after I had thoroughly prepared the defense of the base, I became an ordinary soldier. Unless there was an emergency around the base, otherwise, I would be thrown into the team of more than 100 recruits. Run, jump, get abused in every way, and spar with anyone on five training grounds.

I don't know how I got here in those few months, but I have to say that these few months made me more calm and resolute, and more importantly, I finally started to gradually seal everything about Lin Wan , momentarily diverted attention.

(End of this chapter)

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