global variation

Chapter 164 Young Children

Chapter 164 Young Children
After several failed attempts, I became more and more uneasy. Looking back at the screen, the coordinates still hadn't changed.

"Damn, what's going on?" I whispered.

"Chu Tingsheng...sir, what happened?" At this moment, Zhu Qing asked with some trepidation.

I turned my face and said: "If there is no problem with the terminal, then there are probably only two reasons for this group of people to stay, either they want to disobey orders, or... something has happened."

"Ah... the terminal, is there really... really something wrong?"

"The chances are very small." I said, frowning deeply.

"I..." Zhu Qing lowered her head slightly and said, "Is there anything I can help with..."

"No." I shook my head. I understand Zhu Qing's psychology. However, she is only a researcher in bioengineering. As for the terminal system, she can only operate the basics, and it is impossible to help me.

If Li Jin were here, the situation might be much better.

"I am sorry……"

"You don't need to apologize." I didn't look at Zhu Qing, but still stared at the screen, with a slightly perfunctory tone.

After pondering for a moment, I used the sentry tower terminal in front of me to contact Mo Xiaojie who was still in my residence at the moment.

When the image of Mo Xiaojie was displayed on the screen, I found that this guy seemed to have just taken a shower, with a towel wrapped around his body and his hair hanging loose.

How dare she open the communication video to talk to me like this.

Of course, I didn't have time to think about other things at this time, so I said bluntly: "Mo Xiaojie, help me investigate the contact information of the nearest French resistance organization or government defender near the checkpoint on Tianhe West Road as quickly as possible. If you can negotiate, let them immediately send someone to the West Road checkpoint to see what happened there, if you can't negotiate, then give me the contact information."

"Oh, I see." The other party cut his hair and said without any further questions.

I felt uneasy in my heart, sat back to my original position, and still didn't say a word.

After a while, I suddenly felt that there were several people standing beside me. When I looked back, I realized that several researchers were holding documents in their hands, standing behind me with embarrassing faces, and even a little helpless.It turned out that my expression was probably too gloomy just now, and I didn't look sideways, and I didn't say a word, so they didn't dare to speak.

"what happened?"

"Data monitoring and on-site sample analysis have come out... Although, although we haven't got the physical samples yet, we can't be [-]% sure, but... we basically have some preliminary opinions..." The voice of the man was a little timid.

"How did it turn out?" I asked.

"The are indeed other human bloodstains there, and comparing the analysis conclusions directly given by the comprehensive site survey, those bloodstains should...should come from young children."


"It's just a preliminary judgment..." The researcher in front of me was obviously taken aback by my astonishment, and said in a low voice, "Liberty ahead has a set of analysis strategies, and the results of their analysis are teenagers between fourteen and fourteen. But after comparison and more precise calculations, we think it should be a young child... However, specifically, it is best to have a sample of the corpse. If we can get blood-stained dust and soil... I believe they will bring it back... ..."

"They..." I turned my face slowly, and glanced at the screen again, the coordinate light spots on the screen still did not move.

Thinking of the last message they gave me before they lost contact, and the last reply, I realized that they were definitely in danger.

A few minutes later, a dot of light flickered on one side of the terminal screen. I touched the dot lightly, and Mo Xiaojie's face appeared.At this time, she was fully dressed and sat upright opposite the screen.

"Have you contacted someone yet?" I asked eagerly.

Still expressionless, Mo Xiaojie took out two documents from under her hands and said, "The information comes from Deputy Political Commissar Liang of the Tianhe New District West Road Government Garrison. According to him, a rebel organization's personnel carrier was found near the checkpoint. The driver of the military vehicle and seven armed personnel died outside the vehicle. Three of them died in the garrison room of the checkpoint, and the other five died on the road. According to preliminary estimates, all of them were killed by bomb attacks, but no trace of explosion was found at the scene. , things are very strange..."

She put down the document, didn't seem to care about my blank expression on the screen, and continued to say in a tone without any emotion: "I have already printed out the intelligence document and made a copy. Do I need to file it?"

"No need..." I was a little impatient.

"No need? It seems that this is not a trivial matter. Are you sure you don't want to file for the record?" Are you moved?I became more impatient and even annoyed, but at this time I didn't want to tangle with her. More importantly, I knew that as a commander, yelling and getting angry would only make people feel that I lack confidence, so I tried my best Suppressing the fire, said: "If you think it is necessary, everything will be handled by you."

"Okay." She replied, "Then, I will send the identification level and file number of the document directly to your communication device in a while, please pay attention to check, and in addition, if you want to call up this document in the shortest time You can ask me directly for the paper archives of the documents, I remember."

"Understood." I had already stood up and was about to leave.

"One last question." She still completely ignored my expression and said, "Should I report such a big matter to Chief Mo Ge?"

"I told her myself." I answered briefly, and then turned off the video call.

This little girl's housekeeper and pedantic temperament really annoyed me, but there seemed to be nothing wrong with her.

I turned around and walked out the door, preparing to contact Mo Ge.

"Chu Tingsheng... Tingsheng, where are you going?" At this moment, Zhu Qing's calling came from behind.

I turned my face away and said, "What's the matter, what else is there?"

"where are you going……"

"Need to report to you?" I said lightly.

"No... that's not what I meant." Zhu Qing quickly shook her head and said, "What I mean is, it's time for the routine physical examination and medication in the afternoon, should..."

I didn't expect time to pass so fast.

But I don't have the heart to do these things.

So, I still responded with a cold tone and said, "I'll talk about it later."

"But... your recent situation is not very stable... I'm afraid..."

"Okay!" I interrupted her and said, "This is an order, you can choose to wait for me here, or leave."

After finishing speaking, I went out and started to contact Mo Ge. While contacting Mo Ge, I had strode back to my room, opened the cupboard, and prepared all the guns, grenades, and bulletproof vests on the bed. .

"What's the matter, Chu Tingsheng?" Mo Ge asked on the other side of the communication device.

"Everyone we sent out is dead," I said.

"What? What happened, was there an ambush?"

"It's not clear yet, but it may be similar to my estimation. The church has already released their new weapons in Guangzhou." I replied, "I am preparing to take people to the checkpoint on Tianhe West Road."

"You want to go there in person?" Mo Ge was a little surprised.

"Yes, please approve." I said.

"You are the first garrison officer of the sixth sentry tower, so you shouldn't go deep into the front line." Mo Ge said.

"No, no matter who I am, I have the most right to speak about the enemy's new weapons." I said, "Besides, I am also a soldier."

Mo Ge was silent for another moment. I took advantage of this gap to pass on the bulletproof vest, packed up the weapon with one hand, and fully armed myself.

"I know you want to avenge your friend and Lin Wan...but..." Mo Ge seemed to be still objecting.

"Is it okay not to mention the past?" When I heard Lin Wan's words, my heart still trembled, "I just hope to solve this matter with the least cost. Others take my place as commander, but to involve those who do not know the enemy's weapons will only lead to more sacrifices!"

(End of this chapter)

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