global variation

Chapter 163 Probing

Chapter 163 Probing
"Have the resistance organizations identified the traces at the scene?" Mo Ge looked at me and asked, "Are there any animal-like remains at the scene?"

"No. I shook my head, and that's what I find weird, and that's what worries me," I answered truthfully. "What if they don't use cats?"

"Not a cat, you mean..."

"What I want to know more is." I gritted my teeth and said, "Apart from the soldiers' corpses, are there any other human remains at the scene."

"If it's really human." Obviously, Mo Ge and the others understood what I meant, and Shao Guangyi said first, "I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to detect it. Once the infected person dies, the body will turn into blood, even if it is skin, three to five days. It will also decompose automatically - the Ebola variant virus not only has the effect of killing people, but also has the effect of destroying corpses and eradicating traces..."

"How about this." Tu Shu interjected and said, "Let's send a group of people over there, bring equipment, and directly conduct trace identification on the scene, so that we should be able to find the difference."

"Well... If you don't have enough manpower, you can contact the Guangzhou government." Shao Guangyi also agreed, saying, "If it's just to identify the bloodstains, it may be enough to let the public security department send out people."

"No." Mo Ge shook his head. "Let's send people there ourselves. The Ebola mutation is so fast now. Even if the government has antibody technology, we can't guarantee that they won't be infected."

"You still think about them?" Tu Shu smiled.

Mo Ge didn't answer, but looked at me and said, "You arrange the staff."

I frowned. As for how many technicians are available at the base, after months of exploration, I actually know something about it, but I always feel that this matter is very dangerous. How to convince those people is a big problem .

After the brief meeting ended, Mo Ge caught up with me in the corridor outside the meeting room and asked, "I'll leave this matter to you. Do you have any difficulties?"

I smiled and said, "What difficulties can there be?"

"Don't you think there's nothing wrong with putting those people at risk?" she said.

I shook my head and said, "They're all soldiers."

I noticed that Mo Ge was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It's good that you don't have a burden in your heart."

I didn't say anything more, I just saluted Mo Ge, and then, I went back to my residence and started to make a list of people who are qualified for this task.After a series of arrangements, I selected seven people from among the base personnel to participate in this operation. The number of seven people will not affect the defense of the base, but it also makes me feel more at ease. More importantly, these seven people are not They are not ordinary technicians, at least among the soldiers in the base, their combat effectiveness can be regarded as high-level.

But I didn't rush to announce the action plan - I had to be cautious because I encountered too many betrayals and calculations in the offshore base.

I called those seven people into a conference room for a private meeting. While informing them of the seriousness of the problem, I said to those people: "Your mission this time is just to investigate and detect. In theory, there is not much life-threatening. Because the defenses around that place have begun to be re-armed, this is one of them, and on the other hand, the enemies there have basically been eliminated, this is an opportunity for you, after all, Chief Mo Ge and the others also attach great importance to it."

"Really?" The leader was a little excited, and the other team members were naturally eager to try. The person said, "Is it as simple as doing a survey? Just detect the blood or genetic information samples there?"

"Well, yes." I nodded and said, "We just need enough data to confirm the inference."

"Then if we succeed, will we be able to make meritorious service, earn points, and maybe even..."

"I can't say for sure." I replied, "I can only tell you that the higher authorities attach great importance to this matter, because the enemy attacked directly in the city of Guangzhou while evading the defense line of the Fortress of Life, and the impact was very bad."

Of course, not all those present were passionate youths. Although I tried to dispel their doubts by avoiding the serious and light, some people still said: "Can we really guarantee our safety? If we just die in such an inexplicable way, it seems It's not worth it, is it?"

"This is war." I replied coldly, "No mission is absolutely safe."

Then, I stood up, looked towards the window, and said, "I can't guarantee absolute safety, I can only guarantee that after you successfully complete this matter, there will be great benefits."

"You mean high cost performance? Low risk, high return." The leader was still very interested and excited.

I nodded slightly and said, "That's true."

The man looked at the other soldiers and said, "Hey, you guys, we are soldiers, so this kind of mission is duty-bound, right?"

I know that this guy actually agreed to do it because he thought it would be profitable without losing money, but I feel relieved that they have such an idea.

Among those guys, there were obviously some veterans, and they discussed a few words in a low voice in front of me, and finally everyone reluctantly agreed.

My heart was hanging, and then I relaxed a little. In fact, at this time, I was most worried about their refusal to agree and cause trouble. Instead, I was not worried about their safety.

But anyway, out of basic humanitarian considerations, I have established the most direct temporary contact network with them to ensure that I can give them immediate support in case of an accident.

I didn't intend to make them wait. The next morning, I used the base's troop carrier to send them to the predetermined location, while I sat in the control room of the sentry tower, staring at the screen quietly, waiting for their news.

Throughout the morning, except for a few words with Zhu Qing when I was taking medicine midway and during the routine inspection, I hardly spoke again. The coordinates on the monitoring screen moved forward slowly with the changes of the moving positions of those people. Okay, it seems to have been going very smoothly. After they arrived at the predetermined location, the information they sent back was also normal. At around [-]:[-] noon, the first batch of data began to be transmitted to the terminal at the sentry tower base. I immediately called to stay Several technicians at the base began to analyze.

Immediately afterwards, the second batch and the third batch, everything went very smoothly, and such smoothness seemed to make me feel a little uneasy.

However, in about two hours, all their tests were completed, and the soldier in the lead contacted the intercom terminal at the base.

"Mr. Chu... all data and on-site status reports have been sent back to the base terminal."

"Well, I see, there is nothing wrong with you, right?"

"No, everything is fine."

"Okay, come back as soon as possible, don't make troubles." I ordered.

"Okay... we..." He didn't finish speaking, but I heard someone whispering on the opposite side, as if they were talking to him, I couldn't help becoming alert, and asked, "What's wrong?"

After a while, the leading soldier spoke again and said, "Mr. Chu, something happened just now, and I want to ask you for instructions."

"What happened?" I frowned.

"There are a few displaced orphans nearby. They seem to have lost their way...or they may have fallen here because of the war." The man said, "They are asking the soldiers for help. Look..."

"Kid?" I froze for a moment.

"Well, they are very young, maybe less than five years old, it seems dangerous to stay in this place," said the man.

I pondered for a moment, finally gritted my teeth and said, "You guys come back and leave those children alone."

"What? Sir, but..."

"You are soldiers, it is the orphanage's business to take care of those orphans." I said, "Come back immediately, this is an order."

"We are……"

"I'll only give you half an hour." I said again.

Hanging up the intercom, I sat back in my seat and moved my eyes to the terminal screen again.

At this time, I was in a very complicated mood, probably because of this complicated mood, my expression at this time was also extremely cold, which directly caused the assassin Zhu Qing who was standing beside me to dare not say a word.

I stared at the terminal screen for a full 10 minutes, only to find that the coordinates of the soldiers who went to investigate the scene had hardly changed at all.

I was secretly suspicious and a little anxious.

"What's going on..." I picked up the intercom terminal again and started to practice those people, but there was still no reply.

(End of this chapter)

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