global variation

Chapter 162 Devil Training

Chapter 162 Devil Training
Mo Ge told me that she had never seen a group of recruits injected with concentrates train for such a three-month period.

Perhaps, the higher-ups are really aware of the seriousness of the matter and are about to go to war with the church.

The training is divided into three stages. The first month is purely physical training. The training mode is very similar to general military training, but the intensity is so high that it is outrageous. Moreover, while we are training, we may receive training from people at any time. Attacking next to me to exercise my reaction ability, this approach is very similar to when Tu Shu trained me. In this month, we almost flattened the entire mountain road in the suburbs of Guangzhou, but the veterans seem to feel that this Everything is not enough, while giving us more weight, while facing us non-stop insults and beatings.

In just this month, due to the overload of training intensity, the frequency of rejection reactions of many recruits was several times higher than before, and every time Zhu Qing helped me do a physical examination, her face was full of solemnity, obviously my state Nor is it optimistic.

What's even more ridiculous is that in this first month, no less than a dozen men and women have pressed the door verification device of my room as a garrison officer.

They are willing to exchange points, that is, money in the base, or even their own bodies, in exchange for me to say a good word for them, so that they will suffer less.

But I could only refuse one by one. It’s not that I don’t want to take advantage of this, and I don’t have such great sentiments. It’s just that I can’t help them at all, and I even have more “special care” than them.

For example, once we were marching in the mountains, the veteran guiding us deliberately sent out wrong signals, so that I fell behind and walked into the mountains and forests alone in a daze.

I lost my way in the forest and had to find the exit by myself, so it was not a big deal. While I was looking for the exit, I was constantly attacked by throwing knives, cold arrows and explosive guns. It has been stained red with blood, of course, that is not a big harm to me.

Another time, the special operations team at our offshore base was also treated differently during a training mission. The veterans of the resistance organization deliberately led us into a depression in the mountains and led the team to fight us hand-to-hand.

You know, during the marching training, in order to prevent accidents, we are not equipped with heating weapons, but those veterans will not be polite to us, all the explosive guns and grenades greeted us, although they seem to be merciful to us, But Huang Qian, Lin Qian, and Yi Tian were all slightly injured, and because of a moment of anger, I fell over my shoulder and broke a veteran's spine.

Fortunately, the veteran did not die, and the base didn't have much reason to blame me.

As for the training in the second month, it became even more brutal. All the recruits, more than 130 people, went into the mountains in groups to perform various tasks. This was not just training, because there were many church remnants hidden in the mountains. That's right, it's a real life-and-death battle.

The first time we performed a mission, we encountered an unprecedented crisis. At that time, a total of 16 people were assigned to me to lead the team. When we arrived at the scheduled location for the mission, we found two corpses, and they were both fresh corpses of veterans.

After in-depth investigation, we found out that we actually just stepped on the top of an underground gathering place for infected people. After a fierce battle, although no one died, we all suffered injuries, especially those who did not fight with the members of the special operations team. Soldiers who have undergone long-term running-in lack of tacit understanding with us on the battlefield, and mistakes occur from time to time, resulting in injuries.

As for the other teams, it was even worse than ours.

At the end of the second mission month, the number of recruits at the base dropped sharply to about 100. Some died from the attacks of the infected, some died of rejection, and some chose to leave directly.

Fortress of Life doesn't care about the departure of those who are not "key training targets".

As for me, it was like being under house arrest, with people watching all the time and everywhere, and there was no possibility of leaving.

In the third month, I was finally pulled into the position of manager and started to supervise their training, but this kind of supervision was only a formal supervision. What they did, I was treated equally in essence. However, the third This period of training is equipped with courses in tactics and warfare, which has obviously reached a new level.

In fact, the rebel organization does have its own way of dealing with war, and it is an effective way. In City Z, I always thought that the strength of the rebel organization was limited to this, but when it came to the Fortress of Life, after this After training for a period of time, I suddenly felt that maybe I really underestimated this huge organization that had been in stalemate with the church for decades.

Three months, whether it is fast or slow, when it is completely nearing the end and we finally start to face the real enemy, I feel a little nervous.

During the one-week break after the training, I thought that everyone would start an unlimited carnival, but I was wrong. The three-month training has turned everyone into another person.

Lively people become restrained, reckless people become cautious, timid people become calm and calm...

As for me, I just feel that I am also starting to move closer to Mo Ge and the others, becoming more and more silent, calm, and even a little too calm. Many times, I don't want to talk at all, I just want to express myself clearly in the simplest and most direct way The meaning is just fine.

After that week of rest, I got my first tip.

I also finally know how the so-called intelligence reports of the rebel organization are transmitted.

The so-called intelligence report refers to the top-secret information of the external investigation of the resistance organization and the secret service personnel. In order to prevent leakage, such information is stored in a unified terminal. The terminal is controlled by the central security defense system of the Fortress of Life, and it also has a genetic account. A garrison officer of my level can only read, not modify, let alone reply to, even the informants in the garrison area where I am.

When I received this information, I couldn't help being slightly stunned. After thinking twice, I definitely called the personnel of the base, and at the same time notified several leaders of the outer defense line to hold a meeting.

Intelligence consists of two parts, which are accompanied by pictures.

The narrative part is very simple. It is nothing more than the strange death of soldiers at some defensive checkpoints in the urban area of ​​Guangzhou. The checkpoints have not been attacked by the infected in a large area, and there are no traces of the infected nearby.

What caught my attention were the photos of the scene.

The photos are very clear. All the soldiers at the checkpoint were dead. More than a dozen people fell on the outskirts of the checkpoint, in the accommodation area, and in the room. They all looked like they had been bombed to death, but there were no traces of fireworks at the scene.

"Could it be an implanted bomb?" In the meeting room, Shao Guangyi said, "For example, parasites explode inside the body."

"Unlike, if a parasite wants to choose a parasitic blast, I think it will often choose the head or the vital area, but the corpses of these soldiers, some of their hands were blown off, and some of their thighs were blown through... Even if they were blown apart The head is just a bloody face, or half of the head is lost, it doesn't look like a parasitic explosion." Mo Ge objected.

"Although I don't want to agree with Mo Ge's point of view, but... Rationally speaking, I also think that it is impossible to be a parasitic explosion. If it is a parasite, it will either directly destroy the internal organs without trauma, or it will be enough to blow up a person's head to pieces."

I stood for a long time under the big screen displaying those pictures, stared at them, and said, "Actually, I called everyone here to tell you that I have a new idea... These things are probably churches. research on a new type of weapon."

"What new weapon?"

I didn't answer directly, but said: "Do you still remember Zheng Long's death? I remember, I wrote in the combat log that Zheng Long was killed by an infected wild cat. Li Jin's The hand was also injured by the cat, and we encountered swarms of monsters attacking more than once in the shopping mall in City Z... If we say that the war in City Z was really just a sampling operation, then , they are likely to have put more effort into this research."

(End of this chapter)

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